Chapter 304: Btog 304 Four Items
Chapter 304: Btog 304 Four Items
“Just to review our activity briefly, it was about a week ago when I fought a huge number of monsters in Dragon Place (Ryugu-jo) look a like dungeon, called the [Lakebed Ruins – Est=Etrillia]. There’s a video about 4 and a half hours long on my streamer account documenting it, so for any listeners who haven’t seen it yet, please do check it out…”
<Ascetic journey LOL>
<Please, spare me>
<It’s like a highlights reel of a game stream in a single video>
<Don’t forget the clip masters have got their clips too>
<For a dragon palace, it lacks a bit of dreaminess…>
<Already 2.5 million views, is that a bug??>
<Ever since the non-human coming out, both the archives and the combat scenes compilation are blowing up in views>
<Combat scenes compilation (intense)>
<The earnings must be insane>
“I don’t really know about the earnings… I don’t use money myself, and leave all that management to Rin-chan.”
According to Rin-chan, there was a significant donation in May, and despite the short calculation period, it turned out to be a decent income.
There were no donations in June, so there were no bonuses, but the views for the Aria battle shot up. Along with the collab stream with Rin-chan, and if we count the entire Apostle Battle monetization, the total was about three times that of May.
As for July’s figures, they’re still being tallied, but I feel like it’s going to be quite lavish.
There was a video about chopping wood that is still unexpectedly gaining views, and significant events included the Moon Wolf battle, the Melty battle, from Es≠Trillia to Shadow, and even the birthday live stream. Towards the end of the accounting period, there was what the audience referred to as an [inhuman reveal], and there was also the MHKS shooting spree incident in Battler.
“I haven’t asked about the amount, but it seems like the earnings for June alone can cover the rent for the apartment I’m living in now. Well, that’s just about it, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m still living off Rin-chan.”
<Wasn’t there a rich guy who threw in a million at the start?>
<Honestly envious>
<Though it’s different from a startup, it sure grew>
<July’s earnings seem like they might make your eyes pop out>
“Right… Alright, it’s not crowded here, so let’s settle down in this area.”
While chatting with the listeners, I had quietly found a place to sort my items and had returned to the second town, Dualis.
Why Dualis, of all places? Simply put, it’s unpopular. Or rather, it’s too much of a waypoint, with very few players actually using it as a base.
Compared to other towns with distinctive features, it’s definitely more of a peaceful countryside. There’s just a small market for beginners and a communal workshop for production players, so it’s starting to get less attention from exploration-focused players.
Above all, the existence of Trillia is detrimental for this town. Seriously, everyone’s eager to visit that lakeside city soon.
That’s why when you visit an advanced server, this town end up being the emptiest.
“Well, to say the least, the highlight items can be counted on one hand. Despite defeating many, they were just regular monsters and rare monsters after all.”
<Just like the mobs in a Musou game>
<Were there any rare monsters?>
<A Musou game with tough mobs? No thanks>
<How many did you defeat?>
“In total, I took down 652. I noticed you can see the number of defeated monsters in the encyclopedia, so I checked. Anyway, let’s do a quick recap.”
The Lakebed Ruins are the remnants of a tragic event that lies beneath the lake. The impact of falling 300 meters underground and colliding with the earth instantly killed all the former residents, creating a major disaster. Their resentment even repelled the lake water that should have flowed in, keeping the uninhabited ruins at the lakebed.
As for the dungeon’s features, the sheer number of monsters sums it up.
Ghosts of townspeople, adventurers who used the town as a base. Every person involved in the great collapse turned into undead, creating a den of undead that attack relentlessly.
The interior is largely unexplored, but from the accessed areas alone, the overwhelming density and durability of monsters are evident, justifying its reputation as a high-difficulty dungeon.
However, the dungeon seems lacking in terms of enemies’ special abilities for its boasted level over 100.
Most are spirits of townspeople, so at best they have paralysis or poison, and the adventurer types may use magic or weapon attacks.
Generally, if you beef up your defense and prepare for status conditions, the fights are manageable.
But, in the end, the sheer number of enemies is the biggest challenge, and whether solo or in a party, the dungeon seems designed for stealth type gameplay.
“The features of the dungeon are something like that. You can see what it looks like in the video. Those with thalassophobia, be careful.”
While saying that, I operated the menu card.
I can control the menu with my thoughts, and sometimes I use it like tapping a hologram, but after all, there’s something satisfying about using a physical terminal.
“There were quite a few items that dropped, but the highlights are four.”
