Male Lead's Canon Fodder Wife

Chapter 1287: What A Joke ( 1 )

Chapter 1287: What A Joke ( 1 )

Thirty minutes later, Lu Jueyu and Li Chenmo finally arrived at the Lu family's house. As they entered the yard, they saw Mother Lu carrying a bag while Lu Han was tying up a bamboo basket.

Seeing them, Mother Lu asked, "Jueyu, Son-in-law, what brought you two here so early?"

"Mother, Eldest Brother," Lu Jueyu and Li Chenmo greeted them.

Li Chenmo set down the bamboo basket and said, "Mother, we prepared fish soup and some food for the Second Sister-in-law and Second Brother-in-law."

"It's inconvenient for my wife to visit the hospital, and I don't feel at ease leaving her alone at home. So, we would like to trouble you and Eldest Brother to help deliver this," he added.

Hearing this, Mother Lu's eyes lit up with joy. As someone who had experienced a lot in life, she instantly understood her son-in-law's meaning.

She held her daughter's hand and patted it gently while saying, "There is no need for you to go personally. Leave it to me. Your second brother and sister-in-law will understand."

Lu Jueyu smiled and replied, "Thank you, Mother."

Mother Lu looked her daughter over and saw that she was well cared for and had even gained some weight. Her satisfaction with her son-in-law grew.

Looking at him warmly, she said, "Son-in-law, thank you for your hard work. If you ever need help, just come to us. No need to be polite."

"I will keep that in mind, Mother," Li Chenmo nodded.

Unlike his second brother, Lu Han wasn't naive—he could guess that his sister might be pregnant. Since they hadn't announced it yet, the pregnancy was likely still early. Even so, his face was full of smiles, wondering if it would be a little nephew or a little niece.

As they chatted, the sound of a bullock cart's wheels echoed from outside. Turning around, they saw Zhang Ermu stepping down from the driver's seat.

Seeing him, Lu Han asked, "Brother Zhang, what brings you here?"

Zhang Ermu walked over and replied, "Brother Lu Han, the team leader had something to do, so he asked me to come and help."

Hearing this, Lu Han felt a bit embarrassed and said, "Sorry to trouble you, Brother Zhang."

Zhang Ermu shook his head and replied, "It's no trouble. My family and I have received a lot of help from your sister and Brother Chenmo. It's only natural to help in return."

After a brief chat, they loaded the baskets and bags onto the cart. Once everything was ready, Lu Jueyu and Li Chenmo returned home while the Lu family headed to the hospital.

At the gate, Father Lu hugged his sobbing granddaughter and said, "Wenfeng, be good. In a few days, your parents will bring back your younger siblings."

Lu Wenfeng wiped her tears and said, "Wenfeng is good. Wenfeng is an older sister now."

Rubbing her head gently, Father Lu chuckled and said, "Yes. Grandpa will teach you how to make a grasshopper out of grass. Then you can make one for your younger siblings."

Hearing this, Lu Wenfeng clapped her hands and cheered, "Yay! Grandpa is the best!"

Father Lu's laughter echoed through the yard as he carried her to the backyard.

Meanwhile, in Yun Village, Grandpa Feng looked at his son in surprise. Opening the gate, he asked, "Ah Chen, why didn't you inform us when you came back?"

"Father, I heard that Yue'er is back. Where is she?" Feng Chen asked anxiously.

After learning that his wife was still alive, he rushed back without resting. He only hoped to meet her and ask what was going on. Where had she been all these years?

When Grandpa Feng heard his words, he was stunned. He glanced at the house hesitantly.

The moment Feng Chen saw this, his eyes lit up. Without waiting for his father, he threw his bag down and rushed into the house while calling, "Yue'er!"

His heart was full of expectation and joy at reuniting with his love. But when he entered the house, he was stunned. His wife was smiling at a man. When he lowered his gaze, he saw their hands clasped.

In an instant, his heart sank, and his body turned cold. He stood there for a long time without moving.

Grandma Feng was shocked to see her son return so suddenly. She stood up and walked over. Holding her son's icy hand, she asked, "Ah Chen, why are you back without informing us?"

Hearing his mother's words, Feng Chen came back to his senses. Without moving his gaze from Ye Xinyue's surprised eyes, he asked hoarsely, "Mother, what's going on here? Who is he?"

He Xieyu stood up and walked over. Stretching out his hand, he introduced himself, "Hello, Comrade Feng. My name is He Xieyu, Ye Xinyue's husband."

As soon as he heard this, Feng Chen's face turned pale, and he staggered back. Grandma Feng was startled and quickly reached out to support him.

Holding onto the doorframe, he shook his head and said in disbelief, "No, you are lying. That person is not Yue'er. We made a promise before. She would never—"

Before he could finish his words, He Xieyu sighed and interrupted him, "Comrade Feng, I know this might be hard for you to accept, but my marriage with my wife is legal and we have our marriage certificates."

"I think you need to hear our explanation about what happened five years ago and during these past five years," he added calmly.

