Chapter 17 - 3.3
Chapter 17: Chapter 3.3
How to use a three-billion-yen family treasure
"Not here, either..."
"Nope, guess not. Let's move on."
Feeling a little dejected, Saikawa and I left the sit-down restaurant we'd been searching and headed for the next location.
At the moment, we were walking around the ship on a search. Instead of Siesta's legacy, we were looking for Natsunagi herself.
"Dammit. So cheating isn't gonna cut it, huh?"
"I'm using my left eye, so I really don't think we could have missed anything, but..."
"'re right." My fingernails bit into my palms. If the pain stimulated my brain, so much the better.
I was thinking about the message on that bookmark. The criminal had demanded that we give them Siesta's legacy if we wanted to save Natsunagi's life.
But we had no idea what that legacy was. The previous day, Charlie had told us only that something along those lines apparently existed, and we didn't yet know what it was, specifically. Charlie also hadn't known...and I doubted the criminal did, either. That was why they'd taken Natsunagi hostage and was trying to make us find it for them.
That said, we'd learned one thing from this situation.
"The criminal behind this is definitely a member of SPES, correct?" Saikawa asked.
"If they're asking for the ace detective's legacy, that's plenty of circumstantial evidence."
The day before, when I was talking with Charlie, she'd mentioned the possibility that SPES might be after Siesta's legacy. After this kidnapping incident, I was sure of it.
SPES was afraid of the seed Siesta had sown here, and they'd concealed themselves on this cruise ship to nip it in the bud. However, they hadn't been able to find the actual object. Since we were also on board and connected to the affair, the enemy had lost patience and tried to shake us up.
"Unfortunately, we don't have a clue what it is, either..."
So instead of searching for Siesta's legacy, we'd switched to looking for Natsunagi instead. We went around every public facility in the ship, trying to locate her. We even used Saikawa's left eye to search the cabins and other places we couldn't just walk into.
"This is the next one, isn't it?"
Our next stop was a big theater. They were going to perform a musical there that evening, and at this hour of the afternoon, a rehearsal was underway. Technically, no one was allowed inside, but we managed to use Saikawa's authority to get in anyway.
"Well? See anything?"
From her position in the very last row of the theater, Saikawa scanned the whole place. Her left eye could see through the eye patch, beneath the floor, and beyond the doors; it saw everything. If the criminal or Natsunagi happened to be in this theater, Saikawa would be able to find them instantly.
And the result was—
"Nothing. Natsunagi isn't here." "...Okay."
If Saikawa said so, then that was that. There were still a lot of rooms we hadn't searched, though. We had to act fast, before something happened that we couldn't fix.
"Saikawa, let's go. We're running out of time."
"...Um, Kimizuka. Could you calm down a little, please?"
"We can't afford to relax. We have to find Natsunagi fast, or else—" "Kimizuka!" As I tried to turn on my heel, Saikawa grabbed my right arm.
"Kimizuka, that look in your eyes is scaring me." She was gazing at me.
For the first time, I realized there was such a thing as a gentle wry smile. "I'm always like this," I retorted.
"That's a lie. You're normally much kinder. Lies don't work on me." Saikawa said, releasing me. "Besides, I'm sorry. Using my left eye takes... quite a bit out of me."
"...It does? Sorry about that."
That hadn't even occurred to me. If that was the case, I'd probably been pushing her a bit too hard. I closed my eyes and massaged the center of my brow, trying to reduce my anxiety.
"It's all right; calm down. Your hands squeeze. Your shoulders roll. Your breathing is rhythmic. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, then exhale. Your blood circulates. When you open your eyes, your cloudy vision will be clear."
"What was that about?"
"It's like my magic charm. I use it to calm myself down before concerts, when I'm so nervous, I worry my heart will explode. Why don't we sit down for a minute?"
I agreed to Saikawa's suggestion, and we lowered ourselves into seats in the empty house. On the stage, they were running a rehearsal for The Phantom of the Opera.