<That few?>
<↑It’s like that except for bosses>
<Since they were mostly mobs, huh>
<How amazing are these highlights?>
“One is super amazing. One is amazing. One is quite something. And one is oh… so-so.”
<That doesn’t bode well>
<Sounds lame>
<Super amazing, huh>
<Too vague, man>
“I’ll show them in ascending order of rarity.”
After sorting the items I wanted to show using the recently discovered ‘favorite items registration feature’, I displayed the lowest rarity first.
“The first one is this. A High Rare longbow, the Relic version of the <Tripletz Longbow>.”
Item: <Tripletz Longbow>
Rarity: High Rare
Attribute: None
Required Strength: 400
Attack Power: +150 x 3
Agility: -40
Durability: 420/420
Weapon Skill: <Diffusion: Three>
Category: <Longbow Weapon> <Shooting Weapon> <Relic>
A diffusion bow that still exists today.
Its high durability and weight provide stability and solid attack power, but it’s cumbersome to handle, making it unpopular in modern times.
“Simply put, it’s a bow that splits the arrow you shoot into three.”
<Sounds good>
<Relic means it’s old?>
<Bow users might dislike the agility decrease>
<Is a longbow different from a bow?>
“There’s definitely a difference. Mainly in size, rapid-fire capability, and power. Archers generally move around frequently during combat, but longbow users are almost like fixed artillery. These distinctions are just in-game classifications, so there are weapons that are huge but categorized as normal bows, or others that look like short bows but are classified as longbows.”
<I see>
<The discrepancy between performance and design is where a blacksmith shows their skill>
<Wonder how much such a bow would sell for?>
“Hmm, the price varies a lot between NPC shops and selling to players. Let me ask Haruru before showing the others.”
<Haruru, how much would this bow sell for?>
<Depending on the buyer… easily around 3 million… I suppose…>
<Reply so quick!?>
<I’m… always watching…>
“Got a quick response. Around 3 million Iris.”
<Too quick, LOL>
<Haruru is always on the lookout>
<Would get lowballed at an NPC shop… better to sell to a player….>
<Even comparing to Sukuna’s weapons, the attack power is pretty high, seems fair>
<And it shoots three arrows too>
Bows as weapons have high customizability with different types of arrows, so there’s something to be said for simple but strong weapons like this. I might later ask Haruru to sell it on my behalf. I have another similar weapon, so I’ll show that one next.
“The second one is this. It’s also a rapid-fire bow, but it’s the complete opposite of the strong and simple one I showed earlier – a super gimmick-type.”
Item: <Magic Bow (Makyuu) – V Bomber>
Rarity: High Rare
Attribute: Massive Explosion
Required Strength: 550
Attack Power: +1 x 5
Durability: 40/40
Weapon Skill: <Diffusion – Five>
Category: <Bow Weapon> <Shooting Weapon> <Durability Consumption Doubled>
A five-string bow created in jest by a certain sage, granting a massive explosion attribute to any arrow fired.
It’s fragile and handling it incorrectly can burn everything, including the archer’s life. However, its firepower is top-notch.
“Look at this massive explosion attribute. It’s my first time seeing something like this.”
<Such a weapon of romance>
<Reminds me of a weapon from a game I used to play…>
<Fragile and easily broken, that’s just too perfect LOL>
<Including the archer’s life…???>
There was a Millionaire using a five-shot bow during the battle, and I remember getting this as a drop just flowing from the combat. But looking at it again, the performance is clearly different from when the Millionaire had it. Sure, its arrows split into five, but there weren’t any explosions back then.
“From what I can see, the power doesn’t come from the arrow itself but from the explosion, but I’m not sure how the damage from the explosive attribute is calculated.”
<It’s appears so, since the attack power is just one…>
<The explosive attribute itself should be defense-ignoring fixed damage, I believe>
“Oh, it’s fixed damage. So, it really does damage solely through explosions.”
<Explosions caused by gunpowder count as physical damage, which can be confusing>
<That’s quite detailed>
<Sounds like you could make bombs with it>
“The weapon I used initially, Meteor Impact, I think had gunpowder packed into the hammer’s head. I haven’t used it much lately, but there’s an art named Meteor Impact in the blunt weapon skills. Using it creates weapon-breaking shockwaves, resulting in a devilish weapon that drives in directional explosions with each strike.”
<That brings back memories>
<That’s the one from this video, right? [Boss Battle Scene – Golden Knight Edition] >
<I’ll check it out later>
<Did Haruru make that weapon too?>
“Exactly, Haruru loves making such quirky weapons.”