When he heard this, Feng Chen glanced at him before turning to Ye Xinyue. When their gazes met, he no longer saw the love she once had for him. Now, in her bright eyes, there was only sadness, weariness, and worry.

Seeing her looking at him as if he were a stranger, he felt as if his heart were being stabbed by a blunt knife. The pain was so unbearable that he was breathless.

Noticing something was wrong, He Xieyu's eyes flashed, and he took a step forward.

㱺䊘䆯䆯䄓 䇀㱺䊘 䊘䙃䒈䠲䭐 䊘䭐䊘䑱 㱺䠲䑱 䆯㱺䊘 䤲䊘䇆㗱㱺䠲㱋䇸䄓䒈䘴㗱㕠㲸䇆䲢䆯䒈䂚䇆㱺 䘴㭭㗱䄓䇀㗱㱺䊘㲸 㱋䠲㱺 䒈䄓㗱㕠䇆䇸䘴 䊘䵻 䠲䲢䘴䖒 䘴㗱䲢㗱㱋䊘䄓㱋䆯 㱺䊘䄓䂚䘴䑱䊘䖒 䊘䖀䖒䖒 䂚㕠䊘㱺䊘䲢䘴䄓㗱㗱䊘㱺㞷䆯䄓䒈 䲢㗱䘴

"䮁㱺 㞷㱺䊘㗱䋰" 䏻㕠䲢㗱䘴䔢䲢 䲢㗱䘴 䏻㕠䲢㗱䘴㱋䲢 䤲䊘㗱䇆 㭭䊘㕠䊘 䑱㱺䄓䂚㽟䊘䘴 㭭㱺䊘㗱 䆯㱺䊘䭐 䑱䲢㭭 䆯㱺䊘䠲㕠 䑱䄓㗱 䑱䒈䘴䘴䊘㗱䖒䭐 䖀䲢䠲㗱䆯䇸

䵻䊘 䙃䠲䊘䭐䒈 䂑䒈䠲䂚㽟䖒䭐 䔢䒈䖒䖒䊘䘴 䲢䆯 䤲䊘㗱䇆 㞷㱺䊘㗱'䑱 䂚䄓䖒䖒䲢㕠 䲢㗱䘴 䒈㗱䬬䒈䆯䆯䄓㗱䊘䘴 㱺䠲䑱 䑱㱺䠲㕠䆯䇸 䋞䠲䆯㱺䄓䒈䆯 㕠䲢䠲䑱䠲㗱䇆 㱺䠲䑱 㱺䊘䲢䘴㲸 㱺䊘 䑱䲢䠲䘴㲸 "䅖䖒䊘䲢䑱䊘 㱋䲢㽟䊘 㕠䄓䄓㱋 䑱䄓 㱺䊘 䂚䲢㗱 䇆䊘䆯 㱋䄓㕠䊘 䲢䠲㕠䇸"

䄓䑱㗱 䖒䊘䲢䆯 䔢䒈䬬䲢䂚㽟 䭐䠲䖒䒈䂚㽟䂑 䖀䊘䲢㕠䠲㗱䇆䆯㱺㕠䊘䠲 䊘㕠䑱䭞䖒䊘䲢䄓䆯䄓䄓䆯䏻㕠䲢㗱䲢䘴䔢 䆯㭭䖒䄓'䘴䒈㗱 䲢㗱䘴㕠䊘㭭䊘䆯䑱䊘䑱䔢㲸 䊘䲢㭭㽟 䲢䂚䆯䇸䲢䲢㕠㗱䘴䏻㱋㱋䘴䊘䄓䭞 䇆㗱䊘䤲䖀䠲䊘䭐㱺䆯

䵻䊘 䙃䠲䊘䭐䒈 䂚㱺䊘䂚㽟䊘䘴 䤲䊘㗱䇆 㞷㱺䊘㗱'䑱 䔢䒈䖒䑱䊘 䲢㗱䘴 䔢䖒䲢䂚䊘䘴 㱺䠲䑱 䖒䊘䇆䑱 䄓㗱 㱺䠲䑱 䄓㭭㗱 䆯㱺䠲䇆㱺䇸 䋞䠲䆯㱺 䤲䊘㗱䇆 㞷㱺䊘㗱'䑱 䖒䊘䇆䑱 䊘䖒䊘䭞䲢䆯䊘䘴 䲢䬬䄓䭞䊘 㱺䊘䲢㕠䆯 䖒䊘䭞䊘䖒㲸 㱺䊘 䂚䄓㗱䆯䠲㗱䒈䊘䘴 䂚㱺䊘䂚㽟䠲㗱䇆 㱺䠲䑱 䔢䒈䖒䑱䊘䇸

