Chapter 224-226
Chapter 224-226
Maxima lay on my arm, her body pressing into mine as much as she physically could. Her left arm was slipped under my neck while her right lay on my stomach. If one were to look, it would appear that the woman clung to me in a bear hug, and after she went unconscious, she let go of her vice grip and became more comfortable. Her legs were wrapped around my right leg with her heat pressed against my side.
She was beautiful to the extreme, and I was surprised at how much I liked her. It might have been one of the races she slept with, a race that made their sexual partners like them more, but I wasn’t sure. I didn’t get any pings from my powers that she was using some type of magic or pheromones to make me fall for her. No, she did it through sheer unwavering passion for mating with me.
It was very attractive for a woman to want you with her everything. I was half tempted to roll on top of her, but she was sleeping peacefully. I just took my time to stare at her as I brushed her hair out of her face. I think her race was potentially looking to become as powerful as the greater races. The only reason they were still stuck to this solar system instead of expanding outwards was jealousy.
The race was mostly peaceful, even though it was so strong. The biggest problem it had was that it was a newer race, and other older alien races saw the writing on the wall. They knew that if things kept going at the rate they were going, the Almeracians would become the most powerful alien race in this sector. They were keeping them small so they didn’t grow too quickly, and some of the bigger forces were even attempting to destroy their home planet and turn them into a space-faring slave race.
Well… I wasn’t going to let the shittier, older alien races keep beating down my new favorite alien race. I had the Hestia attachment, which was weaker than her real body, do a quick scan of the internet equivalent of the Almeracian race. They were some of the most straightforward people I have ever met. You know exactly what they want from you the moment you meet them. The universe needed that level of candidness.
Scanning the biggest threats to them, one stood out. Another warmonger race of pig-like people were the main antagonists in their fight for galactic sovereignty. Boronians didn’t appear to be the pig people that were part of the Green Lantern core but more of a warfaring race focused solely on expansion through destruction and enslaving other races.
They had already turned three other alien races into their slaves and used them for almost every purpose: as cannon fodder, to make technological breakthroughs, and to keep them ahead of the galactic blowback from their expansionist tendencies. Now… How far did I take this? I could do a small amount, just threatening them after showing my strength should be enough to buy planet Almerac some time to grow into their own.
Did I only go out of my way to destroy their warships when I came across them… Or did I teleport to their home planet and fucking blow it up? I really, REALLY wanted to go all out. I don’t remember the last time I went all out. Was it against Trigon? No, even then, I was thinking intelligently and only the final blow where I ripped him in half was based on my physical strength.
I had never let loose physically since I had grown so powerful. I teleported to the planet and could feel the significant change in gravity as I did so. The planet's gravity was fifteen or twenty times Earth’s. I looked at the gigantic huts on the planet. The Borons were gigantic twenty-foot-tall creatures, and their ships needed to be custom-made for themselves.
They’d have been stuck on this planet, but the peaceful technological race that landed was quickly overtaken as they could no longer escape the planet's gravity well. Over a thousand years, the race grew subservient to them, making the spaceships that would take the Borons off their planet. I don’t think I could destroy the planet in a single punch like my original idea.
A tier nine spell targeting the planet's core would do the trick for blowing up the planet, but I had a cooler idea in mind. I pulled out one of the modified lightsabers I had made to kill Trigon. The beam wasn’t as strong as a concentrated lightsaber but for the drawback of cutting power, I got a beam close to the size of a mountain. Cutting into the planet, I dug myself towards the core.
The soil was thicker than Earth’s soil, the rock denser than Earth's rock as I dug my way to the planet's demise. Reaching the mantle and seeing that the Earth had become as heavy and dense as iron, I got a better idea. I shouldn’t destroy the planet, I should kill all the creatures on it and possibly sell the living rights, if not harvest the resources of the planet.
A galactic trading empire wasn’t something I really wanted to worry about, but soon enough, Earthlings would reach out to the stars. If the rest of the galactic empires knew about us already it would make the transition easier. I gripped the planet by its mantle before stopping its rotation. In an instant, the close to thousand-mile-an-hour rotation was stopped, flinging everything off or increasing the gravity fourfold from twenty times Earth's gravity to eighty times for a brief moment. This wasn't Dragon Ball Z, where a sudden increase in gravity only knocked them to the ground.
