Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Sil ver Wolf Canis
The Brunhilt Empire.
A land of snow, ice, and dragons located in the far north from the Eindel Kingdom.
Its founder was Krakelsus, the world's last dragon, and dragon blood flowed through the people of this country.
Because the dragon's blood was much diluted, they did not live much longer than regular humans, but their physical abilities were not comparable to those of humans in the South,
And among them, those with strong dragon blood had powers that far exceeded human standards.
Boom, bang-!
It was not so strange that the entire area was devastated at once with the sword of the Quarter-Dragon Canis, which had a quarter of his blood coming from the dragon.
"Yes, that's not weird. It's just ridiculous..."
"What are you muttering to yourself? Lie down!"
When Huey hid behind the collapsed remains of the castle wall, Shion grabbed his back and slid to the floor.
Immediately after, a shock wave flew in with an explosion. Stones and dust fell down shortly after.
It seemed like an explosive, but it was not. Huey lifted his pale face above the remains of the wall.
Clack, click.
Canis was walking from afar with an eerie rustling sound coming from the joints of his clinking armor. With a wolf-like smile around on his lips.
Yes, it was not an explosive. It would be better if it was one.
Canis just swung his great sword, And that alone was enough to smash everything.
This was the power of the Brunhilt Dragon Knights.
Among the monsters that could use the power of the dragon, only seven were selected, the strongest and worst knights of the Brunhilt Empire.
Huey shivered as he looked up at the barracks, which had been standing intact next to him a while ago, turned to dust.
"No, look at this... Can you not get mad at seeing something like this? Huh?"
"Shut up and lie down!"
Shion, who crushed Huey on the floor, shouted at the soldiers around her.
"What are you doing? Stop him!"
The soldiers who hesitated barely came to their senses.
They raised their spears, shouted and rushed to Canis.
And Canis replied:
With a loud shout, he swung his large sword the size of his height horizontally.
The overly-sized sword, nearly two meters long, made a terrible sound as it cut through the air.
As the sword passed, a storm followed.
The tiles on the street rose into the air at once, The nearby buildings collapsed, and in distant buildings, windows burst and roofs flew away.
Humans in this sword storm could not have been safe. The soldiers instantly turned into unrecognizable blood clots thrown onto the walls on all sides.
"Hahaha! Weak, so weak!"
Canis shouted cheerfully, and suddenly turned to Huey.
"Is this all, Eindel Kingdom? Is this really everything you've got?"
Huey glanced at Shion .
"Is it everything?1
Shion just ignored him. What was the point of answering?
"If this is really your power..."
Canis lowered his posture.
"Then, it should be destroyed!"
He placed his great sword on his back, pointed at the ground with his left hand, and bent his legs tightly.
Huey thought it looked like a pose before a wolf jumped on its prey.
When Canis' feet kicked the ground, a small crater appeared there.
At the next moment, Canis was right in front of Huey's nose. It literally happened in the blink of an eye.
"Take that-l"
The ground on which Canis1 toes stepped exploded a bit later, pouring soil and tiles upward.
With a smile still on his lips, Canis frankly slashed his sword from top to bottom.
In Huey's eyes, everything seemed slow for an instant. The sword's blade, which fell at a right angle, gently reflected the sunlight.
Huey opened his mouth slightly. Ah-
"This is dead.
Soon after, Shion received the attack.
She kicked Huey with her feet and pushed him away, and immediately raised her long sword up.
Canis' black sword and Shion's white long sword collided.
It felt like her arm would break because of the force on the sword.
Shion quickly loosened her strength from the sword and let Canis' sword strike down.
Canis' sword, which gnawed at Shion's long sword with red sparks, slammed into the ground as it was.
Cracks spread around the sword embedded in the ground that collapsed after, unable to withstand the shock.
This wide plaza that came out after passing through the outer castle gate of the royal capital was called the 'Entrance of Glory'.
It was famous for its cross-shaped road wide enough for six carriages to pass at the same time, and for the statues of the kings built one by one on all sides.
It was a place that symbolized the prosperity of the Eindel Kingdom, where everyone who visited the capital was impressed.
