Everlasting Dream

Chapter 11: After his father

[Nivalis Silverfrost]

It had only been a few hours since Nivalis drifted off to sleep after an exhausting labor. The gentle rays peeked through old curtains, casting a warm, golden glow around the room, the particles of dust floating lazily in the air. It should have been a peaceful moment, but something was terribly wrong. The smell in the room was beyond awful, and it rudely awakened Nivalis from her peaceful sleep. It was a smell she recognized all too well, the unmistakable aroma of a dirty diaper from her newborn baby.

Nivalis groaned and turned in bed, her blue eyes fluttering open, squinting at the bright light that hit her face. Her long, silver hair was a tangled mess on the pillow. A wave of nausea washed over her from the scent, a feeling all too familiar, something she had experienced countless times since giving birth to Silvia.

Struggling, she sat up, her body feeling as heavy as a boulder. She tried to rub the sleepiness away from her tired eyes, taking a deep breath, but it only resulted in a muffled cough from the intense smell. She looked down at her son, who lay peacefully beside her, unaware of the mess he'd created. His innocent, soft face, with closed eyelids and quiet, steady breathing, heavily contrasted the source of the unpleasant smell.

Silvia, her beloved little snowflake, was peacefully snoozing. A small puddle of drool had formed beneath her chubby, rosy cheeks. She had always been a sound sleeper; no amount of noise or smell could possibly stir her from her dreams.

Reluctantly, Nivalis turned her attention to her son. The foul smell from his soiled diaper was no longer just an unpleasant odor. It had transformed into a growing, noxious cloud of pure evil, threatening to engulf all the good this world had; Nivalis thought she'd faint if she breathed more of it.

The woman wrinkled her nose and reached for the little guy, her hands shaking as she lifted him gently from the bed. He squirmed a bit, letting out a soft, complaining sound. "It's okay, my love," Nivalis whispered soothingly, being extra cautious not to let the dirty diaper touch her skin. "Mommy's here. We'll clean you up, and then you can return to your big sister, okay?"

She carried him to the nearby table, placing the baby boy on its wooden surface. The morning sun's rays reflected off her pale skin and long, silver hair as she removed the soiled diaper, revealing her son's mess. It was quite a sight, truly. A newborn's digestive system is an unstoppable force that no parent could hope to contain. She almost gagged at the pungent smell.

With practiced movements, Nivalis wiped her son clean, working swiftly and carefully. The foul stench filled the air, causing her stomach to lurch. She swallowed hard, fighting back the urge to vomit. It was a moment every parent dreaded, but Nivalis knew she must soldier on. She grabbed the discarded cloth and skillfully folded and tied it, using the fabric to create a makeshift diaper. She gently slid it beneath her son and wrapped him with it, ensuring his comfort.

Sighing in relief, Nivalis lifted her son and carried him back to the bed, cradling him against her shoulder. Luckily, the boy didn't cry from the cleaning. She laid him down, smiling brightly when little Aster released a tiny giggle, looking at her with his beautiful golden eyes.

Nivalis's eyes wrinkled at the corners as she smiled down at him, her fingers running through his soft, silver halo. "All clean and fresh, ready for your nap, little one." She kissed his forehead, to which the baby boy closed his eyes and released a sleepy, incredibly cute yawn as if understanding her words. The way his tiny fists curled up and rubbed his face made him look so innocent and adorable.

Nivalis then turned her attention to her daughter, who was still sound asleep. Leaning over, she gently adjusted the blanket, tucking it securely around her precious child. She gently tucked a stray lock of hair behind Silvia's ear and kissed her forehead softly. Silvia mumbled something unintelligible in her response but remained wrapped in her blissful dreams.

She couldn't help but smile while watching the two children. They were her everything.

The stench lingered in the air, making Nivalis walk over to the window. She opened it slightly, allowing a cool breeze to flow into the room. She didn't leave it open for too long, just long enough for the smell to dissipate, not wanting to make the room uncomfortably cold. The fresh air swept away the lingering odors from the diaper change, bringing a breath of relief to Nivalis.