"I'm sorry I'm causing so much trouble. Pathetic, huh?" I muttered. I wasn't living up to my role as the older one here.
"Pathetic? Did you mean you, Kimizuka?"
"Well, I am, aren't I? When I heard Natsunagi was gone, I completely lost it...and then I started working you like a dog. I didn't even think about how it might affect you physically."
If Siesta had been alive, she would have let me have it. Assistant fail. She
probably would have fired me on the spot. I'd never be able to face her. "Heh-heh. You do say some funny things, Kimizuka."
"...I'm pretty sure I'm not brave enough to crack jokes in a situation like this."
But Saikawa was giggling, her petite body rocking with genuine amusement. "Kimizuka, you're acting so apologetic for not meeting other people's expectations, but—"
She broke off for a moment, drew a deep breath, and then:
"—I wasn't expecting all that much from you in the first place!" She pointed at me, looking triumphant.
"...Did you just roast me?"
That didn't seem right. I'd thought Saikawa and I had a pretty good, trusting relationship.
"Oh, honestly! That's not what I meant." Saikawa turned her palms up and shook her head dramatically. "That's the trouble with you, Kimizuka. You don't understand anything."
She really is making fun of me, isn't she?
"Listen, when I said 'I wasn't expecting all that much from you,' I meant it in a good way."
"Do you think you can get away with insulting people as long as you 'meant it in a good way'?"
Hey, answer my question. Ugh, middle schoolers.
"I was the same way, you see."
"...The same?" I remembered my conversation with Natsunagi the day before.
"Like you, I couldn't live on my own, either."
"I couldn't live on my own." When I heard those words, something clicked in my mind.
"For me, it was my parents, and for you, it was Siesta. We both had people we couldn't afford to lose, no matter what."
And then we did.
"Once I lost the North Star of my life, I began to obsess over past promises...and then I very nearly did something I could never take back."
Past promises; irredeemable mistakes.
I couldn't ignore how this was connected to me. If I'd been in her shoes,
there was no telling what I would have done. That was how important Siesta had been to me.
"But then I got a big shock. The one who saved me was you, someone who should've been like me...and Nagisa."
"I see. So that's why you..."
"Yes. You and Nagisa, who were as incomplete as I was, tried to save me. You put yourselves in my place and encouraged me to move forward. That was why I was able to take your hands so easily."
This was what had been going through her mind in her dressing room, after the attack at the concert—when she'd made the choice to put down her gun and take our hands instead. I really didn't know anything... I was an incomplete person, and a disappointment besides.
Apparently, my papier-maché facade hadn't worked on Saikawa's left eye. "I am really sorry, but I don't expect any more than I have to from you,
Kimizuka. So please don't be any more considerate of me than you have to be. After all, that's the sort of friendship we have, isn't it?"
Gently, Saikawa removed the patch from her left eye. In that blue, there were no calculations, sympathy, or deceit—no impurities at all. The color was endlessly deep and clear.
"Yeah, that's fine. It's best that way."
Inwardly, I sent a compliment to Siesta, two years ago.
The idol from Japón you had your eye on is here with us right now to protect your last wish.
"But if you're the ace detective's assistant, Kimizuka, then perhaps I wouldn't mind being your assistant instead."
"The assistant of the assistant of the ace detective?"
"Yes, that's right. Like a matryoshka doll or something." Saikawa giggled as she spoke. "I don't know if I can ever be your right arm, but I believe I can be your left eye, at least."
It was a reassuring promise.
Even in a tunnel with no lights, I bet I'd be able to walk confidently, I thought.
After that, we resumed our search of the ship, until we'd been through every room.
"...We didn't find her, did we?"
The sun had set, and it wouldn't be long until the appointed hour. In the end, we had no results to show for our efforts.
"But, Kimizuka..." "Right."
The lack of results was the result.
That led us to just one answer.
From here on out, no deductions or diplomacy would be necessary. "It's all-out war, you bastard."
