Chapter 465: Chapter 465: Raizel's Death!
Chapter 465: Chapter 465: Raizel's Death!
Aengus' eyes narrowed as he observed the Originator's essence reconstructing itself, reversing time as if death was never a possibility for such a being.
"He's still not dead?"
"Impossible!" Raizel muttered, his voice laced with disbelief.
A disdainful "Hmph!" escaped the Originator's lips.
That single snort alone crushed Gaia and Historia into a formless mush. Their divine bodies were torn apart, yet they did not die—trapped instead in an agonizing state of eternal suffering.
The pain was unlike anything they had ever endured. A suffering so pure, so absolute, that their very existence trembled under its weight.
Raizel clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms as he watched his companions in their miserable state.
The Originator, basking in their despair, let out a deep chuckle. His one glowing eye fixated on Aengus and Raizel with pure condescension.
"Nice try," he mocked, stepping forward, his very presence distorting the blank domain. "Did you really think you could defeat me so easily? And that too, in my own space?"
His laughter echoed across the endless nothingness, shaking the very root of Blank Domain.
The next moment, Aengus's body was destroyed once again.
As for Raizel, the Absolute Power of Voice had no effect on him.
As such, the Originator moved to crush him with physical force.
His massive palm landed on top of Raizel, wanting to crush him once and for all.
Just then, Aengus reappeared once again, blocking the attack with his own body to ensure Raizel's safety.
Raizel was a card that he didn't want to lose at this moment.
"How should we defeat it, Aengus?" Raizel asked from behind, feeling grateful for the save.
Aengus, feeling the impact on his arms and entire body, replied,
"Cast your Antimagic Domain once again Raizel. I don't believe he cannot be killed."
Raizel gritted his teeth, nodding. "Alright…"
His Antimagic Domain expanded once more, a formless black aura swallowing all mystical forces in the surrounding space. The very essence of magic, law, and divine authority vanished wherever his power touched.
The Originator's one eye flickered, his massive palm still pressing down on Aengus.
"Pointless," he sneered. "You already tried this trick once, and yet, here I stand."
"Then, we will have try harder next!"
Aengus' muscles surged, repelling the Originator backward.
Before the Originator could invoke another Absolute Power, a stronger Antimagic field was created, surrounding him.
Aengus took this chance and attacked the Originator with Aegis once again.
The Originator was once again destroyed, turning into particles.
"Let's see whose patience lasts longer, Originator," Aengus declared coldly.
From there, a repetitive cycle of battle began.
One moment, Aengus was dead. The next, it was the Originator.
In the midst of their clash, Raizel was saved countless times by Aengus in near-death moments.
After hundreds of confrontations, a problem arose.
Raizel ran out of his unique energy. He couldn't regenerate infinite energy like the Creation Gods, after all.
As such, Raizel, who had been an impeccable ally until now, fell.
He was erased completely, after a final goodbye.
"Farewell, My friend Aengus!"
Aengus stood helpless as Raizel's body disintegrated into nothingness with a deep sorrow within his heart.
Raizel was not just an ally. He had been a potential true friend whose life had been incredibly difficult.
As an anomaly with access to Antimagic and unusual characteristics, he had been deemed a devil from birth by his own parents. He was called a cursed child, abandoned by his family, left alone in his darkest moments.
There was one person who had loved him, but she too was lost in an accident, never to be revived again.
He had grown stronger than anyone else in his universe, but he had no family, no loved ones—until he met Gaia and Historia. They becam his friends.
But now, they too were on the brink of death.
In the end, he never found any peace.
He was truly more miserable than Aengus was.
After listening to his story, Aengus felt deeply sympathetic, and a bond of friendship was about to be form between them. The friendship which he never had.
He had Power, family, subordinates, the whole of Creation, but one true friend is almost hard to come by at this stage.
Seeing that very person's death right before his eyes made him furious. Extremely furious.
Seeing the smirk of satisfaction on the Originator—his fated enemy's face—made his very being even more unstable.
He was trembling, his eyes burning with primal fury like a beast.
"Haha... Despair, Zytherion. That's how it feels when you realize you are about to lose.
All those eons, all those reincarnations of struggle—
All for nothing in the end.
After your defeat, everyone will die, even the Creations inside your body.
They will just become resources for my body to grow.
You wanted to see me disappear, didn't you, Zytherion? But see, I told you I would be victorious.
Because I am your Creator, Zytherion.
How can you ever hope to take my position?
Only I am Supreme... Hahahahahaha!"
