The Traitorous Prince

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Tbe Eve

The Brunhilt imperial army began to withdraw.

Thousands of troops waving black dragon flags slowly escaped outside the exterior of Eindelgrass, the royal capital.

Just before leaving Eindelgrass, the Dragon Knight Canis looked toward the inner castle and winked.

I'm coming to kill you later.

Shion understood it like this, but it did not seem to be the same for Huey.

"Oh my. He winked like a jerk, that cheesy wolf..."

Soon after, everyone completely withdrew, including the rear of the Brunhilt army.

Huey, who was looki ng at them without letting go of the tension until the end, shouted cheerfu lly.

"Oh~ Anyway! A lot of things happenedl! For now, it's a success!"

Huey stood up and stretched long, He could not even straighten his arms properly because he was still bound by his chains.

"...The Dragon Knight truly possesses incredible power.

Shion shook her head while estimating the damage she suffered today.

How many soldiers died today only for that one Dragon Knight alone?

He was literally a living disaster.

"No matter how short their life span is and how limited their fighting time is, I can't believe that such tremendous power can be used with a human body."

Wasn't this cheating?

Even if the war was not played on fair terms, it was inevitable that she felt unfair.

"Hey, it's a relief that they have a short life span and have limited time to fight! Just imagine!

Huey shook his head round and round. Shion looked at him with a displeased face.

"Imagine what?"

"If they had been able to break through the gates, destroy, slaughter, and make a fuss without any restrictions, they would have conquered the world long ago. Don't you think so?"

"...They're already on the verge of conquering everything."

"Well, that's true."

Looking around the devastated exterior, the shattered troops, and a pile of bodies, Huey laughed.

"Anyway! No matter how strong Silver Wolf Canis is, with this kind of 'output', he would have to rest for three days."

Three days.

Shion could not get a sense of whether the grace period was short or long.

"In three days, he can make a disaster like this again?"

It was really over then.

"So let's not worry about tonight and rest well~ Oh, I'm going to lie in bed for the first time in three years."

"Whew~ Prince Huey ran around after a long time and is so tired~!"

Huey muttered calmly and yawned loosely.

Shion's eyelashes trembled.

Why a re you so ca Im?

This country is about to collapse!

"You should take care of your troops, pick up supplies that can be used from the outer fortress, and do well on your own! I will go back to my room in the palace after a long time,"

"I'll be briefed as soon as I wake up tomorrow, so you do that, okay?'

With a grin, Huey ran away, poking Shion's side with his elbow tied to a chain.

"Let's do as well as before, partner!

As she saw Huey running toward the royal palace, Shion clenched her fist.


Even then, after saying that...

Shaking her head to shake off all her thoughts, Shion quickly ran down the wall.

As long as the commander-in-chief holding the military power was like that, she had to move properly.

Even if the national luck shook like a candle in front of the wind, she was the Commander of the Knights.

She kept thinking that she would be the last Commander of the Knights of the country.

* * *

Anyway, Brunhilt stepped down, and a quiet night came after a few weeks.

Shion was able to rest in a calm atmosphere after a very long time and organize the situation.

"Excuse me, Commander!"

That was until a royal guard suddenly came to her barracks.

Shion looked at the guard with a puzzled face.

"What's going on?"

"That's nothing much but..."

The hesitant guard reported with displeasure.

"At the palace... the third Prince... is making a fuss,"

"It seems that you are the only one who can stop him..."

Shion wiped her aching forehead with her hand.


After a while, when she arrived in front of the royal palace according to the guidance of the guard, she saw Huey crying in the corner of the royal palace garden.

"...What are you doing, Huey?"

"Oh, Shiooooon!"

Huey, who discovered the approaching Shion, was weeping with a runny nose.

"Listen to me, sniff, they kicked me out! Waaaahh!"

Shion had to listen to Huey's complaint with a soulless face.

Huey had tried to return to his room in the palace after a long time.

However, there was none of his belongings left in the royal palace, even in his room.

Huey was a traitor and had been officially executed, There was no reason to leave any traces of him in the royal palace.

He had no choice but to sleep in the guest room. Anyway, it was enough if he could rest in the royal palace.

