Chapter 67: Gotta save 'em all?
Chapter 67: Gotta save 'em all?
Sirzechs was seated at his desk, enjoying a nice cup of tea his wife brewed for him as he gave a cursory glance to the papers he had on his desk. All likely having something to do with the Old Satan faction. Personally, he had a more pressing worry. The Naberius clan and their outrage was gathering enough attention where even Zekram Bael took interest.
Him, alongside the other Satans kept the existence of Yin, Yang and Shia a secret but it's unlikely it'd stay a secret. Frankly, he just didn't want to deal with those Dragons anymore. "Lord Sirzechs, Lady Rias has returned from her trip to Japan. She'll be coming over in a few minutes." Grayfia, his lovely maid and wife informed him as she opened the door to his study. He seemed a little confused. Rias had just left for that trip a few days ago. She was supposed to be staying a week there. "I see. Did she sound nervous or anything?"
"No. Mainly just confused. I believe she has some questions for you." Grayfia stated.
Moments later, Rias walked into Sirzechs' study, where she was swept off her feet and hugged by her older brother.
"Welcome, Ria-tan! Did you miss me?" As usual, he was very doting when it came to his younger sister.
"Onii-sama, of course I did!" Still being a kid, Rias quite liked her brother's affectionate nature.
Grayfia smiled as she watched the siblings bond. Given her own situation, she was a little envious of how well they were getting along.
"So how was Japan? I trust you didn't bump into anything bad, right?" Sirzechs asked as he sat back down and gave Rias a small yet affectionate pat on her head.
"Mmm... Well I guess you can say it was bad. There was blood and bodies everywhere.. Then that black haired girl said she would 'kick your ass' someday soon." Rias relayed to him with a slightly uncomfortable yet curious face.
"...." Sirzechs paused momentarily, processing his sister's words.
"Can you explain what you saw again? And where were you? I need to know everything." Sirzechs' demeanor shifted to a more serious one.
"Am I in trouble?" Rias sulked a little, but Sirzechs shook his head and rested his hand on her shoulder.
"No, of course not. I just need to know exactly what happened. Tell me what they looked like too, if you can."
Rias then went on to explain, starting with her excursion to the shrine. Then explained how the humans looked, the carnage, Yin, Yang, Akeno and finally repeated what Yin told her.
Sirzechs' expression soured and he swore he could hear his wife sigh. His worries regarding two Dragon girls, it seemed, was only just getting started. They had slaughtered a group of Himejima warriors and even an elder.
"Did I really mess up that bad..? I was trying to be amiable.." Sirzechs cradled his head in his hands and sulked.
"You were. But you were too pushy. Let me take a guess here. You thought you could convince those girls to be in Rias' future peerage?" Grayfia asked with a knowing glance. From her husband's expression, dhe knew it was true too.
"Ehh..? I want to be the one who chooses my Peerage, Onii-sama.." And now Rias was sulking at him.
As Sirzechs tried his best to appease his little sister, Grayfia began thinking about the two girls. They went from rescuing two little Nekoshou to massacring Himejima clansmen on their own turf. Then she focused on the one other girl Rias mentioned. The girl that appeared to be around Rias' age was definitely the person of interest there.
"Sirzechs-sama. I believe we should attempt to contact these girls as soon as you get the clans under control. I believe I may have an idea where they went." Grayfia's suggestion made
Sirzechs nodded. They were very likely staying in Japan, given they had to have dropped the Nekoshou sisters off. That, and the rescue of an unknown girl from the Himejima clan meant they were probably staying within some community in Japan that welcomed non-humans.
"It's a good idea. As soon as I get those guys to shut up. Ah, Ria-tan I'm sorry your trip was interrupted like that. How about I go with you next time?" Sirzechs offered, once more going into 'doting big brother mode'.
Grayfia simply let them be and added the trip to her schedule. That is, after he dealt with the outrage of the clans.
