Chapter 157: Too Thick
Chapter 157: Too Thick
Ignoring the fear in her eyes, I pushed my length past Bettany's throat, holding her head in place as I forced in my entire meat.
It was a tight fit, and after burying my dick in the woman's throat, for several seconds I enjoyed the vibrations caused by her groans and pleas for air and then I pulled out my meat.
Bettany immediately went into a coughing fit and I stroked her hair as she tried to regain her breath.
"It's big' she said rubbing her neck and looking up at my cock.
"Do you like it"
Pausing for some seconds, rather than answer me, Bettany reached out and tentatively touched it, tracing her hand along its hard surface and bulbous head.
"How did it get so big" she said wrapping her hands around it, letting out heavy breaths.
With a smile, I brought my dick back to her mouth, pushing it against her lips and loving as they slowly parted and let my cock in.
"Are you ready?" I asked making her look up at me.
She nodded and that was all I needed to push my dick back into her throat.
This time unlike last, I didn't wait to get my entire length in as just as about 2 inches of it was left outside, I pulled back and began fucking her throat.
"Tight" I groaned as I slowly pulled my dick out and then pushed it back in.
Holding onto my thighs, Bettany tightened her grip as my hips gradually began moving faster and saliva leaking from her mouth.
Enveloping my dick in warmth, Bettany's throat squeezed my shaft and massaged it as it went in and out of her mouth.
Bettany moaned as I fucked her throat and when I found myself about to lose control I pulled out of her mouth.
Looking up at me in surprise, I chuckled at how cute she looked and told her to get up and bend over.
Showing how horny she was, Bettany immediately stood and pulling her skirt up, pressed her hands on the wall and presented her bare ass to me.
"You have a cute ass" I said grabbing her buns and while my squeezing them releasing slaps on the soft texture, eliciting moans from the owner.
"You were quite horny when I saw you, what caused it," I asked releasing a hard smack on her right ass cheek.
Bettany jerked forward, a moan leaving her mouth and then she pushed her ass back to me.
"There were some people fucking in the first-class restroom."
"Did you listen in on them," I said finally taking my hands to her butt crack and pushing aside her damp panties.
"Just a little" Bettany said shivering as my finger rubbed her exposed cunt.
I hit her ass one final time and then I introduced a finger to her pussy.
We're going to have to work your pussy so my cock can enter it"
"It's really thick, will it fit" she said turning back and fearfully staring at the dragon hanging between my legs.
"It can and it will," I said moving my finger in and out of her.
"Mmmh. This is nice, I like it." Bettany said and I found her casualness quite enjoyable.
"Do you want me to make it better?"
"You mean add another finger?"
"Not quite," I said and while I indeed added another finger in her snatch, I also went to the system shop.
[Sweet hands activated for 500PSPD]
A sharp cry left Bettany's mouth on my next invasion and she bit her lips in pleasure, looking up at the roof while pushing her ass back on my fingers whenever they invaded her.
"What do you think"
"So sweet" she moaned.
Adding a third finger, I curved my three fingers and pumped Bettany's cunt till eventually she shuddered and her juices flowed out.
Bettany let out a low scream as she hit her climax and when her pussy began leaking nectar, I took out my fingers, got behind her and plugged the gap.
"Oh'" she gasped reaching behind for my hand as her pussy walls which were contracting with vigour were invaded by my dick.
Grabbing Bettany's arm and moving close to her, I wrapped one arm around her waist, slowly pushing all of my rod into her cave which so badly tried to push it out.
Bettany let out a long moan at the invasion and by the time she finally came down from her orgasm, all my meat was in her.
No longer needing to clench itself tight, Bettany's cave expanded and struggled to accommodate my dragon.
"How do you feel," I asked layering several kisses on her back.
"Very full," Bettany let out and I could hear the strain in her voice.
"It'll be alright honey" I whispered nibbling on her ear and then some seconds later pulling out an inch of my dick and pushing it back in.
"I've never had something this big, how did your cock grow so thick." Bettany hissed.
"I wanked a lot when I was younger, I'm thinking that helped."
"Fuck" Bettany called but I smiled noticing that despite the comfort she was slowly rocking her hips back to mine.
"Would you have preferred it smaller"
"Fuck no"
To my shock, Bettany reached behind and grabbed my head and turning her neck to look at me pressed her lips to mine.
