Chapter 20: Streetscape
Chapter 20: Streetscape
The break of dawn was just beginning to peek through the darkened sky over Dachang Citys pedestrian street. It was an uncharacteristically silent time, with the typical hustle and bustle of the vibrant commercial district stilled in the early morning hours. Closed shops lined the deserted street, their shutters firmly locked, awaiting the days commerce.
But suddenly, the tranquility was shattered.
The row of streetlights that had previously emitted a soft white light abruptly shifted, bathing the pedestrian street in an eerie crimson hue. The lamps inside the shades mirrored a terrifying spectacle of red eyes. Unnerving and uncanny, the eyes seemed alive, subtly shifting and reflecting off the lampshades. However, this chilling spectacle was as fleeting as it was sudden.
A quick flicker later, normalcy resumed. But what came next was even more unusual.
From seemingly nowhere, seven young individuals appeared on the street. They seemed to be students, but something about them was clearly off. Fear painted their pale faces, their bodies trembling as if they had just witnessed something deeply horrifying.
With a heavy pant, Miles sunk onto the ground, his back against the glass door of a nearby shop. The pain that felt like his body being torn apart was finally beginning to subside. The terrifying ordeal had come too close for comfort, but he had managed to activate his own ghost domain just in the nick of time.
Shock kept the others silent as their wide eyes darted around fearfully. The sight of the bright streetlights and the slowly rising sun in the distance reminded them of their narrow escape, gradually replacing their fear with a sense of relief.
I think were on the neighboring street, Grace finally broke the silence, her voice filled with uncertainty.
William was quick to confirm, Its definitely the neighboring main street. Ive been playing here since childhood. My home is nearby. He seemed surprisingly excited, relishing the mundane details of daily life.
Peter echoed Williams sentiments, albeit more softly, still trying to comprehend their unbelievable circumstance.
Miles, though still wary, scanned the surroundings. Confirming their escape from the ghost domain brought a sense of relief. As for their unexplainable arrival on this pedestrian street instead of outside their school, he decided not to dwell on it.
Simply being alive was a miracle in itself.
The group found themselves sitting on the street for a long two hours before they could come to terms with their harrowing ordeal. The relief that their fear was finally subsiding was written all over their faces, yet the traumatic incident at the school had left an indelible mark on their hearts.
Miles, what should we do now? Coral asks, her nerves still unsettled.
Miles had become their rock, their guiding light, the one they trusted without question. After all, he had led them through the nightmare and into survival.
We survived, weve escaped the school, and nobodys seriously injured. What else is there to do but go home, rest, and stop our parents from worrying, Miles said practically after glancing at the spots where those eyes should be.
But Miles, are we just going to go home and sleep after all this? Peter asked, his voice shaking.
Miles glanced sideways at Peter, Whats your suggestion then?
Intimidated by Miles gaze, Peter dropped his head and chose not to continue.
Look, Miles is right. Were lucky to have made it out. This is out of our hands, Grace added, attempting to provide some consolation.
So were just heading home and calling it a night? William seemed shocked at the casualness of the proposal. After such a harrowing event, was it right to just dismiss it and go to sleep?
If you dont plan on going home, are you considering an early morning study session at the school? Miles retorted with a hint of sarcasm.
The mere thought of returning to the school sent shivers down their spines. They were resolved never to set foot in that building again, let alone its vicinity. Some were even contemplating changing schools, leaving Dachang City behind altogether.
Academic ambitions and future plans were momentarily shelved. They were content to just live their lives without worry for the time being.
Im exhausted. Im going home to sleep. Call me if anything comes up, said Miles, stifling a yawn. He looked ready to doze off right there on the street, physically and mentally spent.
Also, you should all avoid the internet, especially any ghost story forums, he added, showing everyone a specific post on his phone. See this audio file? Never, ever open it. Its a recording of a knocking sound, just like the one we heard before. Anyone who listens to it will be visited by that old man.
With a flick of his thumb, Miles revealed the picture posted on the forum.
Get rid of it, get rid of it now!
At the sight of the old mans image, William and the others recoiled in horror.
The photo itself isnt dangerous, Ive checked. Its the audio file thats truly worrisome, Miles clarified, The post hasnt been taken down yet, and thousands of people across the country have already listened to this audio file. If Im not wrong, the old man will soon be wandering major cities, knocking on doors one by one.
In essence, our horrifying experience is about to become a national phenomenon, only we wont be the main characters anymore.
Dont talk about such chilling things. Im still a kid, William responded, his eyes wide with fear.
Miles nodded, Alright, no more ghost stories. Here, take your phone back.
However, William quickly shook his head and stepped back, No way. What if that 138 number calls again? I dont want the phone. Just get rid of it.
But this is the latest X phone. You mentioned it cost over nine thousand, didnt you? Miles argued.
With a sheepish smile, William confessed, I have a confession to make. Im a bit of a secret rich kid. See all those shops along the street? They all belong to my family. I, William, am not hurting for cash. Later, Ill ask my dad to get me a Nokia, or maybe even a pager. That way, I wont have to worry about that terrifying phone call.
Why not just carry a walkie-talkie if your family is that well-off? Miles suggested, his tone somewhat playful.
Good idea. Ill think about it, William agreed.
The mention of the ominous 138 phone number had everyone discarding their phones as if they were contaminated with fear.
Miles intervened, Dont just toss them aside, thats wasteful.
Are you not afraid of taking these phones, Miles? Theyve been called by a ghost. What if it comes back? Grace asked, her eyes wide in disbelief.
Ive got nothing to lose, Miles shrugged. And if I dont use them, I can always sell them. He picked up the discarded phones. Are you all sure about this?
A chorus of affirmatives greeted him.
He chuckled, Fine. Ill sell these second-hand. And just so were clear, any money I make is mine to keep. Next time we eat out, the bills still on you.
Miles got up and turned to leave, a collection of eight or so phones in his hand.
Coral, still pale from the nights events, quickly piped up, Take me with you.
Miles paused, looking back at her, You want to come and sleep at my place?
Coral replied in a weak voice, I wouldnt mind staying at your place for a few days.
Everyone, including Miles, was taken aback. Although Coral was not the most beautiful girl in the class, she had an athletic allure with her long legs and slender waist. Yet Miles, an ordinary guy, had never been close to her. Why would she suddenly latch onto him after one night?
The others were in the dark, but Miles understood. It wasnt love or attraction that drew Coral to him, but fear. She was still terrified from their ghostly ordeal and longed for company.
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