Upon returning, Yin was almost immediately tackled to the ground by a rather enthusiastic bunny girl. It seems Shia had already finished with her transformation and it definitely showed. Her light blue hair was now snow white, her irises were the same crimson as Yin's and her strength was more monstrous.
"Yin! Yin, I did it so fast!" Shia exclaimed, arms wrapped around Yin's waist like a vice.
Yin was surprised, at her appearance change, yes but mostly from the raw power Shia had. She was already pretty strong before. But with her blood, even her casual, small exertions of strength were pronounced. If she had ran into a regular human just now, they would have
"I'm happy for you, Shia. I like the unique appearance you have now. Mm.. like a genderbent bunny-girl Hajime actually.. All you need is an eyepatch and dress in black." Yin smirked, already imagining the cosplay on Shia.
"Oh? Oh!? That'd be an excellent prank for when we go back!" Shia excalimed in mischievous excitement, her ears both standing straight up.
"Oh. Is this the girl you saved?" Shia looked over to Yang, who had set Akeno down and was checking for injuries.
The young half-Fallen obediently let Yang check her over, still in a state of awe and shock. The way she was looking at Yang made Yin smirk.
'Not surprising. Yang's going to be very popular when she grows..- Actually, isn't she already practically an adult in appearance?' Yang looked over at Yin, who was staring at her in
She was still covered in blood. Her current appearance to most people would be intimidating. But for some reason, Yang felt mesmerized. Like she was seeing her sister's true self. She was about to open her mouth when a door slid open at the end of the hallway they were in.
"Ah~ Welcome back. That was quite fast. This is the lovely little one you saved?" Yasaka walked out, carrying a little girl in her arms.
The little girl was blonde with little fox ears on her head. She looked to be a toddler, barely older than four years old. Yin noted she seemed to shrink away when she looked at her for
some reason.
"Now now, Kunou. These are our guests. They're friendly~ Mama promises." Yasaka cooed, rubbing the top of her daughter's head.
"Aha. Yin isn't good with kids. Smile more, sis!" Yang wrapped her arms around Yin and used her fingers to push the corners of Yin's mouth up.
"...Thanks for the assist, Yang." Yin snorted but let Yang have her way.
Yang grinned in response and cleared her throat before pulling Akeno up to introduce her. "This is Akeno Himejima. The poor girl was being attacked by a bunch of adult men." Yasaka gave her a sympathetic smile and placed her hand on her head. "Don't worry. You're welcome here, little one. Though.. nobody will hunt you with two Dragons protecting you
"Eh? You're both..?" Akeno looked back at Yang and Yin, the former still making the latter smile.
"Sure are! Don't worry though. We don't eat people.... right?" she asked the last part quietly to Yin.
Yin shrugged. "We could. But then, people can eat cockroaches. Doesn't mean they'll wanna." Akeno grimaced but understood. In any case, she was thankful. Even if Yin did intimidate her. "Now- I'd like to make you an offer. You did save my friend's daughters. For that, I'm grateful and will let you stay here as long as you wish. I'll even let this little one stay under my protection too. But I suspect from your previous conversation.. that you intend to save other kids? Perhaps from different countries?" Yasaka asked with a now serious expression.
Yang looked at Yin. Yin already knew the answer. Yang, of course wanted to help them all. And while she didn't mind saving these kids, she was only doing it because Yang wanted to. That, and it gave Yang some real combat experience. Thus, Yin nodded back at Yasaka.
"We are. What's this offer?" Yin asked.
Yasaka gave her a charming smile and nodded in approval. "Good! I have no issue housing
these kids here but I'm not without my own issues. I'd like you three Dragons to help me maintain an image of strength here. Recently, some Yokai have been.. rowdy. I believe some may try to usurp me or steal away my little Kunou. If you could help me by attending meetings with me, I believe your Draconic aura would deter them massively." Yin hummed, looking at Ophis who had constantly stayed within a five meter range of her.
"No problem. I think we could help you beyond that. If any sort of rebellion happens, we could crush it as soon as it begins. You okay with that?" Yin asked Ophis. "Mn. I'll do whatever my silence wishes." Ophis stated, inching a bit closer.