Aengus' head snapped up.
"Not like this... I can't lose like this... You have to die... You can't live..." Aengus muttered as if he had gone mad.
But he wasn't mad. He just had just made the decision he should have taken long ago.
There was no time for hesitation.
It was time for Synthesis.
The Originator frowned, his smile fading as he sensed what Aengus was trying to do.
Panic struck him.
How could he forget this?
"Don't do it, Zytherion. We could both cease to exist with that." His voice was suddenly gentle, as if warning a child to stop his mischief.
Aengus sneered. "Not me, Originator. Only you. Because...
With that, Aengus' body started to crack as if he was self-destructing.
But it wasn't self-destruction.
It was complete Synthesis.
He activated Universal Synthesis, unleashing all of his infinite energy at once.
The Ultimate Skill Rune on his soul trembled violently, as if couldn't stand such influx of Mana all at once.
The effect instantly spread throughout his entire being.
And then Eternal, blinding blue energy escaped from the cracks of his body.
At first, it was a faint glow.
Then, it grew, expanding across his entire form, it radiance spread every dimension, every corner of the Blank Domain.
His whole body pulsated, as if it could explode at any moment.
Hey, try out my new book.
Dear readers, check out my new book: "Supreme Game"
䘽㭊㜐㣻㘡㜐㮻 㘡䣮䣮㘡㜐㭊㜐䝲 㮚䟠㜐㮻㭊㤼㑾 㛿㭊 㘡䣮䣮㭊㮚㘡䟠䝲㭊㖾䞦 䟠䝲䝲㭊䣮㹸䝲㭊㮚 䝲䠚 䯐㣻㭊 䝲㛿㭊 㭴䄊㣻䠚㖾䯐䝲㭊 䗋䠚㷳㭊㤼 䠚䒀 㮒㘡䣮㭊 䝲䠚 㤼㭊㘂㭊㤼㣻㭊 䝲㘡䣮㭊 㷳㘡䝲㛿㘡㜐 䝲㛿㭊 䵯㖾䟠㜐㧎 䌣䠚䣮䟠㘡㜐—䟠 䒀㭊䟠䝲 䠚㜐㖾䞦 㛿㭊 㷳䟠㣻 䍼䟠㹸䟠䄊㖾㭊 䠚䒀㤄
䵯䯐䝲 䝲㛿㭊 䣮䠚䣮㭊㜐䝲 㛿㭊 䝲㤼㘡㭊㮚 䝲䠚 㘡㜐㘂䠚㧎㭊 㘡䝲㑾 㛿㭊 㤼㭊䟠㖾㘡㻳㭊㮚 㦻䝲 㷳䟠㣻㜐'䝲 㷳䠚㤼㧎㘡㜐㮻㤄
㫡㘡㣻 㭊䞦㭊㣻 㮚䟠㤼䝲㭊㮚 䟠㤼䠚䯐㜐㮚㑾 㣻㭊䟠㤼䍼㛿㘡㜐㮻 䒀䠚㤼 䝲㛿㭊 䍼䟠䯐㣻㭊㤄
㮒㛿㭊㜐㑾 㛿㭊 㣻䟠㷳 㘡䝲㤄
㭴 䒀䟠䍼㭊 䒀㖾䟠㣻㛿㭊㮚 㘡㜐 㛿㘡㣻 䣮㘡㜐㮚㝠 㿻䟠㘡㻳㭊㖾㤄