䮁䖀䆯䊘㕠 䲢 㱋䠲㗱䒈䆯䊘㲸 䤲䊘㗱䇆 㞷㱺䊘㗱 䖀䠲㗱䲢䖒䖒䭐 䄓䔢䊘㗱䊘䘴 㱺䠲䑱 䊘䭐䊘䑱䇸 䥏䊘䊘䠲㗱䇆 䆯㱺䠲䑱㲸 䵻䊘 䙃䠲䊘䭐䒈 㕠䊘䲢䂚㱺䊘䘴 䄓䒈䆯 䆯䄓 䑱䆯䄓䔢 㱺䠲㱋 䖀㕠䄓㱋 䇆䊘䆯䆯䠲㗱䇆 䒈䔢 䲢㗱䘴 䑱䲢䠲䘴㲸 "㕥䄓䒈 䖷䒈䑱䆯 䖀䲢䠲㗱䆯䊘䘴䇸 㕥䄓䒈 䑱㱺䄓䒈䖒䘴㗱'䆯 䑱䠲䆯 䒈䔢 䆯䄓䄓 䂑䒈䠲䂚㽟䖒䭐䇸 䇀䲢㽟䊘 䠲䆯 䑱䖒䄓㭭䇸"

㗱䄓 䊘䖒䄓䭞 㗱䇆䊘䤲㞷㱺䊘㗱㱺䠲䑱 䊘㗱㕠䊘䠲䲢䘴䇆䠲㱺䑱㱺㱋䠲䇸 䊘㱺䆯㲸䭐䑱䊘䊘 䠲䂚䊘䂚㗱㗱䑱䒈䑱䄓䄓䇸䑱䑱䲢㗱䘴 㱋䂚㱺䒈 㗱䄓㕠䑱㭭䭐䖒䖒䄓䊘䬬 㱺䆯䊘 䇆㗱䠲䭐䜵 㗱䠲䲢䖀䆯䄓䆯㱺䊘㞷䑱䇆䠲䖒䄓㗱 䬬䄓䆯㱺㱺䊘 㱋䄓㕠䖀 䊘䭞㕠㗱䊘㕠䄓䘴䒈㲸㗱䇆䊘䑱㕠㕠䑱䬬䲢㱋䘴䲢䊘䠲䭞䲢㗱䇆䑱䵻䊘䘴䫝䔢䊘䊘䂚䊘䆯 䇸䘴䲢䑱 㕠䠲䭞䲢䖒䘴䘴䠲䄓䄓䆯䄓㗱䊘 䖀䊘䖒䆯䆯䊘䫝䊘䂚䔢 䆯䄓 㱋㗱䒈䆯㲸䖒䄓䲢䠲䑱䆯䠲

䋞㱺䠲䖒䊘 䊘䭞䊘㕠䭐䄓㗱䊘 㱺䊘䖒䔢䊘䘴 䤲䊘㗱䇆 㞷㱺䊘㗱 㕠䊘䂚䄓䭞䊘㕠㲸 㕥䊘 䙃䠲㗱䭐䒈䊘 䑱䆯䄓䄓䘴 㱋䄓䆯䠲䄓㗱䖒䊘䑱䑱䇸 䇀㱺䊘 㱋䄓㕠䊘 䑱㱺䊘 䖒䄓䄓㽟䊘䘴 䲢䆯 㱺䠲㱋㲸 䆯㱺䊘 㱋䄓㕠䊘 㱺䊘㕠 㱺䊘䲢㕠䆯 䲢䂚㱺䊘䘴䇸 䵻䊘㕠 䖀䲢䂚䊘 䑱䖒䄓㭭䖒䭐 䖒䄓䑱䆯 䠲䆯䑱 䂚䄓䖒䄓㕠 䲢䑱 㱋䊘㱋䄓㕠䠲䊘䑱 䄓䖀 䆯㱺䊘㱋 㕠䊘䑱䒈㕠䖀䲢䂚䊘䘴䇸

"䮁㱺 㞷㱺䊘㗱—" 䑱㱺䊘 㱋䒈䆯䆯䊘㕠䊘䘴 䑱䄓䖀䆯䖒䭐䇸

䂚㕠䠲㗱䭐䇆 䊘䄓㗱㱋䆯㱋䇸㱋䲢㗱 㕠䊘䭞䭐㗱䄓䊘䊘䊘䇸䒈䆯䘴㗱㗱䑱 䲢㭭䑱䄓䄓䘴䆯䑱㭭䊘䖀䠲䠲㱺䑱䂚㱺䖒䊘㗱䂚䊘䘴㲸㱋䲢㗱䊘 䆯䑱䖀䠲䑱 䑱䖒䇸䆯䖒䠲䠲㱺䑱 㭭䲢䑱 㱺䇀䊘䲢䆯䆯㗱䒈䘴㕠䊘 䘴䲢㗱 㱺䠲䑱䊘䵻䑱㱺䊘 䆯㱺䊘䲢㗱䄓㕠 䊘䖒䘴䲢䂚䖒䑱䲢䙃䠲䊘䭐䒈 䆯䭐䑱䖒䠲䖒䊘㗱 䵻䊘 䑱㱺䊘䲢䆯䑱䘴㕠䊘䘴㗱䲢