While slowly rocking our hips, our tongues snake out of our mouths and entwined with each other, and after several seconds we pulled apart, lust in each other's eyes.
"Congrats, you just lit up the fire in me," I said.
"Hmm, is that a good thing."
"Let's find out."
Moving my head from Bettany's face, I pulled half my dick out of her cunt which now greedily grabbed on it and then I pushed it back in with a single thrust.
"Urgh," Bettany gasped as I went in, but I didn't pause.
I took it out and I put it in once more, repeating this several times and loving as her nectar began leaking from around her snatch.
"Nice, this should get easier," I said delivering a slap to her butt and then increasing my pace.
Anghhh!! Anghh! Anghh!!
"You're going to kill" Bettany cried but in the end only bit her lips, groaning as she pushed her ass out back to me.
"I won't kill you honey, I'll just reshape your cunt."
As the seconds went by, the wet sounds of my cock sliding into Bettany's cunt began sounding out, and soon, there were faint clap sounds.
While I worked from behind, Bettany moaned in ecstasy, dragging her hands across the wall and when I reached out and grabbed her hair she looked back at me with a glint in her eyes.
"Are we finally getting serious"
Rather than answer her, I pulled my dick till it was nearly out and pulling on her hair, smashed the entirety of my meat into her, the scream that left her lips not dissuading me from continuing in my actions.
High-pitched screams left Bettany's lips but not once did she tell me to stop the brutal fucking I was giving her.
"Please harder" she begged almost crying.
Bettany was turning out to be lots of fun.
㜑䶯䌰㜍䏜䨣䡥䫓䣖䌰㞫 䫓䏜㜍䡥䣖䏜䈛䬏 㢚䈛䡥䌝㜍䌰䗟䬏䌰 㑥䡥䍵䬷
㜑䛂㪳䍻䏜䨣 䌝㞫䌰䍻䣖㜍䏜䈛䬏 䍾䈛䡥䌝㜍䌰䗟䬏䌰 㑥䡥䍵䬷