A scan for life forms showed that the only survivors were freak accidents. Less than .0001% of the population survived, making the planet barren in an instant. I had just eradicated hundreds of millions, if not billions, of lives in an instant and felt almost nothing. I felt bad for the slaves on the planet, but I wasn’t going to go out of my way to make sure they lived through the spur-of-the-moment decision I made.
If they’d just died instead of giving this war-hungry race the ability to reach the stars, then they would have never been able to leave their planet. The smaller race practically threw themselves at the pig demon's feet to not die; the small number of spaceships coming to the planet was only a fraction of their people. They gave their slavers the key to their own planet and served them all the way up until their death.
They were now intrinsically tied together. If I wanted to wipe out one, the other would have to follow, as they were too entwined together at this point. It would be too much work to save them… And they were also short and ugly. If they were an attractive race, it might have swayed my choice but if I came across a Boron ship, I wouldn’t lose sleep at the Dreasel casualties.
That also went for the Dendrinite race of bark/dog people and… I might go out of my way for the final race going forward. They were the closest thing to cat girls in this quadrant of the galaxy.
Chapter 225
I teleported back to the Marauders and saw they were still in processing to get their Nova Empire citizenship. Having a god-like entity as a part of their race was speeding up the bureaucratic process but that only meant it would take them weeks instead of months for the processing to happen. The decades for humanity to be considered a member of the galactic empire shortened to years, all because I could fuck up their plans just by getting a little angry.
I leave them to it as I teleport onto the Duck Dodgers(Name of the ship) that Howard the Duck piloted. He was an entire system in the wrong direction, and as I noticed that the moment I left, he changed which direction he was travelling, I started to get a little mad. Not only did I buy his freedom and give him a ship to pilot, I also offered to free him in just a month or so. A quick ping showed that the dwarf Kree pilot I also hired was tied up in a separate room.
In one swift motion, I teleported over to him, and before he even noticed, I ripped his arm from his body. His clear disregard for the freedom I gave him and the ship I let him pilot almost had me rip his head off instead. I was half tempted to just give up on the idea of having my own spaceship, as I could just teleport around the universe or use ninth-tier magic to fly through space.
Losing his arm immediately sobered the Duckman as he looked at me in sheer terror. I learned enough to set the autopilot as I let him stew in his fear while I set it back towards Knowhere. Doing that, I warned him. “If you go off course again, I’ll kill you.” With the threat applied, I regrew his arm in an instant. He had gone far enough off course that it would take as long to reach Knowhere as it would have from Xandar.
As I was deciding what to do, I leaned toward teleporting back to Earth for a few days. A gigantic spaceship uncloaked behind us, and I felt us being pulled in towards the ship. I couldn't help but marvel at the size of the thing. I was flying one of the larger classifications of ships, but this was even bigger than a dreadnought. It was equivalent to the size of the moon and looked like something you’d see in Star Wars, not Marvel.
It wasn’t the Deathstar though. Closer to a Star Destroyer, but still not the same, it looked more rounded. It was designed to house people instead of fighting against other ships. When I set the autopilot, it removed our cloaking function. The ship must have been close enough to pick up on it and get into position before we could start moving at any intense speeds.
I wasn’t going to let my irritation at Howard put me in a bad mood for whatever meeting I was walking into. If they were a war race or something like that… Well, it’s their own fault for starting this. I wait for the tractor beam to pull us in and set us down before opening the door. As I do so, over a hundred men are there pointing futuristic rifles at us.
For a few tense moments, we just stared at each other until their leader spoke up. “What are you doing in this sector of the galaxy? Don’t you know this is run by the Worldless Collective?” I haven’t ever heard of that group before, but with the galaxy being as big as it was, that wasn’t surprising. I wouldn’t know most of the giant galactic empires, let alone the smaller factions in the universe. I explained what had happened as they took me to see the leader.