However, as royal guards rushed in, the traitor was lifted up and pulled out, hearing that he could not be in the palace.

He then begged them to at least let him sleep in the hall of the royal palace, but the guards were merciless.

"You must not enter the palace at all!

"What? What are you doing? Hey! Do you know who I am?l Huh?l What if I tell you I'm the son of the one paying your salary! Do you understand?! Hey!

"In the name of His Majesty the King! Get out of here!

"What?! That damn old man! He won't let me sleep!"

Despite the guards' restraint, he twisted his body and laid on the floor, throwing a tantrum.

"No, I can't go out! This is my home! Waaaaaaaaahh!"

"This is no longer your home, you traitor!"

Eventually, Huey was kicked out by the guards.

After confessing what happened in the royal palace, Huey shouted loudly.

"Yes, of course, I did a little wrong three years ago, and it's true that I tried to kill my father! I admit it!"

"If you admit it, please, shut up. Please.

Shion had a tired face.

How did she become the person in charge of such a human being, her face, who cursed her own condition, was absolutely gloomy.

"But don't kids grow up causing trouble? Huh? The King removed his own son of the family register because of one minor fault when he was a little boy, and he won't even let him sleep! Since it's like this, I want to... Hmm?!"

Shion's patience eventually exceeded its limit. She completely covered Huey's whining mouth with a cloth.

Then, she dragged him down to the barracks, and she roughly threw him into the empty barracks.


Thrown onto the barracks' bed, Huey hit the back of his head on the edge of the bed and fainted.

And everything became peaceful.

Clap clap clap.

The guards, servants and maid ofthe royal palace all smiled happily and applauded In celebration of the resolution of the situation.

Shion shook her head and headed to her bedroom.

After a very long time, a quiet night without war came to Eindelgrass, the royal capital.

* * *

Huey was dreaming.

An endless field of flowers stretched in front of him.

The scent was so sweet that it was disgusting. He felt like his sense of smell was going to be paralyzed.

Huey blocked his nose and walked in the field. Why did they plant so many flowers? It was really a terrible place with a terrible smell.


This damn pollen, His nose and eyes hurt, Rubbing his teary eyes, Huey climbed the hill.

And then.

Among the flowers in full bloom, he saw her.

Huey took a breath.

Platinum blond hair long enough to touch the floor. Green eyes that looked like emerald.

Ivory skin and apricot lips.

How could she be so beautiful?

Weaving a corolla with her thin fingers, she noticed Huey's presence and raised her head.

And she smiled broadly.


Oh, that's it.

That bright, innocent smile.

With the corolla in her hand, she ran to Huey. Huey opened his arms wide to hug her.

'Luna I

Ahh. Luna. My Luna.

Lovely, one and only in this world, my sister-



However, Huey could not open his arms.

He looked down in confusion. His upper body was wrapped around in chains.

'Eh? What's this? Hurry up and untie it!'

Whining, he struggled to untie the chains, and a sharp voice came from somewhere suddenly.

"Stop and wake up, Huey.

'I don't want to! My sister is right in front of me! I don't want to wake up! I know it's a dream, but I want to sleep more!'

"Sigh... If you don't wake up right away..."

* * *



After being kicked by Shion, Huey fell down the bed.

"I'll push you.

"You already pushed me! Oh my, my back!"

Huey, who was in pain, jumped up.

"What are you doing? You have to wake the sleeping beauty up with a kiss!"

"Please censor your brain before spitting out nonsense,"

Shion, who was looking down with cold eyes, pointed with her chin out of the window.

"It's already noon. You slept really well."

The sun was already in the middle of the sky. The late winter sunshine was blazing.

"You would also be like this if you lie in bed after hanging on chains for about three years."

After pouting and grumbling, Huey quickly laid back on the bed, wriggling into the blanket.

"Okay, let's get some more sleep..."


Shion kicked Huey out of bed one more time without mercy.

"Ack! It hurts! Really!"

"Next time, I'll wake you up with my sword, not my foot.

Her words were scarier.

Huey quickly shut up and got up.

The place where he slept was a barracks for soldiers. There was a blanket on a cheap wooden bed, but it could not be so sweet for Huey.