Light in the midst of hope (despair)
When eight PM came and I went out on deck, all I saw was an expanse of black sky and black sea. Right now, except for me, there wasn't a soul around...or so it seemed.
Our opponent was the one who'd set the time and place, so they were bound to show. Actually, they might already be here.
I strained my eyes in the darkness.
I didn't know where they were lurking. Even with Saikawa's eye, we probably wouldn't have been able to find them. After all, our opponent had a certain ability.
During my conversation with Charlie, optical camouflage had briefly come up. Even Saikawa's left eye hadn't been able to locate the enemy. In that case, it had to mean they were using that sort of technique, a skill that would make them impossible to see.
And during those three years, I'd already met this guy.
"Enough messing around. Just get out here already—Chameleon." I glared at the invisible enemy.
You're going to give back Nagisa Natsunagi.
"Ha-ha. Now there's a fine greeting." Suddenly, a voice spoke from thin air. "I'm the one who's been waiting for you, you know. I see no one's taught you any manners since we last met."
He appeared at the very edge of the deck, with the black ocean behind him.
For a moment, the air warped and twisted, and then a human silhouette faded into view.
The lights illuminated a slim, silver-haired man with Asian features. Like Bat, he had a tentacle-like appendage, this one sprouting from his mouth.
This was Chameleon, Natsunagi's kidnapper.
His long tongue and his ability to blend in with the scenery around him and
disappear really suited his code name.
I'd fought this guy once before, during my three-year adventure.
Back then, he hadn't shown himself at all, only hinted at his presence with his voice. This was the first time I'd actually seen him.
"As this is our first reunion in quite some time, I would love to exchange some witty repartee,'ve kept me waiting a very long while, you see. Let's cut to the chase, shall we?"
As Chameleon spoke, a vague figure materialized in the coils of his tongue. "Natsunagi!" I tried to run to her, but the tentacle-like tongue tightened its
grip and raised her high into the air. "Careful. Stay where you are." "Ghk..."
The grotesque tongue, which looked as if it might be thirty meters long, carried Natsunagi over the side of the ship, holding her above the ocean.
Natsunagi seemed to be semiconscious; her eyes were closed, and she moaned as if she was in pain.
"Just hang on. I'll save you." I reached toward the holster at my waist. "Ha-ha. Perhaps you should calm down a little."
"Shut up and get that nasty thing back in your mouth. You're not a goddamn golden retriever. At least they're cute when they do it."
Hell, you shouldn't even be intelligible with it sticking out like that.
As my irritation grew, I drew my handgun and released the safety.
"Oh-ho. You've grown quite spirited. Before, you were merely that 'ace detective's' shadow..."
"Are you trying to give me flashbacks or something? Who wanted to get down to business, again?"
...I was seething, and I needed to cool off. "What are you after?" I asked.
Of course, I had to rescue Natsunagi fast...but I had another job to do, too. I needed to stall for time.
Right now, the ship's passengers were escaping into the ocean in the
lifeboats, under Saikawa's direction. This maneuver hinged on her charisma as the owner of the ship and as a top idol. However, it was going to take time to evacuate everyone. That was the ultimate mission I'd been assigned: Protect Natsunagi and buy enough time to evacuate all the passengers.
"I believe I've already informed you of my objective. Several times. Hand over the ace detective's legacy, if you would. Then, and only then, will I return this girl to you. No need for deadly toys," Chameleon sneered, his eyes on the gun in my right hand.
As we'd thought, Chameleon's goal—or his objective as a member of SPES—was the legacy Siesta had supposedly left on this ship. It had to be a trump card that could bring SPES down.
"I really wish I could, but unfortunately, we don't have any idea what the legacy is, either."
"Hmm. So that's your approach, is it? ...Well, I did give you free rein all day and saw nothing to the contrary. I had hoped until just a moment ago that you would find it somehow. What a pity."
So this whole time, Chameleon had been watching us from his undetectable camouflage against the scenery nearby? In that case, he had to know we wouldn't be able to trade Natsunagi's life for Siesta's legacy.
