Chapter 669:
"You know you are already strong enough and haven't even lost to me for someone now so why do you need me?" Ancient One asked
"Well because even though I haven't lost to you in our recent spars I haven't won either, and I am using everything in my arsenal whether it's my ki, magic or my magic armour but you haven't used the eye of agomon even once and am still not defeating you meaning I have yet to truly surpass you" Kenichi said
*Sigh* "When Kaecilius good rouge than we will deal with him, you can help me then but before he breaks the rules of Kamar Taj, I won't deal with him." Ancient One said
"Okay, until then please train Ava, if it wasn't for the fact that I need to train Wanda and Skye from time to time I would have trained her but she needs someone's full attention which I cannot give right now" Kenichi stated
Ancient One smiled gently and said "Don't worry I will help here"
After talking with Ancient One Kenichi left and went back to the Avengers Compound as he said, he need to help Wanda's chaos magic since he knew how strong it was, Kenichi couldn't let up to chance for Wanda to learn it herself.
Usually Kenichi spars with Wanda than teaches her magic thanks to the reality stone he can also teach her manipulation in which she has becoming proficient.
While that was happening Kenichi found out that Skye was contacted by the inhuman Gordon after her team found out that Skye was different thanks to a kree that invaded the planet.
In Faro, south Portugal, an amnesiac Sif emerges from the ocean looking for Kava. S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Phil Coulson has asked Lance Hunter to become part of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team permanently. His ex-wife, Agent Bobbi Morse, who he has been getting close to again, ponders what this will mean, as she is sharing a secret with Agent Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, who has been asked to take on missions in the field. The two of them discuss bringing Hunter into the loop, but Mack shuts down any chance of that happening and advises Bobbi to push Hunter away, which she does.
S.H.I.E.L.D. travel to Portugal and try to work with Sif to find out what she was doing on Earth, rather than Asgard. Through social media they discover footage of Sif fighting a surprisingly strong man whose weapon removed her memories. Sif had managed to damage the technology that he was wearing, which was fueled by nitrogen. Morse and Agent Skye track the man to the local hospital's nitrogen supply. He is using the technology to hide his blue skin – he is a Kree. In the ensuing fight, Morse is thrown across the room, while Skye makes sure to control her new and secret earthquake-powers, and fights him hand to hand but as she wasn't focusing on the fight she allows the Kree to escape not wanting him to escape she uses her power on him which throwes him through a window and falls to the ground which doesn't hurt the kree much nad he hurriedly escapes.Sif remembers that Kava means "keys", which leads S.H.I.E.L.D. to the Romanic City of Chaves (English: Keys), in the north of Portugal, where Daniel Whitehall found the Obelisk, or the Diviner (which gave Skye her abilities) during the dictatorial regime sympathetic to the Nazi ideology Estado Novo. There, they capture the Kree and confiscate the crate he had dug up. The Kree, named Vin-Tak, cooperates by restoring Sif's memory and explaining his mission on Earth: he had learnt that Terrigenesis, the transformation of a human with special genetic material into a Kree war-slave, had recently taken place on Earth, and had come to put down the "abomination" and destroy the Diviners remaining on the planet.
Skye gets pissed at being called an abomination and hits him with a shockwave disclosing her secret.
Sif and the Kree then fight Skye to take down the abomination but Kenichi's training and her knew quake powers were enough for her to knock them down.
After which she called Kenichi and informed him everything.
Kenichi opened a portal and came to where she was and looked at the asgardian and the Kree.
"Kenichi Shirahama, you -" Sif stops speaking as Kenichi looks at her with cold eyes making her feel the chill in her spine.
"Who are you? Why are you protecting this abomination?" Kree asked but Kenichi didn't reply he moved with such speed that no one knew when he appeared in front of the kree and took his memory device to erase his memory.
He then looked at Sif and said "Send him back to the Kree and leave the earth for us to deal with ourselves you guys can't even protect Asgard on your own anymore so don't interfere until we ask for your help, one Thor is enough" Kenichi said than he took Skye with him.
Still Skye keeps in contact with Coulson and told him that he could call her back when everyones okay with her powers. It wasn't long after after that day that Gordon appeared in front of Skye to take her to the place where Inhuman reside. Skye of course asked for Kenichi's opinion and Kenichi said "You may find more people you like there so maybe that's what you need after all you can control your power well now so it isn't like you will have to stay there for long if you don't want to."
After hearing this Skye accepts Gordon's invitation to visit the Afterlife.
Few Weeks later, Kamar Taj Temple
At the temple, sound of bell ringing. Some people are walking around out of the temple's library. The librarian was putting back a book to its shelves. The leader of 'the people' walks in with a hood, making the librarian pay attention. Two of the followers, walk in the library with their leader. All of them covered in a hood. Two of them make a spell that hold the librarian's two arms, and two others make a spell by a stick that hold his two legs and lifted him up in the air. The lbrarian grimaces in pain andsomeone put a jug below his head. The leader walking closely to the librarian, the leader took off his hood. The librarian has a look at the leader. the leader places his hands onto his back and holding a pair of blades as he goes to chop the librarian's head but is punched by something invisible, Ava in her Ghost uniform appears and breaks the spell holding the librarian then grabs onto him and disappear once again.
The leader doesn't care to find her and takes the book that had been placed by the librarian. He opens the book searching for a page then rips it from the book, and throws the book away. he walks from his place and then.
"Master Kaecilius. That ritual will bring you only sorrow"
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