It all crumbled down horribly.
The statues of the previous kings made of marble were smashed on the floor, and the road that had been well polished was buried in a pile of dirt.
The Eindel Kingdom wasfalling.
Amidst the crumbling buildings and the falling fragments of the fortress walls, Huey opened his mouth foolishly. And next to him, one of the statues of the kings tilted! And fell down.
The head of the smashed statue rolled next to Huey's knees.
Huey looked down at the head for a while, and laughed.
"This is why I'm going to tell them not to build a statue of me later.
"Who's going to build one of you?"
Shion, who approached before he knew it, shot back. Looking up, Huey laughed.
"Oh my, Sir Shion. Are you okay? You don't look so good, do you?'
"I'm perfectly fine, so don't interfere."
Shion was of course not fine at all.
Her right hand, which forcibly received Canis' sword attack, was torn and covered with blood, and her fingers holding the sword were twitching, Her legs were staggering, and her neat uniform was covered with dirt.
In particular, the condition of her long sword in her hand was spectacular, Canis' sword had gnawed it down without mercy, and so its sharp edge had mostly disappeared and was cracked like a spider web.
Nosebleeds dripped down from Shion's nose.
Shion calmly wiped it off with the back of her hand, Huey groaned, annoyed.
"You don't look fine at all. Aren't you bluffing for nothing?"
"Don't whine. My head is ringing."
Shion shot back and looked at the other side of the plaza.
Canis was gently standing on the statue of a fallen king, h is large sword leisurely placed on his shoulder.
Shion bit her lips gently.
She had no sensation in her right hand. Her ears were ringing as if they had been swept away by the explosion.
Only once.
She had withstood his attack only once, but she already looked like this.
"Whoa. You're a pretty good knight. There are only a few people in our Empire who can withstand that attack. Knights in Eindel can do it too?'
Canis grinned and whistled. Shion snorted.
"Brunhilt must be a weakling den, then? I can't believe they can't withstand that much,"
She was bluffing, but she knew well.
She could never win.
Compared to ordinary soldiers, Eindel's knights were strong enough to be called superhumans. But that was only true inside Eindel.
'This is a real monster.'
The level was different.
The difference between a knight and a regular soldier was the same as the one between that monster and her.
How many knights of the Kingdom would have to attack to catch that silver wolf? 10 people?
20 people? 30 people?
No, rather, was there even a number that would succeed?
What was certain was that Shion was alone here now.
Shion forcibly gripped her sword with her twitching fingers, and whispered to Huey.
"Run away, idiot. Run!"
Shion raised her sword forward and yelled at Huey.
"The fa II of the outer fortress was predictable, anyway. Run away to the inner wall, There is a line of defense built there."
"Eh... Then Shion, what about you?'
"I'll buy you some time."
Canis began to advance toward them again.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
It may be an illusion, but it felt like the ground shook with each step.
In Shion's eyes, Canis no longer looked like a human being. He was rather something close to a disaster.
'Yes, an avalanche might be right.'
Shion swallowed her dry saliva.
Her legs were shaking. Her instinct was shouting to turn back and run right away.
However, Sh ion final ly took a step forward.
"Hurry up and go. You're good at running away, aren't you?"
Spilling harsh words at Huey, she moved forward.
"Hehe, of course! Should I be happy to hear compliments from you after a long time~?"
Huey, who was giggling, squinted.
"Are you going to die for me, Commander? I'm moved to tears, but you're not that type of person, are you?"
"It's not for you."
Shion answered coldly and clenched her sword.
"It's for this country.
It was a hopeless situation anyway. At this rate, the Eindel Kingdom would come to an end.
As a trump card to overcome this situation, she even brought this damn prince out of that abyss dungeon.
"I hate it to death, but you're the last joker of the country anyway."
If so, she had to keep him alive.
Even if she had to give up her life.
"...Save Eindel, please. Traitorous Prince."
Leaving a simple will, Shion kicked the ground.
"Hahaha! That's a good posture! I like it, Eindel's knight!"
Canis smiled furiously and rushed to her position.
Huey, who was looking at Shion's back with a subtle expression, turned back.