A wave of calmness washed over her, easing the tension in her tired body. Standing by the window, she took a deep breath, allowing herself to get lost in the moment, just enjoying the swaying of pine trees and birds chirping that filled the quiet winter morning.

But soon, the view was interrupted as her stomach rumbled loudly, reminding her that she hadn't eaten anything since yesterday evening. 'I should cook some breakfast for us,' she thought, absentmindedly running her hand through her tangled hair.

She closed the window and quietly crept out of the bedroom, heading downstairs to the kitchen. The wooden floor creaked beneath her bare feet as she descended, the cold air causing goosebumps on her skin.

Upon entering the kitchen, Nivalis started a fire in the stone fireplace. She gathered some dry twigs and a few logs, igniting the kindling. Soon, a warm, crackling fire filled the hearth, casting dancing shadows on the wooden walls, making the house a little bit cozier.

Looking around the kitchen, Nivalis rummaged through the pantry, searching for ingredients to make a hearty soup for herself and the little girl. "Soup, soup, soup," she muttered under her breath, scanning the shelves with determination in those blue eyes. Before long, she stumbled upon potatoes, carrots, and a variety of herbs—everything she needed to whip up a delicious meal.

Nivalis picked up an iron pot and began cooking. The sound of her knife chopping through the vegetables resonated through the kitchen. A satisfying hiss filled the air as she tossed the vegetables into the boiling water, adding dried herbs for flavor, careful not to overdo it. After a while, the savory aroma of the meal filled the entire house, embracing Nivalis in its warm and inviting scent.

She carefully poured the steaming contents into a rustic wooden bowl, the aroma wafting to her little nose, making her mouth water and stomach growl even more. Carrying the bowl, she made her way over to the dining table.

Nivalis couldn't help but let out a long, tired yawn, stretching her arms above her head as she sat down, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Then, out of nowhere, the heavy wooden door to the house suddenly creaked open, hinges groaning, making her heart sink as Haldor entered, covered from head to toe in a thick layer of mud and filth. His clothes bore dark red stains that were sadly, certainly not his own.

He took slow, squelching steps inside the kitchen, leaving a trail of mess behind. He smelled of death and decay... and ale, making Nivalis wish to inhale that foul diaper again instead of this. Haldor wordlessly pulled a chair up to the kitchen table and sat, looking at her blankly.

Nivalis watched in silence as Haldor wordlessly reached for the bowl of food that she had prepared for herself. There was a ravenous hunger in his eyes as he devoured the meal in mere minutes, even ate all that was in the pot, leaving Nivalis with nothing. She wanted to cry but knew it would only make him happier.

As Haldor finished the last bite of his meal, Nivalis found it increasingly difficult to contain her frustration. "That was my and Silvia's breakfast," she said quietly, her voice trembling with anger and desperation. "You ate it all. I'm too tired, Haldor."

"Just make another—Wait..." he began, but his words trailed off as he noticed a change in her. "Did you...?" he asked, suddenly in a much softer tone than before.

Nivalis sighed. "Yes, It happened. Just a few hours ago," she admitted, her delicate shoulders slumping as he watched the wicked grin slowly creep across his face, revealing his yellowed teeth.

Nivalis's heart sank as she recognized that smile and what it carried. She knew all too well what would come next. He was interested in her first and foremost, not the baby—his usual behavior when drunk.

Haldor rose from the table, hunger in his eyes, driven by lust and desire. He didn't care that she was tired and sore; he only cared for himself as usual. Or maybe he was just too drunk. His steps were deliberate as he approached Nivalis, searching for her eyes with that piercing golden gaze of his, that intense, unsettling stare that always made her feel like a rabbit stalked by a wolf.

He lifted her chin with his meaty hand, forcing her to look at him. "I've waited way too long. I need to empty these balls, so why don't you bend and—" he whispered to her but soon was cut by her, his breath heavy with the scent of ale.

— "As I said... I'm tired, Haldor. And sore... down there. I can barely stand," Nivalis pleaded, looking up at him, her eyes darting between his, her voice laced with desperation. "I just gave birth, and I need rest."

