Chapter 109: dhhgi
Chapter 109: dhhgi
One more thing Sen remembered if time travel was possible, then the knights of the Yang emperor would have travelled back to time and saved the Yang emperor from losing his life.
Sen was in a crisis at that time. Not only Sen but the entire universe at that time. If he let the multiple universes collide, then god knows what he will see after entering that universe.
In time of his despair, a sound reverberated in his mind.
"Sen Zenzeng, open your eyes, and stop crying."
It was Sen's first time to hear that voice. He opened his eyes and raised his head towards the source of that sound.
A figure covered in white virtuous, holy light was floating above his head. Sen tried to have a clear look at the figure hovering in the air, but he was unable to do so, due to the white virtuous, holy light obstructing his vision.
"Who are you? And what are you doing here?!" Sen asked in a loud voice. It was neither rude nor respectful. His tone was neutral at that time.
"Before I tell who I am , I try to guess my identity?"
After hearing the voice for the second time, Sen felt like he had heard this voice earlier somewhere. But when and where, he couldn't remember.
"Sigh looks like your memories are sealed till now. Tch, what an idiot you are!!"
Sen ""
He was totally clueless about the identity of that person. Though he was getting the feeling, he knew that person he was unable to remember when and where. And on top of all these, the person was mocking him as an idiot.
One more thing Sen realized no matter how the person mocks him, he wasn't feeling angry about it. Instead, he was getting a sense of familiarity from him.
The more the levitating person called him an idiot, the more he felt like he was someone closer to him and belonged to his own family.
"Tch, tch, idiot!! Still can't remember me." Complained about the voice.
Sen got enraged at one point and shouted in anger, "Broom, stop it already."
Hearing Sen called him his brother and recovered some of his old memories, the figure descended and embraced Sen with his shoulders tightly.
Once again tears started to gush down from his eyes and this time these were tears of joy, not of despair. Slowly new memories began to pop up in his mind when part of the seal on his memory was broken apart by this event.
The memories contained something about which was not even known to the current sage empress.
Back in the past, the Yang emperor used to have a younger brother and his name was Sen. Since there used to be always one son in the family who inherits the power of the Yang and get to use the title of the Yang emperor, the other sons were given different surnames and were asked to support the person having the title Yang emperor.
And Sen was one of them. He was given the name Zenzeng and was asked by his parents to support his one and only elder brother. Although he was helping his brother as asked to him, it was not under the pressure of his parents but out of pure brotherhood feelings.
Both of them were recognised as an unbeatable duo from their childhood. On the day of their awakening when the elder brother inherited the Yang side's power, everyone thought that was the end of the duo, since there wasn't any power that can be compared with the Yang energy or Yang power of the universe.
But destiny had a hidden gift for the second child, and he was gifted with the power of Imagination Derivative. A power that can make his imagination possible. There were restrictions on it like the Yang power had some on it, but it was comparable to the Yang power itself.
When the elder brother inherited the Yang power, he realized it wasn't an attribute nor an element, like the others have inherited. It was a key. A key that would allow him to use all the energy and resources present in the universe.
If he wanted to pulverise his enemy, he just had to order the atoms and molecules in the air to become unstable and start radiating energy, the result may seem like he just waved his hands and the enemy got pulverised, but that was the real reason behind it.
Similarly, if he wants to embed life in a plant, he just has to take a small sip of life energy from the other big plants or from nature itself and shove it into a dead plant.
The elder son realised all these about his inherited power and was given the title of the second Yang emperor as per the tradition and order follows.
For the second and the youngest son of the family, he realized about his powers' vast potential a little later than his elder brother. Everybody knew his power had vast potential like his elder brother's power, but no one told him about it since they wanted him to realize it himself.
And as expected, he did realise his power after a year. His power was pretty simple to use, he just had to imagine a scenario clearly in his mind and the same will be created in real life.
If he wanted to create an explosion, he neither had to chant a spell nor have to use the science behind it to create one. All he had to do was unleash his imagination and bring it to the real world.
The Yang power had some restrictions on it. Like every year, he can bring back only one life from heaven. And if that person died again, he can't bring back his life like the first time.
But the younger one had no such restriction on him. If he wanted to bring someone back to his life, he just used to fiddle with the reality and illusion line and bring that person back using that.
Sen also remembered that when his brother died, he hadn't made ten parts of his powers. Instead it was distributed into nine parts. Sen was also one of the ten knights when his brother's eleventh knight betrayed him and stabbed him in his hearts.
At that time before dying, the Sage emperor had made nine parts of his Yang powers and given it to his knights, and Sen was the tenth one who hadn't gotten anything from him because he already had a great power inside him. The power of Imagination Derivative.
"My younger brother, stop crying you are making my brand new clothes dirty from your tears." Joked the Yang Emperor.
Sen laughed at it and replied he won't stop crying. While they were embracing each other, many other memories were coming to his mind and one of them was the reason for his brother's death.
At that time when his brother got stabbed in his heart he didn't die from the damage of the internal organ, instead died on the will of nature.
Nature was telling him to leave the world and distribute his power to his loyal and trusted ones. After his death, one of the other nine knights became the Sage emperor and led the side of Yang in place of the Yang Emperor.
For Sen, he didn't put his nose in such matters and secluded himself away from all these in a different galaxy.
All this time he was doing research on reincarnation and parallel universes. Since it was the will that his brother had to die, he knew it was impossible to bring him back to life.
So instead he was searching for ways in which he and his brother can be reincarnated in a new world or same world.
After doing years of research, he understood the logic behind the gate of reincarnation and tried to make one with the help of his power.
He successfully made one, a reincarnation gate that opens in the faraway future, but a future without his brother. Till then, Sen wasn't aware of it, and he entered the gate without thinking much about it.
As a result, he was reincarnated in the future in his own descendants' family with the name Sen Zenzeng, without any of his past memories.
From there, the narration was pretty clear. The dark side tried to attack the Sage world, Sen defeated them all with his Dream Derivative power, which was a downgraded version of Imagination Derivative powers.
After all those fires, killing and war, he decided to take some time off and again use a reincarnation gate to take birth in the lower realms like earth.
But before he went, he made a divine protection beast which somehow deflected to the dark side and caused trouble in the sage world.
The Sage empress and the other Sages threw him out of the sage world to the lower realms, but there too he started causing panic and destruction.
Defeating him was impossible, so they sealed him in a temple on earth. But the dark side helped him and the CREATURE escaped from there, creating terror again. This cycle continued again and again till the sage empress decided to come in contact with Sen's reincarnation, Wang Hunag.
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