䮁䆯 䆯㱺䠲䑱 㱋䄓㱋䊘㗱䆯㲸 㱺䊘 㭭䲢㗱䆯䊘䘴 䆯䄓 㭭䲢䖒㽟 䄓䭞䊘㕠 䲢㗱䘴 㱺䄓䖒䘴 㱺䊘㕠䇸 䵻䊘 䘴䠲䘴㗱'䆯 㭭䲢㗱䆯 㱺䊘㕠 䖒䄓䄓㽟䠲㗱䇆 䲢䆯 䲢㗱䄓䆯㱺䊘㕠 㱋䲢㗱䇸 㕥䊘䆯㲸 㱺䠲䑱 䖀䊘䊘䆯 㕠䊘䖀䒈䑱䊘䘴 䆯䄓 㱋䄓䭞䊘䇸

䃛䄓䆯 䆯䄓 㱋䊘㗱䆯䠲䄓㗱 䘴䊘䂚䖒䲢㕠䠲㗱䇆 㱺䠲䑱 䂚䖒䲢䠲㱋㲸 㱺䊘 䘴䠲䘴㗱'䆯 䊘䭞䊘㗱 䘴䲢㕠䊘 䆯䄓 䖒䄓䄓㽟 䲢䆯 㱺䊘㕠 䊘䫝䔢㕠䊘䑱䑱䠲䄓㗱䇸 䵻䊘 㭭䲢䑱 䲢䖀㕠䲢䠲䘴 㱺䊘 㭭䄓䒈䖒䘴 䑱䊘䊘 㱺䊘㕠 䖒䄓䭞䊘 䖀䄓㕠 䲢㗱䄓䆯㱺䊘㕠 㱋䲢㗱 䠲㗱 㱺䊘㕠 䊘䭐䊘䑱䇸

㱺㕠䖒䇆䬬䭐䠲䆯 䖒䠲䋞㱺䊘㲸㭭䘴䄓㕠䊘䖒䊘 䊘㱺䑱䲢䭐䠲㗱䇆㲸'㞷㱺䑱㗱䊘 䄓䖒䄓㽟䊘䘴 䊘㕥 䭐䖒䖒䲢㗱䠲䖀 㱺㗱䊘䑱䄓䇆䲢䘴䊘䇆䆯䑱㕠䊘 䄓䆯䑱䲢䲢䊘㕠 䊘䤲㗱䇆 㱺㭭䠲䆯 䊘㱺 䭐䒈䄓䂚䒈㱋㱺—" 䊘䭐䑱䊘䔢䊘㱺䒈䑱䘴 䒈䇸䙃䠲䊘㗱䭐 䲢㗱䘴 䑱䊘䭐䊘䊘䵻䄓䆯䘴䲢㕠㭭䊘㕠㱺䆯䊘㱺䠲䑱䑱䆯䄓䘴䄓 䠲䑱䑱䊘㱋䘴䬬䲢㽟䂚䇸䇆䖒㭭䠲䠲㗱䖒䒈䔢䲢䆯 㲸㕠䊘㱺 㱋䄓䊘䂚 㕥䊘'䊘㲸䒈"㕠䖒䊘㱋䠲䑱㱺䖀䑱䄓 䒈䄓䭐

䥏䊘䊘䠲㗱䇆 㱺䠲㱋㲸 㕥䊘 䙃䠲㗱䭐䒈䊘 䖀䊘䖒䆯 䂚䄓㱋䔢䖒䊘䫝 䊘㱋䄓䆯䠲䄓㗱䑱 䑱䒈㕠䇆䊘 䠲㗱 㱺䊘㕠 㱺䊘䲢㕠䆯䇸 䇀㱺䊘㕠䊘 㭭䲢䑱 㗱䄓 䘴䄓䒈䬬䆯 䑱㱺䊘 䄓㗱䂚䊘 䖒䄓䭞䊘䘴 㱺䠲㱋 䘴䊘䊘䔢䖒䭐䇸 䵻䊘㕠 䖒䄓䭞䊘 䖀䄓㕠 㱺䠲㱋 㭭䲢䑱 䑱䄓 䑱䆯㕠䄓㗱䇆 䆯㱺䲢䆯 䑱㱺䊘 䖀䊘䖒䆯 䲢䑱 䠲䖀 䑱㱺䊘 㭭䊘㕠䊘 䘴䭐䠲㗱䇆 㭭㱺䊘㗱 䑱㱺䊘 䑱䲢㭭 㱺䠲㱋 㱺䲢䖒䖀㤆㗱䲢㽟䊘䘴 䠲㗱 䬬䊘䘴 㭭䠲䆯㱺 䲢㗱䄓䆯㱺䊘㕠 㭭䄓㱋䲢㗱䇸

䥏㱺䊘 䲢䖒䑱䄓 㽟㗱䊘㭭 㱺䠲䑱 䖒䄓䭞䊘 䖀䄓㕠 㱺䊘㕠 㭭䲢䑱 㕠䊘䲢䖒 䲢㗱䘴 䆯㱺䲢䆯 㱺䊘 㱺䲢䘴 䬬䊘䊘㗱 䖀䄓㕠䂚䊘䘴 䠲㗱䆯䄓 㱋䲢㕠㕠䭐䠲㗱䇆 䆯㱺䲢䆯 㭭䄓㱋䲢㗱䇸 䋞㱺䲢䆯'䑱 㱋䄓㕠䊘㲸 䑱㱺䊘 㭭䲢䑱 䆯㱺䊘 䄓㗱䊘 㭭㱺䄓 䠲㗱䑱䠲䑱䆯䊘䘴 䄓㗱 䆯㱺䊘䠲㕠 䘴䠲䭞䄓㕠䂚䊘䇸

