Side Chapter 5: Late Night Speculations
Side Chapter 5: Late Night Speculations
[Blake POV]
The same night that Blake met Luna, after dinner he was called to Amagis office room.
As I knocked on the door to announce my presence, Lady Amagi told me to enter. When I did, Miss Anastasia was also there. While laying down the piece of paper she was holding, Lady Amagi spoke.
So, Sir Blake, what is your first impression of my daughter? She asked.
I dont mean to sound rude, but she is a bit strange. Going off looks alone, she is about one or two years old, yet she speaks and acts like she is older. At first, I thought that she was just raised well, but even then, she is still too young to act like that. Of course, it could just be that this world is different than my previous world and childrens minds mature faster here. I said, not hiding any of my thoughts.
Its as you say, Sir Blake. She acts older than her actual age, though she still has childish sides to her as well. For example, she thinks she is hiding it very well, but in actuality, its glaringly obvious that she is hiding something. Lady Amagi said with a small chuckle.
In my previous world, there were many stories about people who get reincarnated in another world with their previous lifes memories so maybe thats what is going on here. I said giving my opinion.
That is what Ana and I have suspected as well. While rare, this has happened in the past. She said while straightening up another pile of papers.
Thats enough of that topic for now. Why dont we move on to the main reason why I called you here. She said, her face turning serious.
Its about the curses placed on the Hero and Saint, right? I asked for confirmation.
Partially, the curses are one thing, but in the letter my husband had you deliver to me, he mentioned that the Goddess of the Moon also said something in the description of the curse. She said.
Yes, after the description of the curse there was something like a message. I said confirming.
That message said that the Goddess of the Moon was going to let her partner take care of them, correct? She asked.
Yes, the message said that once her partner was strong enough, she could take care of them. Though thinking about it now, even a small child could kill the both of them. As I said this, a realization came to me.
Lady Amagi, do you think that Lady Luna is the partner the Goddess of the Moon is talking about? I asked.
There is a possibility, but we wont know for sure until Luna tells us herself. It would be easy to tell if we appraised her, but for some reason when we try, the skill is blocked. While in a way that can act as confirmation, it could also just be a unique skill that blocks appraisal. She said.
Would you like me to try appraising her tomorrow? While several of my skills levels went down after the King of Fiends was killed, I managed to get my appraisal skill back up to level 10. I offered.
We can try, but I dont think it will work. Not to mention that I dont want to involve you in something like this since you are our guest. She said with an apologetic smile.
I dont mind. In all honesty, if Lady Luna is a reincarnator, I might be connected as well. I said.
What do you mean? Miss Anastasia asked, tilting her head.
This afternoon, after Lady Amagi showed me to my room, I met Lady Luna in there. It seemed to me that she was practicing magic or a skill. When she saw me, it seemed like she recognized me. Before I could say anything to her, the room got colder, and a mist appeared. When it cleared, she was gone. I explained the events that happened earlier today.
I see, I guess that means she inherited an affinity for Ice Magic from me, though I dont know any spells that make a cold mist. Lady Amagi said while contemplating the information I just gave her.
Regardless of all of this, Luna is still my daughter. When she is ready to tell us about herself, she let us know. Now, can you tell me what the effects of this curse that the Goddess of the Moon gave those two. She asked changing the subject.
I can, but before I do, can I ask something?
Go ahead.
Are curses given by gods rare in this world? I asked.
Not necessarily, it depends on the god or goddess. For example, if a necromancer were to summon the soul of a person and turn it into an undead, then use that undead for evil, then the God of Death would curse that necromancer. She paused for a moment, then continued.
The strange thing about this is, the Goddess of the Moon has never cursed anyone before. She is a gentle goddess who watches over the world and gives the moon its light. But now, there are two people who managed to anger her to such an extent that an already powerful curse was given levels. She said finishing her explanation.
If Im completely honest, I think those two really deserved what they got. I dont know what was in that letter, but I can guess that General Deacon explained what those two were trying to do the whole time we were fighting, correct? I asked.
Yes, it was roughly explained. Though, and this may sound cold of me, I dont really think that trying to kill someone and take a part of their body as a trophy would warrant such a heavy punishment. Dont get me wrong, I would like nothing more than to kill these two myself for trying to kill my husband, but still. She said while trying to think up any more reasons.
Maybe it was something they did before going to the battlefield? Suggested Miss Anastasia.
Do you have any thoughts, Sir Blake? Lady Amagi asked.
I mean, there are quite a few reasons that come to mind. There is the fact that they did their hardest to stall going to the battlefield for two years for selfish reasons. There was also that time the Saint tried to seduce the crown prince of the Celestia Kingdom in front of his fianc. Or maybe it was the time when the Hero nearly killed a Dukes son for standing in his way. As I kept adding more and more reasons why those two were terrible people, one reason really stood out to me.
It could have also been the time when they killed one of us summoned with a trap in a dungeon. As I said this, I could barley hold back my anger.
It seems this particular incident, stand out to you the most. Said Lady Amagi with a look of concern.
Yeah, it does. The person who was killed then was my friend. I said.
I see. After saying this the room fell silent. Before the atmosphere became any worse, Lady Amagi started speaking again.
Well, you have had quite a long day, Sir Blake, why dont you go and get some rest.
I think I will, have a good night the both of you. After saying this, I left the room and headed to bed.
Author's Note:
I originally didn't plan on writing this side chapter, but I was hit by some sudden inspiration. So now, onto the next. Since I'm still running on the power of coffee, expect another chapter in a few hours. Thank you all for reading.
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