Chapter 19.2. Adventurers Guild
Chapter 19.2. Adventurers Guild
19.2. Adventurers Guild
I took a step back, aghast. Who is that? How did she become me?Surely that isnt me, right? But she was mimicking me every movement and had the exact same things I had. Not only that, her skin complexion was no different from mine. But was that what I looked like?
I had never seen my own face before, and was caught off guard to see that I had horns. Two small protrusions poking out of my scalp, slightly obscured by the silver-gray hair falling to my shoulders. I poked them, trying to see what they did, but found that they were simply just there, leaving a bump in my skin.
And my eyes I narrowed them, seeing the pair of golden irises contract as my slit-like pupils expanded. It was almost glittering in the shadow of my hood, but there wasnt an actual glow.
This was this was me. But it wasnt me either. It was an impostor! This was someone who had stolen what I looked like and was now pretending to be me! But even if she took my appearance, she couldnt possibly have taken my name either, right?!
I wasnt sure, but I instantly felt aggressive towards her. I raised my claw to attack and paused to quickly identify her. If shes higher leveled than me
[Mirror - It is a glass surface used to reflect a clear image.]
I blinked. Huh, I thought, lowering my claws. I felt my tension wash away as relief flooded in, reassured that I hadnt just had myself taken from me.
Managing to recollect myself, I remembered that Daniel had told me not to stray away from him. So I turned around and started back to the Human man who was looking around for me as the other man from earlier pestered him from behind.
Salvos there you are. Where did you go?
I was looking in the mirror.
I did not elaborate on that, feeling slightly embarrassed that I had gotten angry at an object for doing what it was supposed to do. Daniel grabbed my hand and began pulling me out the door.
Lets just go
Whos this? Found yourself a girlfriend to go along with you, huh?
I looked up at the other man who stood a head above Daniel who was also a head above me. Daniel shook his head, trying to pull me to the door but I slipped out of his grasps. The other man laughed.
Cant even keep a girl, huh? Too bad. But I dont blame her no one would want to get themselves killed with you. And its not like youre even actually going to try and find that Demon. Youll just wuss out in the last second like the coward you are.
I glanced between the two Humans as Daniels lips drew into a line. I turned to him.
Is this man a companion of yours?
Daniel continued glaring at the other man.
Hes Blake, and no he isn't. In fact, hes an asshole Id rather not be associated with.
Daniel sighed and just looked at me pleadingly.
Hes just someone I cant stand. Look can we just leave? I shouldve known better than to come here.
Why not?
I peered at him curiously, but he just took a deep breath. Blake decided to chime in, slapping Daniels back as he leaned closer to me.
Because he wanted to come here and brag about trying to do jobs he cant possibly do. Thats why he- wait. Youre not...
Blake narrowed his eyes, looming over me. Daniel saw this and gulped.
Uh oh.
The other man immediately grasped me by the shoulders.
Youre not just a random girl! Youre a Level 23 [Rogue]! How old are you no, wait. Why arent you a part of the Iron Champions Company yet? Were looking for new recruits to join our company. Were cheap and we know special locations around Silvergrove and throughout all of Falisfield. Places you can go to train and level. What do you say? Want to join us and get access to a newly discovered Dungeon?
His eyes were glinting as he spoke, suddenly far more friendly towards me. I glanced over at Daniel who was breathing a sigh of relief. I cocked my head at him.
You dont like this man, right?
I uh, what...? Oh, yeah. I dont like him.
I smiled at Daniel even though he couldnt see it, then turned to Blake.
My answer is no. I will not join your stupid company.
Blakes brows snapped together. He tried to pull me with him but I slipped away again. He reached for me with one hand, as the other pointed damningly at Daniel.
Why are you with that newbie? The Iron Champions Company may not be one of the big companies, but it will be. If you join us now, you can
I pushed his hand aside, and finally had enough.
I said no.
I curled my clawed hand into a ball and jabbed it between his legs. I didnt aim for that region on purpose it was simply the height differential that made me do that.
But apparently it made my attack more than effective; the moment my fist plunged into his nether region, he howled and doubled over. He fell to the ground, clutching at where I had hit as he groaned in pain.
Daniel flinched, and so did a number of other Human men who saw this. I turned to him.
Lets go, Daniel.
He hurried after me as I left the Adventurers Guild. I heard Blake hurling a volley of words at me, which I could infer did not mean anything nice. But I ignored it.
Daniel ran up next to me as we walked down the road. He looked at me hesitantly as we continued aimlessly.
You attacked Blake.
He finally broke the silence by pointing out the obvious. I nodded.
Only because he tried to force me to go with him. It reminds me of someone else, and I dont like it.
The Human man hesitated, glancing at me warily.
But I thought you said you werent going to attack anyone.
I said I wouldnt kill anyone. You didnt say there was anything wrong with hurting them. All I did was punch him I didnt even use my claws.
I know, but you hit him in the uh, a weak spot.
He fidgeted as his arms moved slightly closer together at his waist. I paused, considering this.
Huh. Thats a good thing to know.
Please dont ever hit me there.
I grinned.
As long as you dont give me a reason to, I wont.
Daniel sighed, rubbing at his forehead.
Thats the best Im going to get out of you, huh?
I nodded and that was that. We continued walking for a moment longer before I finally decided to ask the question in my mind.
So, how do I go back?
I emphasized the last word, trying to get him to see through the subtlety of my question. He jerked, snapping his head at me.
Oh, that.
I gave him an annoyed look and threw my hands up in the air.
Did you not do anything in the Adventurers Guild?!
I couldnt get anything out of anyone in the Adventurers Guild because of Blake! But this was just the first stop next up is the library. Thats a more secluded place and we could perhaps gather information. And if nothing turns up there
He trailed off, averting his gaze from me. Theres always another thing. I found myself getting slightly irritated that there were so many steps just to go back to the Netherworld, but coming here was so simple.
Is that all?
No theres this place. Its usually used for summonings, but not the kind that matters to you. And Im not entirely sure if they can help you, and it might be dangerous.
If anyone attacks me
Youll kill them, right. But Im not even sure if they will attack you. Maybe if they know what you actually are? But I dont know
I crossed my arms, interrupting him as he blathered on.
What is it already?
He halted in his step and scratched the side of his head. He averted his gaze from me.
Its the local temple. And there are [Priests] there which wont be a problem unless your cover is revealed. But theres more. There are Spirits. They are kind of like Demons in that they are summoned into a contract.
So? Whats wrong with that?
The thing is
I glared at him and he hurried it up.
If they can tell that youre a Demon, they might attack you.
What do you think?
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