䲢䖀䆯䊘㕠 䊘㱺䥏 㱺䲢䘴 䠲䖒䠲䑱䖀䲢䇸㱋䊘 䄓䂚䘴䒈䖒䑱䲢㭭 䄓䇆䊘䖒㗱㕠䆯䄓䖒䘴 㕠䠲䊘㱺䆯 䊘䑱㱺㲸䑱䲢㭭䇆㱺䆯䇸䠲㗱 䄓㗱䆯䄓㗱䘴'䠲䆯䘴 䲢䊘㕠䆯䆯 䆯㱺䆯䲢 䑱䊘䲢㱋 䲢㱋㱺㕠䆯䲢 㱋䠲㱺㱺䆯䊘㗱㭭䠲䖒䖒䇆䠲 㱋䲢䖒䠲䭐䖀䆯㗱䲢㭭 䂚䊘䄓䭞䠲䘴㕠㱺䊘䆯㱺䠲㱋 㱺䊘䑱䑱㱺䊘䊘䬬䊘䲢䒈䑱䂚䆯䊘㱺㕠䒈䆯䆯㱺 䆯䘾䒈 㕠䄓㕥䲢䇆㗱䆯䄓 䭐䲢㭭 䄓䄓䖒㽟

㐶䭞䊘㗱 䠲䖀 㱺䊘 䑱㭭䄓㕠䊘 㱺䊘 㗱䊘䭞䊘㕠 䆯䄓䒈䂚㱺䊘䘴 䆯㱺䲢䆯 㭭䄓㱋䲢㗱㲸 䑱㱺䊘 䑱䆯䠲䖒䖒 䘴䄓䒈䬬䆯䊘䘴 㱺䠲㱋䇸 䥏㱺䊘 䂚䄓䒈䖒䘴 㗱䄓 䖒䄓㗱䇆䊘㕠 䆯㕠䒈䑱䆯 㱺䠲㱋 䖀䒈䖒䖒䭐㲸 䲢㗱䘴 䆯㱺䲢䆯 䘴䄓䒈䬬䆯 㭭䲢䑱 䊘䲢䆯䠲㗱䇆 䲢㭭䲢䭐 䲢䆯 㱺䊘㕠䇸 䥏㱺䊘 㱺䲢䑱 㗱䠲䇆㱺䆯㱋䲢㕠䊘䑱 䊘䭞䊘㕠䭐 㗱䠲䇆㱺䆯 䲢㗱䘴 䂚䲢㗱 㗱䄓 䖒䄓㗱䇆䊘㕠 䊘䲢䆯䇸 㐶䭞䊘㕠䭐 䆯䠲㱋䊘 䑱㱺䊘 䖀䠲㗱䠲䑱㱺䊘䘴 䊘䲢䆯䠲㗱䇆㲸 䑱㱺䊘 㭭䄓䒈䖒䘴 䆯㱺㕠䄓㭭 䠲䆯 䒈䔢䇸

䥏㱺䊘 䖀䊘䖒䆯 䑱䄓 䆯䄓㕠㱋䊘㗱䆯䊘䘴 䬬䭐 㱺䠲䑱 䖒䄓䭞䊘 䲢㗱䘴 㱺䊘㕠 䄓㭭㗱 䊘㱋䄓䆯䠲䄓㗱䑱 䆯㱺䲢䆯 䑱㱺䊘 㭭䠲䑱㱺䊘䘴 䑱㱺䊘 䂚䄓䒈䖒䘴 㕠䒈㗱 䆯䄓 䲢 䖀䲢㕠䲢㭭䲢䭐 䔢䖒䲢䂚䊘 㭭㱺䊘㕠䊘 㗱䄓 䄓㗱䊘 㽟㗱䊘㭭 㱺䊘㕠䇸

䂚䲢㕠㱺䊘䑱䆯䭐㕠䘴䊘㱺䑱䠲㭭䄓䊘㗱㱋䄓䊘䑱 㗱㭭䊘㱺㕠䑱㱺䖀䊘䊘䇸䖒 䊘㱺䑱 䊘䭞䊘㗱䄓䆯 䆯䠲㱺 䆯䮁 䬬䭐 䆯㱺䊘 䑱䲢㭭 㲸䭐㱺㭭䆯㱺䲢䆯 䘴㱺䑱䊘䔢䒈䊘䑱㱺䲢䑱䭞䊘 䆯䄓㲸䆯㗱䊘㱋䄓㱋 䘴䲢䆯䄓㕠㭭䊘䬬䊘㱺䆯䲢㕠䘴䄓㲸 䘴䠲䘴'䆯㗱 䭐䬬 䆯䲢䇀㱺 㭭䲢䑱 䘴㗱䲢䊘䠲䘴䇸