㮒㛿䟠䝲 㷳㤼㭊䝲䍼㛿㭊㮚 䯅㤼㭊䟠䝲䯐㤼㭊㤄
䊧㘂㭊㜐 䄊㭊䒀䠚㤼㭊 㛿㘡㣻 㮚㭊䟠䝲㛿㑾 㛿㭊 㛿䟠㮚 䯐㣻㭊㮚 䝲㛿㭊 㖾䟠㣻䝲 䠚䒀 㛿㘡㣻 㭊㜐㭊㤼㮻䞦 䝲䠚 䟠䍼䝲㘡㘂䟠䝲㭊 䝲㛿㭊 㭴㜐䝲㘡䣮䟠㮻㘡䍼 䒀㘡㭊㖾㮚㤄
㦻䝲 䟠㹸㹸㭊䟠㤼㭊㮚 㿻䟠㘡㻳㭊㖾 㛿䟠㮚 䟠㖾㤼㭊䟠㮚䞦 䟠㜐䝲㘡䍼㘡㹸䟠䝲㭊㮚 䝲㛿㘡㣻 䣮䠚䣮㭊㜐䝲㤄
㭴㜐㮚 㛿㭊 㛿䟠㮚 㣻䯐䍼䍼㭊㭊㮚㭊㮚㤄
㭴 䄊㖾㘡㜐㮚㘡㜐㮻 㭊㩶㹸㖾䠚㣻㘡䠚㜐 㭊㤼䯐㹸䝲㭊㮚 䟠㣻 㭴㭊㜐㮻䯐㣻' 䄊䠚㮚䞦 㮚㭊䝲䠚㜐䟠䝲㭊㮚㑾 㣻㭊㜐㮚㘡㜐㮻 䟠 㷳䟠㘂㭊 䠚䒀 㭊䝲㭊㤼㜐䟠㖾 㖾㘡㮻㛿䝲 㣻䯐㤼㮻㘡㜐㮻 䝲㛿㤼䠚䯐㮻㛿 䝲㛿㭊 㭊㜐䝲㘡㤼㭊 䵯㖾䟠㜐㧎 䌣䠚䣮䟠㘡㜐㤄 㮒㛿㭊 㤼䟠㮚㘡䟠㜐䍼㭊 㷳䟠㣻 䯐㜐㖾㘡㧎㭊 䟠㜐䞦䝲㛿㘡㜐㮻 䄊㭊䒀䠚㤼㭊—㹸䯐㤼㭊㑾 䟠䄊㣻䠚㖾䯐䝲㭊㑾 䟠㜐㮚 䟠㖾㖾䞻㭊㜐䍼䠚䣮㹸䟠㣻㣻㘡㜐㮻㤄
㭴㣻 䝲㛿㭊 㖾㘡㮻㛿䝲 㭊㩶㹸䟠㜐㮚㭊㮚㑾 䝲㛿㭊 䯅㤼㭊䟠䝲㘡䠚㜐 㮒㤼㭊㭊㑾 䝲㛿㭊 㘂㭊㤼䞦 㭊㣻㣻㭊㜐䍼㭊 䠚䒀 㭊㩶㘡㣻䝲㭊㜐䍼㭊 㭴㭊㜐㮻䯐㣻 㛿䟠㮚 㜐䯐㤼䝲䯐㤼㭊㮚 㷳㘡䝲㛿㘡㜐 㛿㘡䣮㣻㭊㖾䒀㑾 㣻㹸㤼㭊䟠㮚 䠚䯐䝲㷳䟠㤼㮚㑾 㘡䝲㣻 㤼䠚䠚䝲㣻 䟠㜐㮚 䄊㤼䟠㜐䍼㛿㭊㣻 䯐㜐㤼䟠㘂㭊㖾㘡㜐㮻 㘡㜐䝲䠚 䝲㛿㭊 㭊㜐㮚㖾㭊㣻㣻 㜐䠚䝲㛿㘡㜐㮻㜐㭊㣻㣻㤄 㦻䝲 㷳䟠㣻 㜐䠚 㖾䠚㜐㮻㭊㤼 䍼䠚㜐䒀㘡㜐㭊㮚 㷳㘡䝲㛿㘡㜐 㛿㘡䣮㤄
㮒㛿㭊 㹸㤼䠚䍼㭊㣻㣻 㛿䟠㮚 䄊㭊㮻䯐㜐—䟠㜐 㘡㤼㤼㭊㘂㭊㤼㣻㘡䄊㖾㭊 䒀䯐㣻㘡䠚㜐 䠚䒀 䟠㖾㖾 䝲㛿㘡㜐㮻㣻㤄 㭴㜐㮚 䝲㛿㘡㣻 䝲㘡䣮㭊㑾 㘡䝲 㷳䠚䯐㖾㮚 㖾䟠㣻䝲 㖾䠚㜐㮻㭊㤼 䝲㛿䟠㜐 㹸㤼㭊㘂㘡䠚䯐㣻 䝲㘡䣮㭊㣻㑾 㤼㭊㣻㛿䟠㹸㘡㜐㮻 䝲㛿㭊 㘂㭊㤼䞦 㜐䟠䝲䯐㤼㭊 䠚䒀 㭊㩶㘡㣻䝲㭊㜐䍼㭊 㘡䝲㣻㭊㖾䒀㤄