The ship was a collective of different races who all lost their home planet. Seven different races of aliens, and three stood out to me. Zenn-Lavian, Banari, and Sajians. Zenn-Lavians were very close to humans, with the same skin colors and hair as us, but their eyes were like mood rings. They could change color depending on how they felt.
Banari was a race of red-skinned beauties. Their race was exclusively female, and they could change their appearance to adapt to their partner's likes and dislikes. Saijians were a race of space elves. Most had white hair, with some blonde, and very few were black-haired, but all were extremely attractive, with cat-like eyes and pointed ears. They were the first magical race I came upon with different roles developed, but most were part of the healers of the ship/planet they lived on.
Somehow, the three leaders of the three races I took a fancy to ended up taking me on a ‘special’ tour. The final thing they wanted to show me was Shalla Bal’s bedroom. Shalla Bal looked like Lois Lane, maybe a bit thicker with more luxurious, puffier hair, but they could easily pass as sisters. Tamara Rahn was a red-skinned beauty who made her tits almost imperceptively bigger every time I looked away from her. Last but not least was Zsaji; she looked very similar to the other elves, but all of them were attractive. She was one of eleven with the power to revive another at the cost of her own life.
They were all beautiful in their own way but as the three teamed up together to take me down, I couldn’t help but thank my luck again. Howard had come far out of the way, and things worked out perfectly in my favor again to have me bed even more beauties I would have missed if things didn’t play out exactly as they did.
Sex for most alien races was quick and straight to the point; if they lasted for more than a single orgasm, that would be impressive. None of these races were like that; all three of them burned long and hot. Shalla liked playing with my balls, sucking and slurping to the best of her ability. Her eyes shifted from orange for passion to pink for lust as she did so.
Tamara was more energetic, riding me in reverse cowgirl as she excitedly bounced up and down on my cock. She popped herself off me for a brief moment before sitting down on my lap so we could stare into each other's eyes. Her body was the strongest out of the three. The three of them would make a very good team with the charismatic leader, the muscle, and the healer working together.
Zsaji was more affectionate. She liked skin-to-skin contact as she let me make slow and passionate love to her. All three were only surprised for a moment when I made three of me, but they just rolled with the situation. Truly being beautiful was the cheat code of life that let things like this happen more often than not.
As another night passed and Howard took the ship out of the dock, I couldn’t help but give all my new women a long passionate kiss before leaving. They were all looking for a planet but I didn’t want to offer the pig planet to them. Its high gravity would make it so they could only get around with special suits, or they’d have to live in buildings or areas with gravity reduction machines around.
I would need to keep an eye out for an Earth-like planet… Or I could just send them to the Moon or Mars. But there were still Martians on Mars; eventually, they’d grow in size and could become a problem in the future. I’ll look for a different planet for now, if I couldn’t find one then I’d send them to Mars, screw the consequences.
Chapter 226
Knowhere was the decapitated head of a celestial that outlaws and criminals inhabited. It meant it was a good place to go if you were looking for trouble or running from the law because most organizations avoided Knowhere like the plague. The main reason is the powerful mercenary groups and other entities living on the head.
The Collector in the movies was sort of a pushover, but in the comics, he’s almost as strong as Thanos. The Collector, the Ravagers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and all the other mercenary squads, hitmen, bounty hunters, and people who live here just because they’re strong enough to are the reasons it still exists and wasn’t taken by a single faction like the Nova Empire.
It’s effectively become space Switzerland where many other galactic empires will sign deals on Knowhere because it is neutral territory. That’s why it doesn’t make sense to raise children on the planet; literally anywhere else would be safer than the place that gets attacked every other day. If the Collector is his strong version then he’d have foreseen me coming and fled otherwise I’d fuck him up and take his stuff.
We get fired on before we land but the whole process of them trying to shake us down is interrupted because Howard fucks up the six ships that ambushed us. For him being a real piece of shit, he’s a damn good pilot. Still completely drunk, he flies us in, and the three of us head to the bar… I should really figure out the Kree pilot's name at some point.
