Chapter 113: PDS - Chapter 113 - Making dinner
"You are right, love, as usual. I do need to control myself. This just took me by surprise. I was planning about the twins on the third floor and when I fantasized about them on their knees serving me... well, you know the rest..."
Katie arches an eyebrow,
"Oh? you got a thing for twins?"
I snort,
"point me out a man that would not love a pair of twins in his bed, and I will point you out a liar!"
Katie giggles,
"You are right, twins are so hot! So? What are you planning?"
While soaping each other, I relay to her my initial thoughts for the girls and how to handle her mom.
I will start my preparations by pinning a pin of trust on Mommy dear, this would make convincing her to send her girls for lessons to me a piece of cake plus will open the way for me to force her to submit. After all, she is beautiful and will be a good addition to my slaves. I am sure that Katie would love to have another woman her age to munch on her carpet, and if not, I am sure that Paul would be very happy to have her as a playmate. As much as I want to play with her, I am not risking my family's peace for her, at most I will do a test drive before gifting her to Paul. When Mary's trust is at a decent level, I will have Paul join the fray and push the notion that the girls need tutoring, suggesting that she asks me, since we live in the same building and it would make it easier for Mary to watch out for the girls. Afterward, pretty much as it happened with Katie and Hope, I will gradually corrupt the girls, and then find a time to take down Mommy. After the issue with Mary is settled, I will have pretty much free rain with the twins, and their real tutoring will begin, dual blowjob, dual titty-fuck, and all the other good things that any innocent-ready-to-turn-to-slut twin should know. Hehe...
After that, though, there will be no more additions to the harem until the school is built, I just can't afford somebody figuring out what's going on. Oh well, four innocent pussies and a slutty slave or two should be enough for a month or two, after all, restraint is needed...
After we finished showering, we dressed and decided to go have breakfast at Katie's house to check on the girls at the same time.
Of course, as soon as we enter and close the door behind us, I am tackled to the floor by two horny teenagers, Hope leg-locked around me like an octopus, and Hester wrapped around my leg like a cute horny Koala.
After fifteen minutes of kisses and pats, I manage to untangle myself from my needy girls, Katie standing to the side all the while smirking. I guess an extra spanking is in order for my slave, or perhaps a couple of days without my cock? Hmmm... decisions, decisions...
Meanwhile, my lovely horny daughters are temporarily satisfied (if not sated) with my loving kisses, and grabbing an arm each, they abduct my slave eager to learn everything that happened during our first night. Heh, I guess I will have to dedicate a night to each of them if I want some semblance of peace at home. After some pondering, I decided that every Saturday will be a "single pussy" night. I would love to schedule them one after the other, Saturday and Sunday, but I highly doubt (and solemnly promise) that whoever has her turn on Sunday will be able to go to school without walking bowlegged. Sigh, I really must rush my lawyer about the school.
For the moment though, I guess I am on mess duty. I walk to the kitchen and start making dinner. After one hour or so, dinner is ready and if I may say so, I outdid myself. A nice green salad to start, followed by my signature fettuccine Alfredo, after which, a nicely done beef Stroganoff. All accompanied by a nice Burgundy wine, and Coke for the girls. Hopefully, they will love it.
I walk to the main bedroom and after knocking on the frame of the open door, I enter the room to find Katie sitting on the bed with the girls sprawled on it listening to her with rapt attention and red cheeks. They are so enthralled that they don't even notice my entrance, so I deliver a light spank to each, at which point they both yelp and jump in the air like scalded kittens. Grin.
"Ladies, as much as you are enjoying a blow-by-blow, pun intended, recounting of last night, dinner is ready, and if you let it get cold, Daddy's dick will be off-limit for the week!"
At my words, the girls squeal in horror and scamper to the dining room, followed at a more sedated pace by my giggling slave. As she passes by me, she receives her spank-share causing her to yowl and jump almost half a meter in the air. I guess I really did a number to her ass.
"Get moving, my dear, the threat applies to you as well."
Katie pouts at me but makes haste for the dining room nonetheless, her hands still cupping her bruised butt. Snorting in mirth I follow along. I haven't seen my girls for a whole day, and as much as they are curious about our wedding night, I am curious as well about what they did at home alone...
I enter the dining room to find all three sitting at the table waiting for me. Smiling, I go around to deliver a smoldering kiss to each of them before sitting down.
"Sorry girls but both me and your mom are famished, so let's dig in and we'll talk later."
The girls smilingly agree and we start eating. By a common decision between me and Katie, prayer at dinner has been abolished. If I let the girls be and they start being thankful for the cock they receive each day and me stuffing them full of batter like a Thanksgiving turkey, I am afraid that a lightning bolt might zap me and my dick out of existence...
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