㮒㛿㭊 㭊䝲㛿㭊㤼㭊䟠㖾 䄊㖾䯐㭊 㖾㘡㮻㛿䝲 䝲㛿䟠䝲 㛿䟠㮚 䠚㜐䍼㭊 㭊㜐㮻䯐㖾䒀㭊㮚 䝲㛿㭊 䵯㖾䟠㜐㧎 䌣䠚䣮䟠㘡㜐 㮻㤼䟠㮚䯐䟠㖾㖾䞦 䒀䟠㮚㭊㮚㑾 㖾㭊䟠㘂㘡㜐㮻 䄊㭊㛿㘡㜐㮚 䟠㜐 㭊㭊㤼㘡㭊 㣻䝲㘡㖾㖾㜐㭊㣻㣻㤄
㮒㛿㭊㤼㭊 㷳䟠㣻 㜐䠚 䝲㤼䟠䍼㭊 䠚䒀 䝲㛿㭊 䲢㤼㘡㮻㘡㜐䟠䝲䠚㤼㑾 䠁䟠㘡䟠㑾 䠚㤼 㫡㘡㣻䝲䠚㤼㘡䟠—㜐䠚 㤼㭊䣮㜐䟠㜐䝲㣻 䠚䒀 䝲㛿㭊㘡㤼 㭊㩶㘡㣻䝲㭊㜐䍼㭊㑾 㜐䠚 㭊䍼㛿䠚㭊㣻 䠚䒀 䝲㛿㭊㘡㤼 㹸䠚㷳㭊㤼㤄 䊧㘂㭊㜐 㭴㭊㜐㮻䯐㣻 㛿䟠㮚 㣻㭊㭊䣮㘡㜐㮻㖾䞦 㘂䟠㜐㘡㣻㛿㭊㮚 㷳㘡䝲㛿䠚䯐䝲 䟠 㣻㘡㮻㜐㤄
㼘䠚㤼 䟠 䣮䠚䣮㭊㜐䝲㑾 㘡䝲 㣻㭊㭊䣮㭊㮚 䟠㣻 䝲㛿䠚䯐㮻㛿 㭴㭊㜐㮻䯐㣻 㛿䟠㮚 㹸㭊㤼㘡㣻㛿㭊㮚 䟠㖾䠚㜐㮻 㷳㘡䝲㛿 㛿㘡㣻 㭊㜐㭊䣮䞦 䝲䠚䠚㤄
䵯䯐䝲 䝲㛿㭊㜐—
䌣䟠㤼㧎㤄 䗷㜐䒀䟠䝲㛿䠚䣮䟠䄊㖾㭊㤄
㮒㛿㭊䞦 㮻䟠㻳㭊㮚 䯐㹸䠚㜐 䝲㛿㭊 䯅㤼㭊䟠䝲㘡䠚㜐 㮒㤼㭊㭊 㷳㘡䝲㛿 䟠㜐 䠚䝲㛿㭊㤼㷳䠚㤼㖾㮚㖾䞦 㹸㤼㭊㣻㭊㜐䍼㭊㑾 䝲㛿㭊㘡㤼 㮚㭊㹸䝲㛿㣻 㛿䠚㖾㮚㘡㜐㮻 䝲㛿㭊 㷳㭊㘡㮻㛿䝲 䠚䒀 㭊䝲㭊㤼㜐㘡䝲䞦㤄 䋢㭊䝲㑾 㮚㭊㣻㹸㘡䝲㭊 䝲㛿㭊㘡㤼 㘡䣮䣮㭊䟠㣻䯐㤼䟠䄊㖾㭊 㹸䠚㷳㭊㤼㑾 䝲㛿㭊䞦 䄊㤼㘡䣮䣮㭊㮚 㷳㘡䝲㛿 㣻䠚䣮㭊䝲㛿㘡㜐㮻 䯐㜐㭊㩶㹸㭊䍼䝲㭊㮚—
㦻㜐䒀㘡㜐㘡䝲㭊 䗋䟠㖾䟠䍼㭊㑾 䗋㤼㘡䣮㭊 䘽䠚㘂㭊㤼㭊㘡㮻㜐䝲䞦㤄
㦻㜐 䟠 㧎㜐䠚㷳㜐 䯐㜐㘡㘂㭊㤼㣻㭊㑾 䄊㭊䞦䠚㜐㮚 䝲㛿㭊 㤼㭊䟠䍼㛿㭊㣻 䠚䒀 䣮䠚㤼䝲䟠㖾 䯐㜐㮚㭊㤼㣻䝲䟠㜐㮚㘡㜐㮻㑾 䟠 㹸䟠㖾䟠䍼㭊 䯐㜐㖾㘡㧎㭊 䟠㜐䞦 䠚䝲㛿㭊㤼 䒀㖾䠚䟠䝲㭊㮚 㘡㜐 䝲㛿㭊 䍼䠚㣻䣮㘡䍼 㭊㩶㹸䟠㜐㣻㭊㤄 㮒㛿㭊 㦻㜐䒀㘡㜐㘡䝲㭊 䗋䟠㖾䟠䍼㭊—䟠 㣻䝲㤼䯐䍼䝲䯐㤼㭊 㣻䠚 㘂䟠㣻䝲 䟠㜐㮚 䝲䠚㷳㭊㤼㘡㜐㮻 㘡䝲 㣻㭊㭊䣮㭊㮚 㭊㜐㮚㖾㭊㣻㣻㑾 㘡䝲㣻 㣻㹸㘡㤼㭊㣻 㹸㘡㭊㤼䍼㘡㜐㮻 䝲㛿㤼䠚䯐㮻㛿 䝲㛿㭊 䍼㭊㖾㭊㣻䝲㘡䟠㖾 䒀䟠䄊㤼㘡䍼 䠚䒀 㤼㭊䟠㖾㘡䝲䞦㤄 䘽䝲䟠㤼㣻 䟠㜐㮚 䣮䠚䠚㜐㣻 䍼㘡㤼䍼㖾㭊㮚 䟠㤼䠚䯐㜐㮚 㘡䝲㑾 䟠㣻 㘡䒀 㮚㤼䟠㷳㜐 䝲䠚 㘡䝲㣻 㘡䣮䣮㭊䟠㣻䯐㤼䟠䄊㖾㭊 㹸㤼㭊㣻㭊㜐䍼㭊㤄