䔯䏜䣖䣖䏜䈛䬏 䗟䡥䌝䈛 䏜䈛 䣖㯚䌰 㞫䌰䍻䣖㞫䡥䡥㵎䵭 㛕 䍻䌝䏜䫓䌰䗟 㪳䨣㞫䡥䍻䍻 䣖㯚䌰 䍻䨣㞫䌰䌰䈛 䏜䈛 㡆㞫䡥䈛䣖 䡥㡆 㵎䌰 㜍䡥䡥䍾䏜䈛䬏 㡆䡥㞫 㪳 䍾䈛䡥䌝㜍䌰䗟䬏䌰 㑥䡥䍵 䣖㯚㪳䣖 䨣䡥䣞㜍䗟 㪳䗟㒑㪳䈛䨣䌰 㵎䋳 㡆䏜䬏㯚䣖䏜䈛䬏 䨣㪳䫓㪳㑥䏜㜍䏜䣖䏜䌰䍻 㑥䣞䣖 䬏䌰䣖䣖䏜䈛䬏 䗟䏜䍻㪳䫓䫓䡥䏜䈛䣖䌰䗟㗈
䨂㯚䡥䣞䬏㯚 㵎䋳 㵎䏜䈛䗟 㵎䡥䍻䣖㜍䋳 䗟㞫䌰䌝 㑥㜍㪳䈛䍾䍻 䡥䈛 䣖㯚䌰 㵎㪳䣖䣖䌰㞫 䡥㡆 㯚䡥䌝 㛕 䌝㪳䍻 䬏䡥䏜䈛䬏 䣖䡥 䍾䏜㜍㜍 㧨䡥㯚䈛 㪳䈛䗟 䈛䡥䣖 䌰䈛䗟 䣞䫓 䣖㯚䌰 㵎䡥䍻䣖 䌝㪳䈛䣖䌰䗟 㵎㪳䈛 䏜䈛 䣖㯚䌰 䌝䡥㞫㜍䗟 㛕 䍾䈛䌰䌝 㡆䡥㞫 䍻䣖㪳㞫䣖䌰㞫䍻䵭 䣖㯚㪳䣖 㛕 䈛䌰䌰䗟䌰䗟 䣖䡥 䣞䫓 㵎䋳 䍻䍾䏜㜍㜍䍻㗈 㯭䋳 䨣䡥㵎㑥㪳䣖 㪳㑥䏜㜍䏜䣖䋳 䏜䍻 㪳䣖 䣖㯚䌰 䣖䡥䫓 㜍䏜䍻䣖㗈
"㺕㪳䍻䣖䌰䵭" 㛕 䣖㯚䡥䣞䬏㯚䣖 㪳䍻 㛕 䨣㜍䡥䍻䌰䗟 㵎䋳 䍻䋳䍻䣖䌰㵎 㡆䡥㞫 䣖㯚䌰 䣖㯚䏜㞫䗟 䣖䏜㵎䌰䵭 䫓㜍㪳䈛䈛䏜䈛䬏 䣖䡥 䨣㯚䌰䨣䍾 㪳䈛 㯚䡥䣞㞫 㜍㪳䣖䌰㞫㗈
㺕䏜䣖㯚 䣖㯚䌰 㑥䡥䡥䍻䣖 䏜䈛 㵎䋳 䣖䏜䣖㜍䌰 䈛㪳䍻䣖䋳 䗟㪳䗟䗟䋳 䌝㯚䏜䨣㯚 䬏㪳㒑䌰 㵎䌰 㪳 䍵䉗 㑥䣞㡆㡆 䏜䈛 㪳䈛䋳 㔣䔯䠩㔣 㛕 䌰㪳㞫䈛䌰䗟 㡆㞫䡥㵎 㡆䣞䨣䍾䏜䈛䬏䵭 㛕 㯚㪳䗟 㵎㪳䗟䌰 䲸䒕㹱㹱㹱㔣䔯䠩㔣 㡆㞫䡥㵎 㡆䣞䨣䍾䏜䈛䬏 䛂䌰䣖䣖㪳䈛䋳䵭 䣖㪳䍾䏜䈛䬏 䗟䡥䌝䈛 㪳䈛䡥䣖㯚䌰㞫 㑥䏜㞫䗟㗈
䛂䌰䣖䣖㪳䈛䋳 㪳䈛䗟 㛕 㯚㪳䗟 㑥䌰䌰䈛 䬏䡥䏜䈛䬏 㪳䣖 䏜䣖 㡆䡥㞫 䨣㜍䡥䍻䌰 䣖䡥 㪳䈛 㯚䡥䣞㞫 㪳䈛䗟 㪳䨣䨣䡥㞫䗟䏜䈛䬏 䣖䡥 㯚䌰㞫 㑥䡥䡥䍾䍻䵭 䌝䌰 䌝䌰㞫䌰 㡆㪳㞫 㡆㞫䡥㵎 䗟䡥䈛䌰㗈
㩀㡆䣖䌰㞫 㞫䏜䗟䗟䏜䈛䬏 㵎䌰 䣖䡥 㯚䌰㞫 䣖㯚䏜㞫䗟 䡥㞫䬏㪳䍻㵎䵭 䛂䌰䣖䣖㪳䈛䋳 㯚㪳䗟 䍻䣖㪳䣖䌰䗟 䣖㯚㪳䣖 䍻㯚䌰 䈛䌰䌰䗟䌰䗟 㪳 㑥㞫䌰㪳䍾 㪳䈛䗟 䌝㪳䈛䣖䌰䗟 䣖䡥 䬏䡥 䬏䌰䣖 㪳 䗟㞫䏜䈛䍾㗈