"I slept well and woke up, so I want to wash my face after a long time."

Huey, who talked like that, looked up at Shion.

Shion did not hide her displeasure and asked back.

"So what?"

"As you can see, my arms are tied up like this."

"I ca n't release you.

"So can you wash my face instead? Shion?'

Huey laughed slyly.

Shion went outside expressionless and poured some water into a basin.

After that, she grabbed Huey's hair and plunged his head in it.

"Ack! Cough!"

Huey struggled with his face stuck in the water.

After a while, Shion pulled Huey's hair out of the basin.

"Is this much all right?"

"Is this washing someone's face? "The water- cough cough!

"...Is this much all right?"

"Of course! I think this is enough I It's very refreshing and nice! Now it's done! Stop it!

After a while, Huey's face, panting like a drained mouse, was wiped carelessly with Shion's towel.

Huey grumbled with a more refreshed face.

"I thought that my comfortable days at the royal palace would start again as soon as I was taken out of the prison, but hey. Do I have to live in such a shabby barracks?"

"You're a traitor, do you really expect to go back to the palace?"

Shion shot back.

"It's not just your bedroom in the royal palace. All the achievements you have made so far have also been erased. Your record in this country is a piece of trash that has rebelled and failed, nothing more, nothing less."

Huey's Iips twitched.

"That's too much, father... But I'm still his son..."

"The son who tried to kill his father.

"Hum! It's done. Who wants to go to the royal palace! It's so dirty there. I take it back!

Huey looked through the barracks with a loving gaze.

"This place is much more comfortable than my old room!"

'I'm sure it is. Compared to the prison you've been locked up in for three years, anywhere would be more comfortable...'

Shion, who thought only inside, brought a table.

"Let's stop chatting and start the briefing."

Soon after, a situation board was placed on the table containing a map of the battlefield and the situation of troops on both sides. Shion touched the map with her fingertips.

"The Brunhilt army that retreated set up a camp about 500 steps from the collapsed outer fortress.

"Huh, how many of them?"

"They are about 2,000 in total."

"How many are with Canis? I mean, the children in the same wolf armor as Canis."

They are thought to be about 30."


Huey, who was agonizing over it, pointed to the map on the friendly side.

"What about our side? I'm sure it's the worst.

"...Including all the soldiers outside the outer castle that have been recovered, and there are about 1,500 troops. 600 of them are wounded."

"Are you saying that there are about 900 troops who can fight? What's their status?"

Shion calmly explained, but in a thorny tone.

"The morale of the soldiers has been negatively affected by yesterday's suicide attack. If you use such an operation one more time, they won't withstand it and collapse."

"How many reserves do we have?"

"Because we continued to send troops to the outer front, we only have about a week's worth of troops left. We don't have enough other supplies."


"But we have a lot of weapons, arrows, and explosives, There are no soldiers to use them, and even that wouldnt work against that Dragon Knight.

Shion showed Huey a table with organized supplies.

"Additionally, the outer wall has been judged to be irrecoverable. We have reinforced the inner gates and walls in a hurry. If Canis rushes in like yesterday, they won't hold out for more than a second."

Huey was lost in thought.

Shion closed her mouth and looked at Huey quietly.

Although he was the human being she hated the most in the world, Huey had defeated those Brunhilt guys for years as the commander of the Northern Front,

Whi le hewas in charge ofthecommand, the North ern Front did notallowa single incursion.

She hated him as a human being, but as a commander, she was forced to trust him.

'He must have at least a few secret tricks to defeat them.'

Soon after, Huey smiled brightly and clapped his hands.

"Yes, there's no way to win!"


Shion's big eyes blinked foolishly.

"...What? What did you say?"

"There's no way to win."

"No, then, what should we do?"

"What do you mean? We have to surrender."


Shion asked again because she could not understand. Her voice was shaking a little.

"We have to surrender, There's no alternative."

Grinning, Huey pointed outside.

"Prepare the white flag."

"Hey, Huey? Now... You're joking, right?"

"Huh? Does it sound like a joke? No, it's not."

Looking at Huey's smiling face, Shion thought again.

Oh, as expected.

I should've killed that bastard 3 years ago...

"Raise the white flag I We surrender!"

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