Meteor Impact Zero Type, the weapon I destroyed while defeating Goldo during an event trial. The explosion at that time wasn’t attribute-based; Haruru explicitly mentioned it was packed with gunpowder, so the damage was likely physical.
“I might be able to use it in the Black Wolf battle, so I should definitely give it a test shot later. Now, onto the third item.”
Item: <King Trout Sword (Ousonken) – King Abyss>
Rarity: High Rare ★★★★
Attribute: Torrent
Required Strength: 300
Attack Power: +280
Durability: 159/159
Weapon Skill: <Attribute Enhancement – Eight> <Underwater Movement Enhancement – Two>
Category: <One-handed Sword> <Slashing Weapon>
Originally a sword made purely from water ore, it was forged to its current form by the power of the King Abyss Trout. It houses a rare water stream attribute and allows for smooth underwater movement, thanks to the Abyss Trout’s blessing.
“Look at that, it’s a water attribute one-handed sword, already at its final enhancement!”
<Looks powerful>
<Is it read as ‘Oumasu Ken’?>
<It’s ‘Ousonken,’ right?>
<Does it include that gigantic salmon king?>
<If it’s a water attribute, it might be useful against volcanic enemies>
<A sword, huh…>
<What does the enhancement # mean?>
“Ah, the ★ marks indicate that the weapon is enhanced. The number of times you can enhance it depends on its rarity, and since High Rare is the fourth rarity level, it can be enhanced four times.”
<I see>
<I think even Ouma was an enhanced item>
<Final enhancement is about as strong as a starless weapon of a higher rarity… right?>
“You all remember well… Yes, that’s right.”
So, this one-handed sword, King Abyss, is equivalent to a weapon of Epic Rare, a level above High Rare. It boasts high attack power, sufficient durability, a weapon skill that seems to enhance its top attribute, and even a feature for movement assistance. It’s one of the highest performing weapons I have, right after the Jujin Ryouki<ch. 293>. Whoever had enhanced and used this sword must have taken great care of it. Though, considering it dropped from a millionaire’s ghost, it might have been just an item put up for sale.
“Well, I’m going to give this one to A-chan. I don’t need a sword, after all.”
<So generous!>
<Makes sense LOL>
“Swords are usable, but it’s better to give them to someone who can master them.”
This was something I decided upon seeing the sword for the first time. It’s undoubtedly strong, and it would be useful in a volcano. It’s perfect for slicing through Hot Roll Cabbage, and it’s handy even without integrating Arts. But simply, I don’t need it. If I need a convenient attribute weapon, I might as well use Juurin Ryouki, which can counter any attribute.
“So, this is a thank you gift for A-chan for all the help she’s given me. By the way, I’ve already got permission to team up from tomorrow. I only just found out about this weapon, so naturally, I haven’t told her yet.”
<Slowly becoming a regular setup, huh?>
<Mainly using bludgeoning weapons is part of your identity>
<If you really have no regrets, it’s all good>
<If it’s for A-chan, it’s fine>
<Sudden use of a sword would be a different interpretation>
<I can tolerate up to knives>
“Then, either way, a sword is out!”
Bludgeoning, including using a kanabo, is my basic combat style. I can use swords and knives because I’ve seen plenty of them, but they’re not my preference or specialty. Unlike my bare hands or blunt objects, which I can use anytime and anywhere, bladed weapons require preparation to be properly utilized.
“So, this one is for A-chan… Oh, don’t worry. I’ve definitely set aside something for Rin-chan.”
<I see?>
<For Rin-chan?>
<What about Sukuna’s?>
“Come on, as if weapons better than Twin Wolf attire and Juurin Ryouki could be easily found.”
They’re equipment made and enhanced with materials from a Named Boss that can only be fought once a month at level 150. No matter how high the level of the dungeon or how rare the monster, it’s unlikely to find anything superior in performance.
Above all else.
“How could I prepare a gift for A-chan and not for Rin-chan?”
<Yes, right>
<That’s true>
<Absolutely logical>
<Cheating is absolutely not allowed>
<I can feel the pressure>
<Those eyes are intense…>
The revenue has made Nana’s savings swell to several times its size.
Yet, it’s still a mere drop in the bucket compared to Rinne’s earnings. Sad, isn’t it?
Tl note:
Go back to chapter 292 and 293 since I too, was forgot what I translate lol
Dragon Place (Ryugu-jo) is reference from momotaro
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