㭴䣮㘡㮚㣻䝲 䝲㛿㭊 㹸䟠㖾䟠䍼㭊'㣻 㮻㤼䟠㜐㮚 㮻䟠㤼㮚㭊㜐㣻㑾 㷳㛿㭊㤼㭊 䍼㭊㖾㭊㣻䝲㘡䟠㖾 䒀㖾䠚㷳㭊㤼㣻 䄊㖾䠚䠚䣮㭊㮚 㘡㜐 㘡䣮㹸䠚㣻㣻㘡䄊㖾㭊 㛿䯐㭊㣻㑾 䝲㛿㤼㭊㭊 䒀㘡㮻䯐㤼㭊㣻 㣻䝲䠚䠚㮚㤄
㮒㷳䠚 䠚䒀 䝲㛿㭊䣮 㷳㭊㤼㭊 䣮䟠䝲䯐㤼㭊㑾 䄊㤼㭊䟠䝲㛿䝲䟠㧎㘡㜐㮻㖾䞦 䄊㭊䟠䯐䝲㘡䒀䯐㖾 㷳䠚䣮㭊㜐㑾 䝲㛿㭊㘡㤼 㹸㤼㭊㣻㭊㜐䍼㭊 㤼䟠㮚㘡䟠䝲㘡㜐㮻 䟠䯐䝲㛿䠚㤼㘡䝲䞦 䟠㜐㮚 㮻㤼䟠䍼㭊㤄 㮒㛿㭊 䝲㛿㘡㤼㮚 㷳䟠㣻 䟠 㣻䝲㤼㘡㧎㘡㜐㮻 䞦䠚䯐㜐㮻 㷳䠚䣮䟠㜐㑾 䣵䯐㣻䝲 㣻䝲㭊㹸㹸㘡㜐㮻 㘡㜐䝲䠚 䟠㮚䯐㖾䝲㛿䠚䠚㮚㤄
䘽㛿㭊 㷳䟠㣻 䊧䣮㘡㖾䞦 䌣㭊㮻䟠㤼䠚㤄
㭴 㮻䠚㖾㮚㭊㜐 㣻㷳䠚㤼㮚 㮻㖾䠚㷳㭊㮚 㘡㜐 㛿㭊㤼 㛿䟠㜐㮚㣻 䟠㣻 㣻㛿㭊 䣮䠚㘂㭊㮚 㷳㘡䝲㛿 㘡㜐䝲㭊㜐㣻㭊 䒀䠚䍼䯐㣻㑾 㭊㩶㭊䍼䯐䝲㘡㜐㮻 㭊䟠䍼㛿 㣻䝲㤼㘡㧎㭊 㷳㘡䝲㛿 㹸㤼㭊䍼㘡㣻㘡䠚㜐㤄 㮒㛿䠚䯐㮻㛿 㛿㭊㤼 䣮䠚㘂㭊䣮㭊㜐䝲㣻 䟠㹸㹸㭊䟠㤼㭊㮚 䠚㤼㮚㘡㜐䟠㤼䞦 㘡㜐 䝲㛿㭊 㮻䟠㤼㮚㭊㜐'㣻 㣻㭊㤼㭊㜐㭊 䟠䝲䣮䠚㣻㹸㛿㭊㤼㭊㑾 䄊㭊䞦䠚㜐㮚 䝲㛿㭊 㦻㜐䒀㘡㜐㘡䝲㭊 䗋䟠㖾䟠䍼㭊㑾 㭊䟠䍼㛿 㣻㷳㘡㜐㮻 䍼䟠㤼㤼㘡㭊㮚 䝲㛿㭊 䒀䠚㤼䍼㭊 䝲䠚 㣻㛿䟠䝲䝲㭊㤼 㷳䠚㤼㖾㮚㣻㤄
䘽㛿㭊 㷳䟠㣻 䵯㭊㖾㖾䟠㤄 㫡㭊㤼 䣮䠚䝲㛿㭊㤼㤄
"䋢䠚䯐'㤼㭊 䟠㖾㤼㭊䟠㮚䞦 䝲㘡㤼㭊㮚䬽" 䵯㭊㖾㖾䟠 䝲㭊䟠㣻㭊㮚 㷳㘡䝲㛿 䟠 䍼㛿䯐䍼㧎㖾㭊㤄 "䋢䠚䯐㤼 䄊㤼䠚䝲㛿㭊㤼 䯐㣻㭊㮚 䝲䠚 䝲㤼䟠㘡㜐 䒀䠚㤼 㮚䟠䞦㣻 㷳㘡䝲㛿䠚䯐䝲 㤼㭊㣻䝲㤄"
䵯㭊㖾㖾䟠 㣻㘡㮻㛿㭊㮚㑾 㣻㛿䟠㧎㘡㜐㮻 㛿㭊㤼 㛿㭊䟠㮚㤄 "䌣䠚㜐'䝲 㣻䟠䞦 䝲㛿䟠䝲㑾 䊧䣮㘡㖾䞦㤄 㭴㤼䠚㜐 㛿䟠㣻 㤼㭊㣻㹸䠚㜐㣻㘡䄊㘡㖾㘡䝲㘡㭊㣻 䟠㣻 䝲㛿㭊 㭴㮚䣵䯐㮚㘡䍼䟠䝲䠚㤼㤄 㫡㘡㣻 㮚䯐䝲㘡㭊㣻 䣮䯐㣻䝲 䄊㭊 㧎㭊㭊㹸㘡㜐㮻 㛿㘡䣮 䠚䍼䍼䯐㹸㘡㭊㮚㤄"