"Perfect! That would truly help. Now, why don't we set little Akeno up in her own room? I
hope you don't mind cats though. We have little friends your age living next to you." Yasaka explained as she took Akeno's hand and started guiding her down the hall, to where Kuroka and Shirone were staying.
"All in a day's work hm? Now, let's go take a bath." Yin said, eager to clean the blood off her.
-Later that night-
The day passed, being rather eventful with the massage, rescue of Akeno, bathing, checking
in on the Toujou sisters and Akeno after they settled in and dinner with Yasaka. Yin and Yang both received large rooms with the largest beds they had ever seen.
Shia had reluctantly returned to her own room but Ophis wouldn't be deterred when it came to sleeping with Yin. The Dragon God was currently in a deep sleep while next to Yin.
Yin herself was about to fall asleep when she heard something.
The sound of her sliding door opening. She was about to sit up and point Shia back out the
door when she felt a far curvier body than Shia's press into her back.
'Too big to be Shia.. Too small to be Yasaka..' Yin noted, feeling warm arms wrap around her
waist. "Hey sis, you awake?" Yang whispered very quietly from behind.
Yin untensed, easing into Yang's hug as she whispered back. "Yeah. What's up? Can't sleep in
a new space easily?"
"It's more that my bed was way too big. Plus, I think we're overdue for a sleepover." Yang whispered before grinning.
"As long as you don't mind sharing me." Yin snorted in amusement and the two spent a few minutes in comfortable silence.
"I have a question. Been on my mind for a long time.." Yang whispered again, interlocking her
fingers with Yin's.
Yin simply hummed in acknowledgement, waiting patiently for her sister to ask. "We're.. strong here. Maybe not strongest or even in the top ten. But we are strong. Enough so
that Yasaka's made a deal with us to act as deterrents.." Yang paused, seeing Yin nod before
"Then what about our world? You killed a Mythic Grimm. Something even Atlas hasn't done yet." Yang stated, sounding proud.
"I can't say where I stand on the powerscale of Remnant yet. I'm still exploring after all." Yin
replied, turning her head to peek at Yang.
"Yeah, I get it. I just wanted to ask.. What's your power for? Is it for exploring and these
adventures? I wanna know your ambition." Yang asked, a burning intensity in her eyes that captivated Yin momentarily.
Yin smiled and thought about her initial reason for leaving the Xiaolong house. That was the very beginning of what later bloomed to be her ambition.
"I want.. to explore, to challenge myself. I want to dominate, to possess. But those are small
parts of my ambition, Yang. Above all, I wanted power to make a better world for you. That
day you almost died scared me. I don't regret going off with Mom. But I do regret not having
you by my side."
Yang pulled herself closer and kissed Yin on the lips. Her hug became just a little tighter and
Yin felt her powerful heartbeat through their skin contact. But overall she was overcome with the same affection Yang was showing her.
"I love you, Yin. I feel the same way. It was.. tough without you. But we have a year and some
months together. I wanna make the most of it." Yang muttered as she tucked her head into the crook of Yin's neck.
After a period of silence, Yin held Yang tight and whispered back, "I love you too, Yang. I promise, I'll be right beside you this whole year."
The two fell asleep soon after, a serene contentment radiating from them both as they held
the other close.
-Several Months later-
Sirzechs just stepped out of the Naberius' main house and felt all his tension melt away. He
had finally managed to shut them up and covered up the existence of Yang and Yin. Now, he could finally take his family on that trip to Japan. "Sirzechs-sama. Urgent news." Grayfia joined him as they teleported back to their home.
"Urgh.. what now?" Sirzechs really didn't want to deal with anything else for a while.
"Those two women. They're annihilating the Tepes clan in Romania." Grayfia stated with a
still, ever-calm expression.
[AN: DH won! Not a surprise, really. I should take it off the list cuz it'll always be ist lol.
Anyway, might do Lucoa next.. Sov? Reaper? Or even the Worm one, since Geo and I were working on a new chap.]
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