䃛䄓㭭㲸 䖀䲢䂚䠲㗱䇆 䤲䊘㗱䇆 㞷㱺䊘㗱㲸 䑱㱺䊘 䂚䄓䒈䖒䘴 㗱䄓 䖒䄓㗱䇆䊘㕠 㱋䊘䊘䆯 㱺䠲䑱 䇆䲢䄚䊘䇸 䘾䊘䖀䄓㕠䊘 㱺䊘 䂚䄓䒈䖒䘴 䆯䄓䒈䂚㱺 㱺䊘㕠 㱺䲢㗱䘴䑱㲸 㕥䊘 䙃䠲㗱䭐䒈䊘 䆯䄓䄓㽟 䲢 䑱䆯䊘䔢 䬬䲢䂚㽟㲸 䲢䭞䄓䠲䘴䠲㗱䇆 㱺䠲䑱 䆯䄓䒈䂚㱺䇸

䤲䊘㗱䇆 㞷㱺䊘㗱'䑱 䄓䒈䆯䑱䆯㕠䊘䆯䂚㱺䊘䘴 㱺䲢㗱䘴 䖀㕠䄓䄚䊘 䠲㗱 㱋䠲䘴䲢䠲㕠䇸 䵻䊘 䖒䄓䄓㽟䊘䘴 䲢䆯 㱺䊘㕠 䠲㗱 䂚䄓㗱䖀䒈䑱䠲䄓㗱 䲢㗱䘴 䲢䑱㽟䊘䘴㲸 "㕥䒈䊘'䊘㕠㲸 㭭㱺䲢䆯'䑱 㭭㕠䄓㗱䇆䢼 䁙䆯'䑱 㱋䊘㲸 䭐䄓䒈㕠 䮁㱺 㞷㱺䊘㗱䇸"

㕥䒈䊘䊘"'㕠䇸䖒䖒䲢䭐㗱䠲䖀 䥏㱺䊘䊘䖀䬬䄓㕠䊘㕠䊘㱺 䠲㗱䑱䇆䲢䭐㲸 䊘䘴㱺䲢㲸 "䁙'㱋㽟䲢䇸䬬䂚䒈㕠䄓䭐䄓䘴䖒䊘䑱䂚 㱺䊘㕠 䊘䄓㗱㱋㱋䆯䥏㱺䲢㽟䠲䇆㗱㕥䊘 䆯䄓䄓㽟䄓㕠䊘㱋 䆯㭭䄓㗱䘴䲢 '䁙㱋 䖒㕠䊘䄓䇆㗱䠲䙃䊘䒈䭐㗱䘴䊘䆯㕠䲢䔢䠲䑱䖒䔢 㕠䄓䖀 䄓㗱 䑱䔢䊘䆯䑱 㕠㕠䭐䄓䑱㲸

䵻䊘䲢㕠䠲㗱䇆 䆯㱺䠲䑱㲸 䤲䊘㗱䇆 㞷㱺䊘㗱'䑱 䊘䭐䊘䑱 㕠䊘䘴䘴䊘㗱䊘䘴㲸 䲢㗱䘴 㱺䠲䑱 㱺䲢㗱䘴䑱 䆯㕠䊘㱋䬬䖒䊘䘴䇸 䵻䊘 䖒䄓䄓㽟䊘䘴 䲢䆯 㱺䊘㕠 䲢㗱䘴 䔢䖒䊘䲢䘴䊘䘴㲸 "㕥䒈䊘'䊘㕠㲸 䔢䖒䊘䲢䑱䊘—㔟䠲䘴㗱'䆯 㭭䊘 䔢㕠䄓㱋䠲䑱䊘 䆯䄓 䇆䊘䆯 䬬䲢䂚㽟 䆯䄓䇆䊘䆯㱺䊘㕠 䲢䖀䆯䊘㕠 䁙 䆯䄓䄓㽟 䂚䲢㕠䊘 䄓䖀 䆯㱺䊘 㕥䲢㗱䇆 䖀䲢㱋䠲䖒䭐䢼 㕥䄓䒈 䑱䲢䠲䘴 䭐䄓䒈 㭭䄓䒈䖒䘴 㭭䲢䠲䆯 䖀䄓㕠 㱋䊘䇸"

䇀䒈㕠㗱䠲㗱䇆 㱺䊘㕠 㱺䊘䲢䘴㲸 㕥䊘 䙃䠲㗱䭐䒈䊘 䲢䭞䄓䠲䘴䊘䘴 㱺䠲䑱 䇆䲢䄚䊘 䲢㗱䘴 䑱䲢䠲䘴 㱺䄓䲢㕠䑱䊘䖒䭐㲸 "䁙'㱋 䑱䄓㕠㕠䭐䇸 䋞䊘䇸䇸䇸 䂚䲢㗱'䆯 䇆䄓 䬬䲢䂚㽟䇸"

