Chapter 1079: Rooms Divvied
Chapter 1079: Rooms Divvied
Kujaku scoffed lightly at his grumbling but proceeded to assign rooms, regardless.
"In the room next to this one will be me. In the following room, Alexander, Kary, and Violette. The room next to that one, Jin-Sil and Rì-Chu. Under them, Killian and Winston. Next to those two, Cory and Jonathan. That about settles it. Alright, everyone. Go rest," she declared, heading toward the door.
David frowned, realizing he hadn't been named.
"Uhh... What about me?" he asked Kujaku as she passed beside him.
She ignored him, walking out of the room and heading next door.
Everyone followed suit, leaving the room to the two men sharing it for the night, and headed to their respective rooms.
David followed behind Kujaku, stopping at the door when she entered.
"Hey! You forgot me!" he snapped, not wanting to sleep under the starry skies.
It was already getting colder now that the sun was down. This high in northern China, nights could reach sub-zero temps, and he refused to sleep in the cold like a dog.
Alex patted his shoulder as he passed next to him, giving him a mocking smile.
"Maybe there is a patch of dirt you can bury yourself under, Skelly," he joked.
But Alexander already guessed that Kujaku wouldn't let him sleep in the cold outside. By her walk alone, he knew she had ulterior motives as she left the room.
Once everyone was past the door, some giving mocking grins to David, others giving him pitying looks, Kujaku turned to stare at him, still standing outside the door.
"Are you going to tell me what room I sleep in?" he asked, his anger starting to bubble up.
Kujaku walked back to the door, shaking her head and stopped with her hand on the open door.
David gritted his teeth as she smiled at him, feeling like he was being mocked. He could feel the anger inside him reaching a tipping point, and he tried his best to contain it.
Exploding into a fit of rage out here, where everyone could hear and see him, was about as discreet as a fart in a stuffy room.
But his anger was doused in cold water as his shirt was yanked forward and thrown into the room, the door shutting behind him.
"I thought Alexander was the only dense one in your group. Seems he has a rival in you," Kujaku teased, pulling her shirt off.
"Uhh... What are you doing?" David asked, his eyes suddenly stuck to the woman's exposed skin.
He could see a tattoo of a tiger's paw reaching over her shoulder, barely hidden under the straps of her sports bra.
"What does it look like I'm doing, the woman said with a salacious grin, as she walked over to him and sat on his extended legs on the ground.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she plunged in for a kiss, holding David's head from whipping backward with her hands as she shoved her tongue into his mouth.
David froze, his mouth going to autopilot as he instinctively returned the kiss, while his brain was in total meltdown mode.
They kissed for a dozen seconds before his mind snapped back to himself and pushed her back.
"Whoa! What's gotten into you? I barely know you!" he exclaimed, feeling like this wasn't normal.
She grinned at him mockingly.
"So? You reek of loneliness, and I don't want to spend the night alone. Can't you just enjoy yourself without asking questions?" she said, leaning back in for more kissing.
But David held her firmly in place.
"You're twelve years my cadette. This feels wrong..."
Kujaku frowned at him, reaching to her sides to remove her bra.
"Does it still feel wrong?" she asked teasingly, shoving her naked breasts in his face.
"Mph, mm mhmm," she heard, David's mouth covered in her skin, his words only coming out as unintelligible mumbles.
"Sorry, couldn't hear you," he laughed, pulling her tits away from his face.
"Yes, it does!" he repeated, his face flushed red.
"Oh, grow up, David. I'm an adult; you're an adult. I consent, and I can tell by the lump under my ass that you consent too. Let's just enjoy tonight. No strings are attached, okay?" she asked, looking into his eyes.
David froze again, his brain not knowing how to react. He hadn't been with a woman in years, and the last year or so had only been about planning for the future. He hadn't thought once about sharing his bed.
Being saddled like this by this beautiful Japanese woman, his body reacted on instinct, his mind not even in the mindset for anything to happen as his boner raged.
"I... three years," he mumbled.
Kujaku raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was mumbling about.
"I haven't had a woman in three years, give or take," David repeated, his face still flushed.
Kujaku grinned, grabbing his throat in her hand and giving it a light squeeze.
"Then I guess I have to compensate for three years' worth of lack," she joked, smacking her lips against his.
David felt her tongue reach for his again, and he gave up.
'Ah, what the hell. She's right. Let's just enjoy the night,' he thought, grabbing her hips with his hands.
He kissed her back furiously, his brain finally getting into the right mood, and before long, he was already sliding his hand on every inch of skin he could touch.
Kujaku giggled internally, feeling his urge well up, like a teenager before his first naked
'About time you manned up,' she mentally mocked.
Usually, she would head out to a red-light district when she wanted some action. But being so far from home, in a place she barely knew, she picked the one that looked the most lonely,
figuring he'd be the most pent up, and decided he would do.
This had fallen on David, her choice right on the money.
"Let's get on the bed," she said, pulling back from him and trying to get up.
But David held her tight in one arm, using the other to push himself off the ground and to his
feet in a swift motion.
Kujaku giggled as they jerked upward.
"I had forgotten for a second you aren't just a regular person. This will be a fun night," she commented, wrapping her arms around shoulders again.
It didn't take long before the poorly sound-proofed walls let the sound through to the other rooms, and others started commenting.
"Seems like the boss still had plenty of energy," Mr. Ito chuckled, putting in some earplugs.
"Whoa. She managed to get through David's ice and find a beating heart," Alex mocked from
the other side.
"I didn't want to hear all this," Violette grimaced, putting her hands on her ears.
Kary pulled out earplugs, giggling as she put them in the girl's prude ears.
"I guess he is still just a man."
"It's going to be a long night, hearing them like this while we aren't alone in the room," Alex
"Oh, come on. You can hold it in for a few days. I'll give you plenty to compensate once we
return home," Kary replied, winking at him.
Alex smiled, his thoughts going to her naked body wrapped around his.
"I guess I have something to look forward to," he said with a dumb grin. The night flew by in the blink of an eye, with a room making noise almost to the brink of dawn. But there was no incident whatsoever, and their surroundings stayed peaceful. A well-deserved rest before a fateful encounter.
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