"There you have it. So can you just give her back?" I lowered my pistol, attempting to negotiate.
"I see. You do say such amusing things. Nonetheless, that would be no transaction at all. You need to offer something that will be worth my while."
"Worth your while? Well, let's see. How about this? If you release Natsunagi here and now, I won't fill your ass full of lead, and you'll be able to run back home to your mommy, safe and sound."
"...Ha-ha. You've certainly grown cheeky, haven't you?" Chameleon's bearing was as infernally polite as ever, but his eyes were clearly annoyed, and his gaze bored into me. "You seem to misunderstand your position. You do not have the advantage in these negotiations."
Chameleon's tongue squeezed Natsunagi, hard. "Ngh...ghk...!"
"Natsunagi!" "Kimi...zuka...?"
In the coils of Chameleon's tongue, Natsunagi opened her eyes. She looked around, and it didn't take her long to understand her situation. But she still
"...Ah-ha-ha. It looks like I blew it. I'm sorry," she murmured softly. If her smile was going to be so sad, I didn't want to see it.
"You didn't find the ace detective's legacy. Therefore, the first condition for exchange has been rendered invalid. We are in agreement there." Ignoring our exchange, Chameleon made a new proposal. "In that case, I offer you a choice between the life of this girl and the lives of the passengers and crew who are still on the ship."
So he'd figured it out? He knew I was buying time and that we were still evacuating the passengers from the ship. Everything. But then why...?
"What's the point of killing the passengers? What's 'worth your while' about that?"
"Ha-ha. Firing my own words back at me? In this case, the lives of the passengers and crew are rather incidental."
"Yes. My primary objective is merely to sink this ship. After all, the detective's legacy is sleeping somewhere here," Chameleon said. "If we are unable to locate it, we can still ensure no one ever will. If we cannot obtain it, we have only to destroy it. It's extremely simple."
"...So you're saying you'll just kill the passengers while you sink the boat?"
"Yes. It's no more than an attendant result of achieving my objective."
When I heard that, my grip tightened on the gun again. But I still had things to ask him, so I gritted my teeth and hung on.
"Then what about Natsunagi?! What does killing her get you?!"
It was the life of a single girl. For a terrorist organization that had even created pseudohumans like this guy, there was no point in going after—
"That is also simple: This girl has the blood of the ace detective in her." "...!"
My mind reeled.
Had I been right? Was it true?
SPES's main target wasn't me or Saikawa—it was Natsunagi. Not only that, but they were only after her because she had Siesta's heart...
"Don't worry. I won't kill her so easily."
"You won't kill her...easily?" That didn't make me feel any better at all.
"Yes. After all, she holds that ace detective's heart. Human experimentation, I suppose you could call it. From the tips of her toes to each individual strand of her hair—it is worth examining her in detail, don't you think?"
Chameleon's eyes narrowed in a sly grin, and the tip of his grotesque tongue crawled over Natsunagi's cheek.
"—No!" Natsunagi arched backward, but the long, snakelike tongue wouldn't let her go.
I could see the agony on her face, above the dark ocean, in the grip of the tongue that stretched over the ship's side.
"Let her go, you bastard!"
This time, I really did turn the gun on Chameleon. All I had to do was pull the trigger, and I'd put a bullet right between his eyes.
"As I said, you should calm yourself a little. If you do, this girl will plunge headfirst into the ocean. It's night. You'll have no way to save her."
Yeah, I know. You don't have to tell me.
And yet my impulses wouldn't stop trying to overrule my rational brain. I held down my right hand with my shaking left hand—otherwise, it might just pull the trigger on its own.
"Now then, make your choice, if you would. Will you save this girl's life, or the lives of the many passengers on this ship? Those are your only options."
The choices he presented me with were the ugliest ones in the world. If I rescued Natsunagi, so many other lives would be lost.
If I saved them, Natsunagi would be experimented on, then killed.
There's no way I can make that choice.