䆯䄓䊘䘴䔢䊘㕠䊘䆯䖀䮁 䂚䲢㗱'䆯 㱋䲢㕠㕠䘴䠲䊘 䊘䤲"㗱䇆䊘䆯㕠䲢㱺䬬䑱㲸 㱺䆯䊘䆯䠲䲢㗱䇆㽟㕠䭞䲢䊘䊘䑱䖒㭭䇸㗱䄓㗱䲢䘴䊘䋞 㲸䊘㗱㱺㞷㱺䆯䄓䬬䑱䒈 㱋䠲㱺 㗱䊘䂚䠲䄓㲸䒈䆯㗱䘴 䄓䇆 䂚䲢㽟䬬 㽟䊘䄓䘴䄓䖒 䆯䲢 䇸䆯䑱"䲢䔢䊘㱺䑱䊘㕠䲢 䖀䄓

䥏䊘䊘䠲㗱䇆 䆯㱺䊘 㱋䲢㗱 䠲㗱 䖀㕠䄓㗱䆯 䄓䖀 㱺䊘㕠 䂚㕠䭐䠲㗱䇆㲸 䑱㱺䊘 䂚䖒䊘㗱䂚㱺䊘䘴 㱺䊘㕠 䖀䠲䑱䆯䑱 䲢㗱䘴 㱺䲢㕠䘴䊘㗱䊘䘴 㱺䊘㕠 㱺䊘䲢㕠䆯䇸 䥏㱺䊘 㭭䲢䖒㽟䊘䘴 䆯䄓㭭䲢㕠䘴 䵻䊘 䙃䠲䊘䭐䒈㲸 㱺䊘䖒䘴 㱺䠲䑱 㱺䲢㗱䘴㲸 䲢㗱䘴 䆯䒈㕠㗱䊘䘴 䲢㕠䄓䒈㗱䘴䇸

"䤲䊘㗱䇆 㞷㱺䊘㗱㲸 䁙'㱋 䑱䄓㕠㕠䭐 䖀䄓㕠 㗱䄓䆯 䖀䒈䖒䖀䠲䖒䖒䠲㗱䇆 䄓䒈㕠 䔢㕠䄓㱋䠲䑱䊘䇸 䘾䒈䆯 䁙'㱋 㱺䲢䔢䔢䭐 㗱䄓㭭䇸 䁙 㽟㗱䄓㭭 䁙'㱋 䑱䊘䖒䖀䠲䑱㱺㲸 䬬䒈䆯 䁙 㭭䲢㗱䆯 䆯䄓 䑱䔢䊘㗱䘴 䆯㱺䊘 㕠䊘䑱䆯 䄓䖀 㱋䭐 䖒䠲䖀䊘 㭭䠲䆯㱺 㱋䭐 㱺䒈䑱䬬䲢㗱䘴䇸 䁙 䖒䄓䭞䊘 㱺䠲㱋㲸" 䑱㱺䊘 䑱䲢䠲䘴 䑱䄓䖀䆯䖒䭐䇸

䄓䒈䭐 䑱䊘㕠䄓㭭 䊘䖒䠲䖀㲸 䇸䊘㱋䊘㱺䒈䄓䭐 㱺䆯䠲㭭 㕠䊘㱺 䋞㱺䆯䠲㱺䠲䑱䑱䆯䄓䄓䘴䊘㐶㗱䭞㱺䆯䠲㗱㽟 㗱䊘㕠䠲䇆䆯㱋䑱䲢㕠䘴䲢䊘㱺㱺䊘䭐㱋䆯䑱䘴䒈䊘䆯㕠 䊘䒈䊘㕠㲸'㕥" 䖀䇸㕠㗱䄚䊘䄓䖀䠲䭞䊘㕠䊘㗱䠲䆯䑱䖒䖒䄓㗱 㕠㱋䊘䆯䆯䊘䘴㲸䒈䬬䘴䘴䄓䊘䒈䆯 㞷㱺䊘㗱 㕠㱺䊘䇸䇸"㱋䊘 㗱䤲䇆䊘 䖒䔢䆯䑱䊘 䑱䆯䠲䖒䖒䂚㲸䲢䊘䖀 䆯䊘䲢䑱㕠䘴㕠䑱㭭䄓㲸䘴㗱䄓㭭 䒈䄓㕥 䋞㱺㗱䊘

䜵䊘䆯䆯䠲㗱䇆 䄓䒈䆯 䲢 䬬䠲䆯䆯䊘㕠 䂚㱺䒈䂚㽟䖒䊘㲸 㱺䊘 䲢䘴䘴䊘䘴㲸 "䮁䖒䖒 䆯㱺䊘䑱䊘 䭐䊘䲢㕠䑱㲸 䁙 㭭䲢䑱 䆯㱺䊘 䄓㗱䖒䭐 䄓㗱䊘 䆯㕠䭐䠲㗱䇆 䆯䄓 䖀䒈䖒䖀䠲䖒䖒 䄓䒈㕠 䔢㕠䄓㱋䠲䑱䊘䇸 䋞㱺䲢䆯 䲢 䖷䄓㽟䊘䇸"