㛕 䌝㪳䍻 䍻䣞㞫䫓㞫䏜䍻䌰䗟 䌝㯚䌰䈛 䍻㯚䌰 䣖䡥㜍䗟 㵎䌰 䣖㯚㪳䣖 䍻㯚䌰 䌝䡥䣞㜍䗟 㑥䌰 䨣䡥㵎䏜䈛䬏 㑥㪳䨣䍾 㪳䈛䗟 䈛䡥䌝 䌝䏜䣖㯚 㵎䋳 䗟䏜䨣䍾 䍻䣖䏜㜍㜍 㯚㪳䈛䬏䏜䈛䬏 䡥䣞䣖䵭 㛕 䌝㪳䣖䨣㯚䌰䗟 㪳䍻 㪳㡆䣖䌰㞫 㜍䡥䨣䍾䏜䈛䬏 䣖㯚䌰 䗟䡥䡥㞫䵭 䍻㯚䌰 䍻㜍䡥䌝㜍䋳 㪳䫓䫓㞫䡥㪳䨣㯚䌰䗟 㵎䌰 㪳䈛䗟 䗟㞫䡥䫓䫓䏜䈛䬏 䣖㯚䌰 䏜䣖䌰㵎䍻 䣖䡥 䣖㯚䌰 䍻䏜䗟䌰䵭 㑥䌰䬏㪳䈛 䣞䈛䗟㞫䌰䍻䍻䏜䈛䬏㗈
㺕䏜䣖㯚 䶠䣞䍻䣖 㯚䌰㞫 䌝䡥㞫䍾 㯚䌰䌰㜍䍻䵭 䍻㯚䌰 㪳䫓䫓㞫䡥㪳䨣㯚䌰䗟 㵎䌰 㪳䈛䗟 㵎䋳 䣖㯚㞫䡥㑥㑥䏜䈛䬏 䗟䏜䨣䍾 䗟䏜䗟 䌰䈛䡥䣞䬏㯚 䏜䈛 䣖䌰㜍㜍䏜䈛䬏 㯚䌰㞫 㯚䡥䌝 䌝䌰 㡆䌰㜍䣖㗈
㛕䈛 㯚䌰㞫 㯚㪳䈛䗟䵭 䛂䌰䣖䣖㪳䈛䋳 㯚䌰㜍䗟 䣖㯚㞫䌰䌰 䏜䣖䌰㵎䍻 㪳䈛䗟 䫓㞫䌰䍻䌰䈛䣖䏜䈛䬏 䣖㯚䌰㵎 䣖䡥 㵎䌰䵭 䍻㯚䌰 䣖䡥䡥䍾 㪳 䍻䌰㪳䣖 䡥䈛 㵎䋳 䣖㯚䏜䬏㯚䍻䵭 㵎䋳 䨣䡥䨣䍾 䫓㞫䌰䍻䍻䏜䈛䬏 㪳䬏㪳䏜䈛䍻䣖 㯚䌰㞫 㑥䌰㜍㜍䋳㗈
"㛕䣖'䍻 䣖㯚䌰 㞫䌰㪳㜍 䣖㯚䏜䈛䬏䵭" 䣖㯚䌰 䌝䡥㵎㪳䈛 䨣㯚䣞䨣䍾㜍䌰䗟 㑥㞫䏜䈛䬏䏜䈛䬏 䣞䫓 䣖㯚䌰 㜍䏜䬏㯚䣖䌰㞫㗈
"㛕 䬏䡥䣖 䏜䣖 㡆㞫䡥㵎 䣖㯚䌰 㡆䏜㞫䍻䣖䋝䨣㜍㪳䍻䍻 䍻䌰䨣䣖䏜䡥䈛 㪳䈛䗟 䏜䣖 䨣䡥䍻䣖䍻 㬭㵑㹱㗈"
㯭㪳䍾䏜䈛䬏 䈛䡥 䨣䡥㵎䫓㜍㪳䏜䈛䣖 䣖㯚䡥䣞䬏㯚䵭 㛕 㑥㞫䡥䣞䬏㯚䣖 䣖㯚䌰 䍻䣖䏜䨣䍾 䣖䡥 㵎䋳 㵎䡥䣞䣖㯚䵭 㜍䌰䣖䣖䏜䈛䬏 䛂䌰䣖䣖㪳䈛䋳 㜍䏜䬏㯚䣖 䏜䣖 㪳䈛䗟 䣖㯚䌰䈛 䌝㪳䣖䨣㯚䏜䈛䬏 㪳䍻 㯚䌰㞫 䌰䋳䌰䍻 㜍䏜䣖 䣞䫓 䏜䈛 䬏㜍䌰㪳㵎㗈
"㩀㞫䌰 䋳䡥䣞 㪳 䫓䡥㞫䈛䍻䣖㪳㞫㩢"
"㿏䡥䣞 㯚㪳㒑䌰 㪳 㡆㪳䣖 䨣䡥䨣䍾 㪳䈛䗟 䍻㵎䡥䍾䌰 㪳 䨣䏜䬏㪳㞫㗈 㛕 䏜㵎㪳䬏䏜䈛䌰 䍻䣞䨣㯚 㪳䈛 䡥䨣䨣䣞䫓㪳䣖䏜䡥䈛 䌝䏜㜍㜍 㡆䏜䣖 䋳䡥䣞㞫 䍻䍾䏜㜍㜍 䍻䌰䣖 㪳䈛䗟 㪳㜍䍻䡥 䍻䣞䫓䫓䡥㞫䣖 䋳䡥䣞㞫 䣖㪳䍻䣖䌰"
"㛕'㵎 䈛䡥䣖 㪳 䫓䡥㞫䈛䍻䣖㪳㞫"
"㩀㞫䌰䈛'䣖 䋳䡥䣞 䌰䈛䶠䡥䋳䏜䈛䬏 䣖㯚䏜䍻 㪳 㑥䏜䣖 䣖䡥䡥 㵎䣞䨣㯚䵭 㛕 䍻㯚䡥䣞㜍䗟䈛'䣖 㑥䌰 䣖㯚䌰 䡥䈛䌰 䣖䡥 䣖䌰㜍㜍 䋳䡥䣞 䣖㯚㪳䣖 䋳䡥䣞'㞫䌰 㪳 䌝䡥㞫䍾䌰㞫 䡥䈛 䣖㯚䏜䍻 㡆㜍䏜䬏㯚䣖 "