But unless I did, both worst-case scenarios were bound to become reality at once... Plus, I knew these guys. No matter which one I chose, there was no guarantee that they'd keep their end of the bargain. That was how it had been during Saikawa's incident. That was the kind of group SPES was.
Then, right from the start, my choices were— "Kimizuka."
Suddenly, a voice called to me. "Shoot me."
Even in the darkness, her expression was as dignified as a solitary white
flower blooming proudly on the brink of a cliff. "What are you talking about, Natsunagi?"
In the coils of the tongue, Natsunagi could only take shallow breaths, but still, she kept her gaze fixed on me, trying to make sure I knew what she thought.
"It's easy, isn't it? Think of the greater good. Or, what, have you lost your basic math skills?"
"...Since when were you so utilitarian? That's not like you."
"Really? Maybe not. Still, under these circumstances, what we need isn't my passion, but the ace detective's logic."
"You're an ace detective, too, remember?" "No, I'm not. I'm nobody. I'm just a fake." "That's not—!"
"Kimizuka." Natsunagi said my name again. "When you said I didn't have to be anybody's replacement—it made me happy. Thank you." She actually seemed to be smiling faintly.
If I shot Natsunagi now, the enemy would lose his hostage. After that, he'd probably try to sink this ship, passengers and all, but I'd keep him from doing that, even if it killed me. As long as he wasn't holding Natsunagi hostage, I could fire at will. Even if I couldn't hope for total victory, I might be able to manage half a victory and take him out with me.
That meant she was right.
Natsunagi's decision that I should shoot her was unassailably correct. It was the right call.
In that case. What I needed to do was— "Kimizuka."
Natsunagi called my name, one more time. "Shoot."
In that moment...a long-ago memory flickered through my mind.
It was the image of a white-haired girl, facing a vicious enemy all alone without telling me.
She'd never hesitated to sacrifice herself. It hadn't scared her. She was the sort of person who mistook self-sacrifice for the right choice. That's why,
back then, I'd completely ripped her a new one. Even now, I had a vivid memory of her face. I'd never seen her look so stunned before.
As I remembered that scene...I thought, Yeah, it's the same.
Right now, Natsunagi was exactly like she had been. And so I was sure, right now...
In that moment, when I heard what Natsunagi said, I decided on the choice I should make.
"—I don't care if it's the right call."
I could see Natsunagi's eyes widen slightly.
"Did you say you were nobody?" I took a step toward her.
Naturally, Chameleon was wary, and he made a move as if he was initiating some sort of attack—but a moment sooner, I'd aimed my gun right between his eyes.
"...Yes. All I can do is copy how some other person lived. I'm just a fake.
I'm nobody."
"Is that right? Then you should be glad." I took one more step toward Natsunagi. "If you're nobody yet, that means you can become anybody you want."
If you don't know how to fly, let someone teach you how to beat your wings.
If you don't know how to live, just walk beside someone.
You spent almost eighteen years lying in bed. Running the hundred-meter dash will be way more exhilarating for you than it is for most people. This world has so much for you to enjoy and discover. From now on, you can be anybody.
"That's why I'm doing this."
I pointed the muzzle of my gun at Natsunagi.
"...My, my, we can't have that. I intend to take this girl back to our hideout and enlist her cooperation with our experiments, you know. I can't have her getting killed yet."
With a fake-looking smile on his face, Chameleon said his sickening nonsense.
But this guy had made a huge miscalculation. Not that he had any way of
On that pitch-black night, she'd made a promise to me. "Nagisa Natsunagi can't die before I do."
Sorry, but that was the deal.
I took aim and shot clear through the tongue Chameleon had wrapped around Natsunagi.
Chameleon gave a snarling roar, and the tongue was sliced cleanly in two in a spray of blood.
Natsunagi plunged toward the dark ocean—but... "Nagisaaaa!"
...just before she hit the black water, a small boat with a mat in it slid under her.
"Apologies for the delay!"
Yes, Saikawa. That blue eye still shone in the darkness, and it was definitely worth three billion yen.
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