"Then let's do as you say, Shion! Get well! I'm running away first!"
Huey, who shouted cheekily, ran away.
Without looking back, he ran toward the inner city.
Shion had no time to feel anything. Canis rushed in front of her.
Shion clenched her bloody teeth and swung her sword forward.
She was not afraid of dying.
Rather, this sense of helplessness and the situation where there was no chance of winning were terrifying.
* * *
"Oh my, indeed! They're really prepared here.
Huey, who ran and approached the inner castle, exclaimed.
Cannons and boiling oil were prepared on the wall of the fortress, which was reinforced with barriers. He could see soldiers running and checking weapons.
They would be able to resist a siege there.
It was only a matter of how long they could last.
Huey's bright red eyes, lost in thought, flashed brilliantly.
* * *
Two knights clashed over the collapsed street.
"Wooraa I
Canis' sword cut through the air with a terrifying momentum and tore up the ground.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
As if he was going to destroy all the other things that were still intact.
Canis' sword roared violently and devastated the area.
Shion did not attack head-on. No, she could not do that in the first place.
Instead, she got closer to Canis, avoiding all the attacks within a hair.
It was a quick and accurate movement. Shion remained calm even though her body would betorn apart ifshetookonlyhalfa step inthe wrong direction.
Despite death just around the corner, her cold blue eyes were unshakable.
Before she knew it, Shion was right in front of Canis' nose, It was close enough to feel each other's breath.
Surprised, Canis opened his eyes wide.
To allow an enemy to come at this distance was a mistake unlike him.
Immediately after, Canis realized. No, it was not his mistake.
His opponent's skills were outstanding!
'If I can just reach him!'
Shion breathed in, Canis was already within her reach.
She could do it!
Her sword swung horizontally like lightning.
"Oh my, dangerous!"
However, Canis avoided the attack by tilting his back with his beastly movements. Shion's long sword crossed the tip of his nose.
Her blue eyes opened wide.
'He avoided this?!'
And Canis hitthe sword up in that precarious position.
Shion managed to lift the sword and avoid the attack, but it seemed to shake her intestines in shock.
Blood came up from her mouth, as she fell back.
'Don't delay. One more time!'
Shion told herself this, kicked her legs again and approached Canis.
"You can't do it twice!
Canis swung his great sword much rougher and stronger than before. Shion did not want to approach it at all.
But she did nevertheless.
She knew well that this path was not meant to escape from death, but to jump toward death.
Boom! Booom!
The pouring sword attacks scratched her white cheek. Her armor slightly brushed against the sword was smashed and fell apart.
However, she managed to avoid all the attacks that could have been enough to stop her.
Shion, who found and entered a gap a while ago, pushed her body closer this time. Their armors collided and made a thumping sound.
"Haha... really.
A really pleasant smile appeared on Canis' lips.
How long had it been since he met someone like this?
"You're pretty good, Eindel's knight!
Canis shouted and swung his sword horizontally.
However, like Canis a moment ago, Shion lightly leaned back to avoid the attack.
At that moment, Canis also had a cold sweat.
The guard in front was empty!
Shion's eyes flashed with will. He could not avoid it this time!
Shion's long sword flew toward Canis' neck like a beam of light.
Then, Canis grabbed the sword with one hand wrapped in a gauntlet.
It was an incredibly light movement, just as catching a flying ball.
Shion's eyes opened wide.
"That was close!"
Laughing savagely, Canis gave strength to his hand.
Shion's long sword, which had already been cracked, was shattered as it was.
Pieces of blade scattered in the air and glistened. She looked at the fragments of her beloved sword falling like fallen leaves with a devastated expression.
Damn, with a step forward...
"I'll acknowledge it, Eindel's knight."
Canis, who waved his hand to shake off the fragments of the sword, lifted his leg and said.
"You're the first to have pushed me this far since the beginning of this war."
He kicked Shion's stomach with excitement.
Shion vomited blood and fell down.
After flying about 10 meters, she rolled on the floor and was trapped in the remains of a collapsed building.
Thud. Thud.
In front of her, Canis walked leisurely.
Like a wolf trying to finish its hunt.
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