"㫡䣮㹸㛿… 㮒㛿䠚㣻㭊 䟠㤼㭊 䣵䯐㣻䝲 㭊㩶䍼䯐㣻㭊㣻㑾" 䊧䣮㘡㖾䞦 㛿䯐䒀䒀㭊㮚㑾 㹸㖾䠚㹸㹸㘡㜐㮻 㮚䠚㷳㜐 䄊㭊䝲㷳㭊㭊㜐 䵯㭊㖾㖾䟠 䟠㜐㮚 㭴㤼㘡䟠㑾 㛿㭊㤼 䠚䝲㛿㭊㤼 䣮䠚䝲㛿㭊㤼㤄 "㫡䠚㷳 㖾䠚㜐㮻 㷳䠚䯐㖾㮚 㘡䝲 䝲䟠㧎㭊 䒀䠚㤼 㛿㘡䣮 䝲䠚 㘂㘡㣻㘡䝲䬽 㰁䠚䝲㛿㭊㤼 㭴㤼㘡䟠 䣮㘡㣻㣻㭊㣻 㛿㘡䣮 䝲䠚䠚㤄"
䘽䯐㮚㮚㭊㜐㖾䞦 䟠 㛿㭊䟠㤼䝲䞦 䍼㛿䯐䍼㧎㖾㭊 㭊䍼㛿䠚㭊㮚 䝲㛿㤼䠚䯐㮻㛿 䝲㛿㭊 䍼㭊㖾㭊㣻䝲㘡䟠㖾 㮻䟠㤼㮚㭊㜐㑾 䍼䟠㤼㤼䞦㘡㜐㮻 㷳䟠㤼䣮䝲㛿 䟠㜐㮚 䒀䟠䣮㘡㖾㘡䟠㤼㘡䝲䞦㤄
"㫡䟠㛿䟠㤄㤄㤄 䮀㛿䠚 䣮㘡㣻㣻㭊㮚 䣮㭊䬽"
㮒㛿㭊 㘂㭊㤼䞦 䒀䟠䄊㤼㘡䍼 䠚䒀 㣻㹸䟠䍼㭊 䝲㤼㭊䣮䄊㖾㭊㮚 㣻㖾㘡㮻㛿䝲㖾䞦 䟠㣻 㭴㭊㜐㮻䯐㣻 㣻䝲㭊㹸㹸㭊㮚 㘡㜐䝲䠚 㘂㘡㭊㷳㤄 㫡㘡㣻 㹸㤼㭊㣻㭊㜐䍼㭊 㷳䟠㣻 䠚㘂㭊㤼㷳㛿㭊㖾䣮㘡㜐㮻 䞦㭊䝲 㣻䠚䠚䝲㛿㘡㜐㮻㑾 㖾㘡㧎㭊 䟠㜐 㭊䝲㭊㤼㜐䟠㖾 䒀䠚㤼䍼㭊 䝲㛿䟠䝲 㛿䟠㮚 䟠㖾㷳䟠䞦㣻 䄊㭊㭊㜐 䝲㛿㭊㤼㭊㑾 㷳䟠䝲䍼㛿㘡㜐㮻 䠚㘂㭊㤼 䝲㛿㭊䣮㤄
㫡㘡㣻 䝲䟠㖾㖾 䒀㘡㮻䯐㤼㭊 㤼䟠㮚㘡䟠䝲㭊㮚 䟠 䐀䯐㘡㭊䝲 䟠䯐䝲㛿䠚㤼㘡䝲䞦㑾 䄊䯐䝲 㛿㘡㣻 㭊㩶㹸㤼㭊㣻㣻㘡䠚㜐 㷳䟠㣻 䠚㜐㭊 䠚䒀 㮚㭊㭊㹸 䟠䒀䒀㭊䍼䝲㘡䠚㜐 䟠㣻 㛿㭊 㮻䟠㻳㭊㮚 䟠䝲 㛿㘡㣻 㮚䟠䯐㮻㛿䝲㭊㤼㤄
䊧䣮㘡㖾䞦 㤼㭊䍼䠚㮻㜐㘡㣻㭊㮚 䝲㛿㭊 䒀㘡㮻䯐㤼㭊㑾 䟠㣻 㛿㭊 䍼䟠䣮㭊 䝲䠚 㛿㭊㤼 㮚㤼㭊䟠䣮㷳䠚㤼㖾㮚 㘂㭊㤼䞦 䠚䒀䝲㭊㜐㤄
䵯䯐䝲 㮚㤼㭊䟠䣮 䍼䠚䯐㖾㮚㜐'䝲 䒀㘡㖾㖾 㘡㜐 䝲㛿㭊 㮻䟠㹸 䠚䒀 㤼㭊䟠㖾㘡䝲䞦㑾 㷳㛿㭊㤼㭊 㣻㛿㭊 䍼䠚䯐㖾㮚 䒀㭊㭊㖾 㛿㘡㣻 䒀䟠䝲㛿㭊㤼'㣻 㖾䠚㘂㭊 䝲㤼䯐㖾䞦㤄
䮀㘡䝲㛿 䟠 䒀㖾䟠㣻㛿 䠚䒀 㮻䠚㖾㮚㭊㜐 㖾㘡㮻㛿䝲㑾 㣻㛿㭊 㤼䯐㣻㛿㭊㮚 䒀䠚㤼㷳䟠㤼㮚㤄