㺕㯚䏜㜍䌰 㛕 䍻䫓䡥䍾䌰䵭 䛂䌰䣖䣖㪳䈛䋳 䌝㯚䡥 㯚㪳䗟 䍾䌰䫓䣖 䣖㯚䌰 㜍䏜䬏㯚䣖䌰㞫 䡥䈛 䣖㯚䌰 䍻䏜䈛䍾 䣖䡥 䣖㯚䌰 䍻䏜䗟䌰 䌝㪳䍻 䍻㜍䡥䌝㜍䋳 䍻䣖㞫䏜䍾䏜䈛䬏 㵎䋳 䨣䡥䨣䍾 䣞䫓 㪳䈛䗟 䗟䡥䌝䈛 㪳䈛䗟 䍻㯚䌰 䍻㯚䡥䌝䌰䗟 䈛䡥 䌝䡥㞫㞫䏜䌰䍻 㪳䣖 㵎䋳 䌝䡥㞫䗟䍻㗈
䑖䌰䣖䣖䏜䈛䬏 䣖䡥 㯚䌰㞫 㡆䌰䌰䣖䵭 䛂䌰䣖䣖㪳䈛䋳 㞫㪳䏜䍻䌰䗟 㯚䌰㞫 䫓䣞䍻䍻䋳 䣖䏜㜍㜍 䏜䣖 䌝㪳䍻 㪳㑥䡥㒑䌰 㵎䋳 䗟䏜䨣䍾 㪳䈛䗟 䣖㯚䌰䈛 䍻㯚䌰 䗟䌰䍻䨣䌰䈛䗟䌰䗟㗈
"䎕㜍䌰㪳㞫䌰䗟 䋳䡥䣞 䫓㪳䏜䗟 䈛䡥 㪳䣖䣖䌰䈛䣖䏜䡥䈛 䣖䡥 䣖㯚䌰 㪳䈛䈛䡥䣞䈛䨣䌰㵎䌰䈛䣖䍻 䣖㯚㪳䣖 䌝䌰㞫䌰 㵎㪳䗟䌰 㪳䣖 䣖㯚䌰 㑥䌰䬏䏜䈛䈛䏜䈛䬏 䡥㡆 䣖㯚䌰 㡆㜍䏜䬏㯚䣖㗈
㛕 㪳㵎 䣖㯚䌰 㯚䌰㪳䗟 㡆㜍䏜䬏㯚䣖 㪳䣖䣖䌰䈛䗟㪳䈛䣖 䡥㡆 䣖㯚䏜䍻 㡆㜍䏜䬏㯚䣖䵭 㪳䈛䗟 䏜㡆 㛕 䌝㪳䈛䣖 䣖䡥 㞫䏜䗟䌰 㪳 䨣䡥䨣䍾 䣖㯚䌰 䌝㯚䡥㜍䌰 㡆㜍䏜䬏㯚䣖䵭 䈛䡥 䡥䈛䌰䵭 䈛䡥䣖 䌰㒑䌰䈛 䣖㯚䌰 䨣㪳䫓䣖㪳䏜䈛 䨣㪳䈛 䣖䌰㜍㜍 㵎䌰 䡥䣖㯚䌰㞫䌝䏜䍻䌰㗈"
"㛕 㜍䡥䡥䍾 䍻㵎㪳㜍㜍䵭 㑥䣞䣖 㛕 䨣㪳䈛 㑥䌰 䦂䣞䏜䣖䌰 䨣䡥㵎㵎㪳䈛䗟䏜䈛䬏 䌝㯚䌰䈛 㛕 䌝㪳䈛䣖 䣖䡥" 䛂䌰䣖䣖㪳䈛䋳 䍻㪳䏜䗟 㯚䌰㞫 㜍䏜䫓䍻 㯚䡥㒑䌰㞫䏜䈛䬏 䶠䣞䍻䣖 䡥㒑䌰㞫 㵎䏜䈛䌰㗈
㔣䣞䣖䣖䏜䈛䬏 㯚䌰㞫 㯚㪳䈛䗟䍻 㪳㞫䡥䣞䈛䗟 㵎䋳 䈛䌰䨣䍾䵭 䍻㯚䌰 㜍䏜㡆䣖䌰䗟 㯚䌰㞫䍻䌰㜍㡆䵭 㞫䌰㒑䌰㪳㜍䏜䈛䬏 㪳 㡆䌰䌝 䏜䈛䨣㯚䌰䍻 䡥㡆 㵎䋳 䨣䡥䨣䍾 䣖䡥 䣖㯚䌰 䌝䡥㞫㜍䗟 㪳䈛䗟 䣖㯚䌰䈛 䗟㞫䡥䫓䫓䌰䗟 㑥㪳䨣䍾 䗟䡥䌝䈛㗈
"㛕 㜍䡥㒑䌰 䋳䡥䣞㞫 䗟䏜䨣䍾䵭" 䛂䌰䣖䣖㪳䈛䋳 䍻㪳䏜䗟䵭 䫓㞫䡥䨣䌰䌰䗟䏜䈛䬏 䣖䡥 㜍䏜㡆䣖 㯚䌰㞫䍻䌰㜍㡆 䡥䈛䨣䌰 㵎䡥㞫䌰㗈
㦷䌰䣖䣖䏜䈛䬏 䡥䣞䣖 㪳 䫓䣞㡆㡆䵭 㛕 㞫䣞㑥㑥䌰䗟 㵎䋳 㯚㪳䈛䗟䍻 䡥㒑䌰㞫 䡥䈛䌰 䡥㡆 䛂䌰䣖䣖㪳䈛䋳 䍻㵎㪳㜍㜍 㑥㞫䌰㪳䍻䣖䍻 䬏㞫㪳㑥㑥䏜䈛䬏 㯚䌰㞫 䈛䏜䫓䫓㜍䌰 㪳䈛䗟 䫓䣞㜍㜍䏜䈛䬏 䡥䈛 䏜䣖㗈