We sit down for all of six seconds before someone grabs Howard and starts yelling at him. “Look what the cat dragged in. Where’s the fifty thousand credits you owe me, Duck?” With a beer bottle in his hand, he smashes it on the table before stabbing the man. With that, all hell broke loose. The four other men pulled their guns on Howard, and he held his arms out like he wanted to be hit, so I had to step in.
I telekinetically slap the guns out of their hands as I stand up and try to defuse the situation. “Alright, Howard stabbed your guy, and I just took your guns. Are you sure you want to take this fight instead of running while you still can?” They all pulled out more technologically advanced batons that discharged an electricity field where they’d strike someone.
I can’t help but smirk at these dumb guys' bad luck. Out of everyone to pick a fight with, they pick my group. Just as the fight is about to start, I hear a familiar voice. “Alright, break it up. You know, if you’re gonna fight, do it away from the booze.” I look up to see a flying Starlord land in the open-roof building and sit down. The gang that had snuck up on us fled as the rest of the Guardians came into the bar.
He sat down next to Howard before asking. “Hey Daffy, you look like ten pounds of shit in a five-pound bag. What’s wrong with you?” Finishing another beer, Howard spoke. “Leave me alone Star chode. I just want to drink.” They crowded in, and I noticed they were missing some of their key members: Drax the Destroyer, Mantis, and Nebula were there, but Rocket, Groot, and Gamora weren’t.
I hadn’t thought about comics for a while, but I do remember seeing a Ravegers crossover cover with Rocket and Groot on it. I didn’t read the comic or synopsis, but I knew they were probably still together. Peter Quill kept trying to talk to Howard, and I just left him to it. I heard Drax order a Zehobereian ship bomb drink as I walked past them and outside.
I began counting in my head, one Mississippi, two Mississippi, th-. Nebula followed me out, and I couldn’t help but smile a little. Even just my presence was enough to draw women to me. Making small talk, she approached and spoke to me. “Haven’t seen you around here before. You new in town?” Leaning against the wall, I answer. “I am.”
She offered to show me around. The first place she wanted to show me was her room. The paper-thin excuse to get me back to her place broke when we got there, and we began to make out. She shared a room with her sister, but she wasn’t there at the moment. I wanted to have them both at the same time, but honestly, they were worth doing separately first. That would make me convincing them to the threeway all the more satisfying in the future.
I leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “Do you want me to get rid of all your modifications?” She didn’t believe me at first, giving a little chuckle before saying. “Sure, I’d love it if you could make me whole again. I know a hole you can fill with something to help me feel whole again.” I put one finger on her chest, and all of her cybernetic enhancements shoot off her body as it reforms back to its original/unaltered version.
She didn’t understand what had happened at first until I conjured a mirror between us. Pale purple eyes, beautiful blonde hair that worked with her blue skin, and two of the most perfect breasts stared back at her. Then she exploded. “WHAT THE FUCK!? HOW!? I was decrypting a genetic lock on my cybernetic brain!” Her surprise changed to panic as she searched for the brain implant that had gone flying off when I fixed her.
She slapped it into a computer in the corner of her room and hit a few buttons before she stopped panicking. “What the actual fuck. Warn a girl next time you're about to change her body.” I let it sit in silence for a few seconds before I respond. “I… Did…” Getting frustrated that I talked back, she stomped her foot. If I didn’t have superhuman reflexes I’d have been far too distracted watching her tits jiggle to hear what she said. “Well, next time, ask twice and make sure they know you can actually do it.”
I kiss her, bringing any thoughts of hers to a stop as we move towards the bed. She was an incredible lover, and many of her organs were replaced, and so was the alien version of her uterus. Thanos didn’t need his soldiers to get pregnant after all. I doubted he did the same thing to Gamora, but he possibly did to his other adopted sons and daughters.
She didn’t want kids of her own right now. That was understandable, after what she’s seen and experienced in life, I wouldn’t want to bring a kid into this shit show either. That didn’t mean I couldn’t give her the best night of her life. I was sequencing her DNA to make a version of the USS that would work with her alien race.
She wanted to be manhandled as we had sex. She screamed her lungs out as I had her lifted in the air, pumping into her while we held eye contact. Screaming her throat raw as I kept healing it. This was going to be a long night.
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