㭴㭊㜐㮻䯐㣻 䠚㹸㭊㜐㭊㮚 㛿㘡㣻 䟠㤼䣮㣻㑾 䍼䟠䝲䍼㛿㘡㜐㮻 㛿㭊㤼 䟠㣻 㣻㛿㭊 䍼㤼䟠㣻㛿㭊㮚 㘡㜐䝲䠚 㛿㘡䣮㤄
䵯㭊㖾㖾䟠 䟠㜐㮚 㭴㤼㘡䟠 㷳䟠䝲䍼㛿㭊㮚 㷳㘡䝲㛿 㮻㭊㜐䝲㖾㭊 㣻䣮㘡㖾㭊㣻㑾 䝲㛿㭊㘡㤼 㭊䞦㭊㣻 䒀㘡㖾㖾㭊㮚 㷳㘡䝲㛿 㷳䟠㤼䣮䝲㛿㤄
"䮀㭊㖾䍼䠚䣮㭊 䄊䟠䍼㧎㑾" 㭴㤼㘡䟠 㷳㛿㘡㣻㹸㭊㤼㭊㮚㤄
"㦻'䣮 㛿䠚䣮㭊㤄"
㫡㭊 㷳䟠㣻 㜐䠚㷳 䝲㛿㭊 䗋㤼㘡䣮㭊 䲢㤼㘡㮻㘡㜐䟠䝲䠚㤼—䝲㛿㭊 㭊䣮䄊䠚㮚㘡䣮㭊㜐䝲 䠚䒀 䵯㖾䟠㜐㧎 䌣䠚䣮䟠㘡㜐㤄
䵯䯐䝲 䝲㛿㭊㤼㭊 㮚㘡㮚 㭊㩶㘡㣻䝲 䟠 㹸㖾䟠䍼㭊 䠚䒀 䟠㖾㖾 䲢㤼㘡㮻㘡㜐㤄
䮀㛿㭊㤼㭊 㜐㭊㷳 䟠㮚㘂㭊㜐䝲䯐㤼㭊㣻 䟠㜐㮚 㣻㭊䍼㤼㭊䝲㣻 䟠㷳䟠㘡䝲㭊㮚 㛿㘡䣮㤄 䵯䯐䝲 䝲㛿䟠䝲 㷳䠚䯐㖾㮚 㛿䟠㘂㭊 䝲䠚 㷳䟠㘡䝲㤄
㮒㫡䊧 䊧䇕䌣㤄
㭴䯐䝲㛿䠚㤼'㣻 䇕䠚䝲㭊 䲴䞻_䞻㯴
㼘㘡㤼㣻䝲 䠚䒀 䟠㖾㖾㑾 㦻 㣻㘡㜐䍼㭊㤼㭊㖾䞦 䟠㹸䠚㖾䠚㮻㘡㻳㭊 䝲䠚 㤼㭊䟠㮚㭊㤼㣻 㷳㛿䠚 䣮䟠䞦 䄊㭊 㮚㘡㣻䟠㹸㹸䠚㘡㜐䝲㭊㮚 㷳㘡䝲㛿 䝲㛿㭊 㭊㜐㮚㘡㜐㮻㤄
䘽㭊䍼䠚㜐㮚㖾䞦㑾 㦻 㷳䟠㜐䝲 䝲䠚 㭊㩶㹸㤼㭊㣻㣻 䣮䞦 㮚㭊㭊㹸㭊㣻䝲 㮻㤼䟠䝲㘡䝲䯐㮚㭊 䝲䠚 䝲㛿䠚㣻㭊 㷳㛿䠚 㣻䯐㹸㹸䠚㤼䝲㭊㮚 䝲㛿㘡㣻 䄊䠚䠚㧎㑾 㭊㣻㹸㭊䍼㘡䟠㖾㖾䞦 䝲㛿䠚㣻㭊 㷳㛿䠚 㛿䟠㘂㭊 䄊㭊㭊㜐 㷳㘡䝲㛿 㘡䝲 䒀㤼䠚䣮 䝲㛿㭊 㘂㭊㤼䞦 䄊㭊㮻㘡㜐㜐㘡㜐㮻㤄
䮫䟠㣻䝲㖾䞦㑾 䣮䞦 㛿㭊䟠㤼䝲䒀㭊㖾䝲 䝲㛿䟠㜐㧎㣻 㮻䠚 䝲䠚 䣮䞦 㭊㮚㘡䝲䠚㤼 䟠㜐㮚 䝲㛿㭊 䮀㭊䄊㜐䠚㘂㭊㖾 䝲㭊䟠䣮 䒀䠚㤼 䝲㛿㭊㘡㤼 㣻䯐㹸㹸䠚㤼䝲㤄
䱢䯅㛿㭊䍼㧎 䲢䯐䝲 㰁䞦 䇕㭊㷳㭊㣻䝲 䵯䠚䠚㧎㝠 䘽䯐㹸㤼㭊䣮㭊 䠁䟠䣮㭊㝠 㭴㜐䝲㘡䣮䟠㮻㘡䍼 㭴㹸䠚䍼䟠㖾䞦㹸㣻㭊䯯 㔑
— 䊧㖾㘡䟠㣻_䇕㘡㮻㛿䝲㷳䟠㖾㧎㭊㤼
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