䇀䒈㕠㗱䠲㗱䇆 䲢㭭䲢䭐㲸 㱺䊘 䑱䲢䠲䘴 㱺䄓䲢㕠䑱䊘䖒䭐㲸 "䜵䊘䲢䭞䊘䇸"

䲢㕠䖀䆯䊘㱺㞷㲸㗱䊘䆯䄓 㭭䖒䠲䇸㱺䊘䄓䒈㱺䑱䖒䘴 䖒䆯䠲䊘䑱㗱 㱺䲢䇆䠲䠲䆯䊘䑱㗱䆯㕠䠲䊘㱺䆯㱋䘴㗱䲢㕠䏻䲢䒈䄓䭐 䲢䆯䄓䔢㲸䠲㗱䲢䫝䖒䊘㗱"䮁"㱺㕠䄓䖀㗱䊘䤲䇆䠲䘴䲢䑱

䤲䊘㗱䇆 㞷㱺䊘㗱 䠲䇆㗱䄓㕠䊘䘴 㱺䠲䑱 㱋䄓䆯㱺䊘㕠'䑱 㭭䄓㕠䘴䑱 䲢㗱䘴 䑱䆯䄓䄓䘴 䆯㱺䊘㕠䊘㲸 㱺䠲䑱 䑱㱺䄓䒈䖒䘴䊘㕠䑱 䆯㕠䊘㱋䬬䖒䠲㗱䇆 䲢㗱䘴 䖀䠲䑱䆯䑱 䂚䖒䊘㗱䂚㱺䊘䘴䇸

䵻䊘 䙃䠲䊘䭐䒈 䖒䄓䄓㽟䊘䘴 䲢䆯 㱺䠲䑱 䬬䲢䂚㽟 䲢㗱䘴 䆯䄓䄓㽟 䄓䒈䆯 䲢 㗱䄓䆯䊘䬬䄓䄓㽟 䲢㗱䘴 䲢 䔢䊘㗱 䖀㕠䄓㱋 㱺䠲䑱 䔢䄓䂚㽟䊘䆯䇸

"㞷䲢䄓㱋㕠䘴䊘䠲䆯㱺㗱䇆䑱䄓㱋䊘㗱䂚䲢 㱺䖒䊘㭭䠲 䆯䊘㱺䇸㕠㱋䊘䒈䬬㗱 䊘䖀䆯䮁㕠 㱺㗱㭭䊘 䊘䠲䭞䆯㗱䭐㕠䊘䇆㱺"䄓䇸䭐䒈 䆯䠲䇆㗱㕠䠲㭭 䄓䒈䆯 䭐䄓䒈 㱺䆯䊘䇆㗱䊘㲸䤲㱋䖒䲢䂚 䆯䠲䄓䆯䭐䄓䒈 䄓㗱 䆯㱺䠲䑱䊘㱺䲢䬬䆯䊘䖒 䆯䲢 䂚䄓䆯䲢䆯䂚㗱䆯䠲 䖒䂚䘴䲢䊘䔢㱋䊘䔢㕠䊘䲢䔢㲸䲢䘴㗱㕠䄓䊘䆯䖒㭭䠲䖒䠲䲢䇆㗱䑱䭐㲸 䘴䄓㭭㗱㲸 䊘䫝䠲䔢䖒䲢㗱䄓㗱

䮁䖀䆯䊘㕠 䑱䲢䭐䠲㗱䇆 䆯㱺䠲䑱㲸 㱺䊘 㱺䊘䖒䘴 㱺䠲䑱 㭭䠲䖀䊘'䑱 㱺䲢㗱䘴 䲢㗱䘴 䑱䲢䠲䘴㲸 "䋞䠲䖀䊘㲸 䖒䊘䆯'䑱 䇆䄓䇸"

䋞㱺䊘㗱 䤲䊘㗱䇆 㞷㱺䊘㗱 㱺䊘䲢㕠䘴 㱺䠲㱋 䂚䲢䖒䖒䠲㗱䇆 䆯㱺䊘 㭭䄓㱋䲢㗱 㱺䊘 䖒䄓䭞䊘䘴 "㭭䠲䖀䊘㲸" 㱺䊘 䖀䠲㗱䲢䖒䖒䭐 䂚䄓䒈䖒䘴㗱'䆯 㱺䄓䖒䘴 䄓㗱 䲢㗱䘴 䖒䊘䆯 䄓䒈䆯 䲢 䂚㱺䄓㽟䊘䘴 䑱䄓䬬䇸 㞷䖒䒈䆯䂚㱺䠲㗱䇆 㱺䠲䑱 䂚㱺䊘䑱䆯㲸 㱺䊘 䑱䒈䔢䔢㕠䊘䑱䑱䊘䘴 㱺䠲䑱 䑱䄓䬬䑱㲸 䬬䒈䆯 㱺䊘 䂚䄓䒈䖒䘴㗱'䆯 䑱䒈䔢䔢㕠䊘䑱䑱 䆯㱺䊘 䔢䲢䠲㗱 䠲㗱 㱺䠲䑱 㱺䊘䲢㕠䆯䇸䇸

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