Chapter 221: Tomb’s sarcophagus
Chapter 221: Tomb’s sarcophagus
Michael looked at the crack in the stone brick walls, realizing that the Earth mana had parted ways to show him a completely different room in a completely different space.
If one looked at the cracks from the side, they would see nothing but a two-dimensional line that had no depth at all.
This gave Michael an idea on where the treasure room was hidden.
It was in a small pocket dimension.
Now, he didn't know much about the specifics of a pocket dimension, but Michael had heard it discussed in anime and fantasy media from his previous world.
Without further ado, Michael empowered the revolving air in his feet and pushed himself towards the crack.
As his body crossed over to the cracks, the crystallized Earth mana suddenly closed up, reconstructing its structure to how it was before. It gave no chance for the other adventurers to even try and go after him.
By the time they realized what was happening, Michael was already gone and the cracks had healed into the normal, unassuming stone brick walls of the chamber.
"What…just happened?"
And so, the name Reborn company would once again be imprinted into the hearts of every single adventurer who witnessed this whole event.
Michael stepped off the crack just like how he would traverse a door. There was no transportation or removal of his body at all. It was as if the pocket dimension was just another room in the world.
Of course, he didn't forget to have ChatJK3 try and analyze the very magic theory governing this pocket dimension.
He looked around and saw himself in a hallway leading to a confined chamber in the distance. The stone brick walls around him were in pristine condition, with no sign of degradation or cracks in its structure. If Michael didn't know any better, then he would have thought that this place was created just yesterday.
This was probably what the tomb would look like a thousand years ago when it was first constructed, Michael thought, appreciating its architecture.
The hallway was lit up by torches, which was mystically being powered up by nothing but Fire mana, probably a spell left behind by its creator.
He looked around and saw paintings depicting some kind of historical scene from the past. These paintings were simple and two-dimensional, reminiscent of the Egyptian paintings back in his previous life.
From the very start of the hallway, he saw a scene depicting a normal man in a ship, looking over towards a large landmass in the distance.
And as Michael walked down the hallway, he saw the paintings progress in story as well.
The next scene depicted the same man touching down on the land and meeting with the locals. After that, the painting showed him bringing gifts and establishing connections with the natives.
Michael kept on walking through the hallway, keeping up with the history that this scene depicted.
It wasn't long before the adventurous man who 'discovered' this new land, ended up establishing his own country, depicted by him planting his own flag onto fertile land.
The next few paintings showed him progressing his country, creating buildings, progressing infrastructure, and generating peace for his citizens.
The paintings after this now showed the man leading an army to siege a walled territory. There were a couple of depictions of this, each showing the man conquering different territories, until finally, he united the large continent that he discovered into one country.
Michael was finally at the end of the hallway, onto the last painting.
This time, this painting was a lot more realistic, almost like Leonardo Da Vinci painted it himself.
And this painting had a title.
{The First Human Emperor Establishing the Royal Continent.}
It showed the man finally happy and content, looking over his land from his castle.
ChatJK3, can you summarize what these paintings mean?
[Based on the depictions, this seems to show the history of the Royal Continent, the very land that you stand on right now. And according to this, there was once a man who was able to unite the entire continent under one banner, making him the First Human Emperor.]
Hmm…Royal Continent. And the two regions inside it are the Kings and Queens region. Does that have any correlation to each other?
[There is a large possibility of this naming convention being created by the First Human Emperor.]
With no other painting to look at, Michael then set his sights onto the large confined chamber in front of him.
This was a tomb, alright.
An enclosed sarcophagus made out of pure silver steel was placed in the middle of the chamber.
Around the sarcophagus were piles of gold coins, chalices, and jewels from the ancient world. Although these would make any adventurer salivate at the sight, Michael wasn't that much interested in this paltry amount of wealth.
He was more interested in the sarcophagus and what laid inside it.
There must have been a reason why the Order of the Heavenly Knights were so interested in finding such a tomb. From what he heard from their organization, they didn't seem to be the type of group that prioritized wealth over anything.
That meant that whoever was buried under here had some sort of significance for them.
"Fudge, can you hear me?"
"Loud and clear, Master!"
Fudge popped out of his shadow and landed on the ground. Usually, the violet slime would immediately ask for head pats from Michael. But this time, he seemed to be incredibly taken by the treasures all around.
"Focus, Fudge. What did they say about this tomb?"
"Huh…Oh! Right. They said that it was the burial of an honorable general!"
Michael then looked back at the paintings depicted in the hallway and started to put the two and two together.
Is this guy a general of the First Human Emperor?
Spurred on by his curiosity, Michael decided to open the sarcophagus to see for himself.
"I am not a grave robber," Michael muttered to himself as an excuse. "I'm an archeologist."
He pushed the sarcophagus lid using great force, aided by some magical spells, until finally, it slid off the structure and landed on the floor.
Michael, with Fudge on top of his head, peeked over the sarcophagus and saw…a skeleton.
A normal skeleton, with nothing but dust and cobwebs inside.
For a tomb that took such great lengths to conceal itself, Michael would have thought that it hid something a lot more…special. He would have thought that for a tomb made for a general, it would have some kind of special relic armor or weapons worn in battle during the Ancient Era.
But, even as he looked at the treasures around the sarcophagus, he saw nothing of the sort.
He turned back and consulted the paintings and depictions once again, trying to see if he missed something.
"There's gotta be something more," Michael muttered.
Michael thought that there was some kind of puzzle hidden inside the paintings, like those adventuring games he played in his previous life.
A hidden button, perhaps?
Michael turned around and saw Fudge looking up as the skeleton suddenly arose from its eternal slumber.
Wisps of necrotic energy seeped out of the very wedges of the stone brick walls, supplying the skeleton with enough energy to reanimate itself.
What do you think?
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