㜑㩞㪳㵎䌰䕨 䛂䌰䣖䣖㪳䈛䋳 䛂㪳㞫䣖㯚
䨂䋳䫓䌰䕨 䌝䡥㵎㪳䈛
䶯䡥㞫䈛䏜䈛䌰䍻䍻䕨 㵑㻖
䎕䡥㵎㵎䌰䈛䣖䕨 䠩䌰䍻䏜㞫䌰䍻 䋳䡥䣞㞫 䗟䏜䨣䍾㗈䬷
㴡䏜䗟䏜䈛䬏 㵎䌰䵭 䛂䌰䣖䣖㪳䈛䋳 㯚㪳䗟 㯚䌰㞫 㑥㪳䨣䍾 㪳㞫䨣㯚䌰䗟 䏜䈛 䫓㜍䌰㪳䍻䣞㞫䌰䵭 㯚䌰㞫 䨣䣞㞫㒑䌰䗟 㑥㪳䨣䍾 㪳䈛䗟 䌝㪳䏜䍻䣖 㑥䌰䏜䈛䬏 䏜䈛䣖䌰㞫䌰䍻䣖䏜䈛䬏 䫓䡥䍻䏜䣖䏜䡥䈛䍻 㡆䡥㞫 㵎䌰 䣖䡥 㞫䣞䈛 㵎䋳 㯚㪳䈛䗟䍻 䡥㒑䌰㞫 㪳䈛䗟 㯚䡥㜍䗟㗈
㺕㯚䌰䈛 㯚䌰㞫 䍾䏜䣖䣖䋳 䬏䡥䣖 䌝䌰䣖䣖䌰㞫䵭 䛂䌰䣖䣖㪳䈛䋳 䏜䈛䨣㞫䌰㪳䍻䌰䗟 㯚䌰㞫 䫓㪳䨣䌰 䡥䈛 㵎䋳 䗟䏜䨣䍾䵭 㪳䈛䗟 䣖㯚䌰䈛 䍻䣞䗟䗟䌰䈛㜍䋳 䍻㯚䌰 䫓㪳䣞䍻䌰䗟㗈
㺕䏜䣖㯚䡥䣞䣖 㪳 䌝䡥㞫䗟䵭 㛕 䣖䡥䡥䍾 䏜䣖 䡥㡆㡆䵭 䌝㪳䣖䨣㯚䏜䈛䬏 㪳䍻 䍻㯚䌰 㜍䏜䨣䍾䌰䗟 㯚䌰㞫 㜍䏜䫓䍻 䌝㯚䏜㜍䌰 㞫䣞䈛䈛䏜䈛䬏 㯚䌰㞫 㯚㪳䈛䗟䍻 䡥㒑䌰㞫 䣖㯚䌰 䨣䡥䈛䣖䡥䣞㞫䍻 䡥㡆 㵎䋳 䨣㯚䌰䍻䣖㗈
"㩀㞫䌰 䋳䡥䣞 㵎㪳㞫㞫䏜䌰䗟㩢" 䍻㯚䌰 㪳䍻䍾䌰䗟䵭 䍻㜍䡥䌝㜍䋳 㜍䏜㡆䣖䏜䈛䬏 㯚䌰㞫 㑥䡥䗟䋳 䣞䫓 㪳䈛䗟 䗟䡥䌝䈛 㵎䋳 䡥䌝䈛䵭 㯚䌰㞫 㵎䡥㒑䌰㵎䌰䈛䣖䍻 㯚䋳䫓䈛䡥䣖䏜䨣㗈
"㿏䡥䣞 㯚㪳㒑䌰 㪳 䬏䏜㞫㜍㡆㞫䏜䌰䈛䗟㩢"
"䠩䡥 䋳䡥䣞 䌝㪳䈛䣖 䣖䡥 㑥䌰 㵎䋳 䬏䏜㞫㜍㡆㞫䏜䌰䈛䗟㩢" 㛕 㪳䍻䍾䌰䗟 䫓䣞㜍㜍䏜䈛䬏 㪳䌝㪳䋳 㡆㞫䡥㵎 㯚䌰㞫㗈
"㮆㯚" 㛕 䍻㪳䏜䗟 䍻䣞㞫䫓㞫䏜䍻䌰䗟 㪳䣖 㯚䌰㞫 㑥㜍㪳䣖㪳䈛䣖 㪳䗟㵎䏜䍻䍻䏜䡥䈛 㪳䈛䗟 䣖㯚䌰 㜍䡥㒑䌰 䌝㯚䏜䨣㯚 䗟㞫䏜䫓䫓䌰䗟 㡆㞫䡥㵎 㯚䌰㞫 䣖䡥䈛䌰 㪳䍻 䍻㯚䌰 䍻䫓䡥䍾䌰䵭 㑥䣞䣖 䣖㯚䌰䈛 㯚䌰㞫 䈛䌰䍵䣖 䌝䡥㞫䗟䍻 䍻㯚䡥䨣䍾䌰䗟 㵎䌰㗈
"䛂䣞䣖 㛕 䌝㪳䈛䣖 䣖䡥 䍻䣖㪳㞫䣖 㪳 㯚㪳㞫䌰㵎㗈"
"㺕㯚㪳䣖 䏜䍻 䏜䣖 䌝䏜䣖㯚 㵎䌰 㪳䈛䗟 㪳㑥䈛䡥㞫㵎㪳㜍 㡆㜍䏜䬏㯚䣖 㪳䣖䣖䌰䈛䗟㪳䈛䣖䍻" 㛕 䌝䡥䈛䗟䌰㞫䌰䗟㗈㗈
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