Haldor pondered for a moment, "Ah, right... makes sense. You must be all disgusting down there right now. T-then, how about you kneel there on the floor instead? It's been a while, too..." he mumbled out, slurring slightly.

Nivalis closed her eyes, feeling her body tense as she desperately thought of a way out; her heart echoed in her elven ears. "You have a son... Don't you want to see him?" she asked in a trembling voice, clinging to the hope that his paternal instincts might save her.

Haldor paused for a moment. "A boy?" he whispered, his brows moving in surprise. "Alright, show me the brat," he turned, releasing his grip on her.

Nivalis became nervous. Was it a good idea to shift his focus on a child? Her feet carried her to the upstairs, her steps faltering and hesitant, her heart pounding painfully in her chest, and her eyes darting nervously around.

Reaching the door, Nivalis turned to face Haldor, gripping the doorknob with her trembling hand. She gave him a silent, pleading look before opening the door and letting him in.

A beautiful scene of the slumbering duo greeted them. Silvia lay peacefully in bed, sucking on her thumb as her her small chest rose and fell rhythmically. Her long, silver hair splayed around her in the same messy way her mother's was. Aster lay beside her, also lost in a deep sleep, a trickle of saliva running down his cheek.

"M-Mommy?" Silvia mumbled, her confused, golden eyes fluttered open.

— "Go to your room, sweetie. Your father is here," she said, mustering a warm smile and gesturing towards the door.

"Dad?" Silvia sleepily repeated, brows furrowing in confusion.

— "Yes, go on, honey. Don't worry, everything will be alright," Nivalis said soothingly, gently caressing her daughter's cheek.

Silvia complied, granting a small, sleepy smile before slowly leaving the room, her bare feet shuffling against the wooden floor. Luckily, Haldor remained silent through this, paying no attention to the little girl, his focus on the tiny form of his son.

"You sure it's a boy?" he commented, his deep voice rumbling as his fingers traced the curve of Aster's soft cheek. "Do I need to check?"

— "It's a boy," Nivalis confirmed, her blue eyes glancing down at the sleeping baby.

"Hmph," Haldor grunted, picking up the baby and cradling him in his massive arms, making the child look even more tiny and fragile. "A bit too elvish for my liking, but I'll make a warrior out of him," he commented, waking up the boy. Aster blinked at him with him curiously, clearly confused. "Now, I need to think of a name... A good, human name."

— "I have... already named him, Haldor," Nivalis whispered; her eyes didn't meet him as she spoke softly.

Haldor's reaction was swift and filled with fury. "Without me?" he snarled, his eyes narrowing into slits. "What did you call him, you stupid whore?"

— "A-Aster," Nivalis replied, her voice barely audible.

"Yet another fucking elven name," Haldor growled, his grip tightening around the baby. "He'll be called Thoran, after my father. There's no way I'm letting my firstborn son have some pussy name like Aster."

— "Aster is a good name, Haldor. It means..." Nivalis tried to explain, but Haldor cut her off.

"I don't care what it means. My firstborn son will be called Thoran, and that's final. Got it?" he said, his tone sharp and menacing, promising pain if she dared to protest again.

— "Y-yes..." she replied, her shoulders slumping further, tears welling in her eyes. "Thoran is a good name," Nivalis forced herself to say.

"Good," he smiled, shifting his focus back to the baby. "You'll make a fine warrior, little Thoran," he chuckled, looking at the boy lovingly and watching how his little hand grabbed him by his beard. "Ha! You've got quite a grip there, boy," he laughed.

Nivalis observed the scene silently, her heart pounding in her chest. She saw how Haldor held her child with a sinking dread that grew with every second. She desperately wanted to snatch her baby away from him, but she knew she had no choice but to stay quiet and watch.

"Who will be a mighty warrior? Yep, this little guy..." he kept murmuring to the baby for the next few minutes, trying to make the little boy laugh, but for some reason, the baby refused to. His tiny, golden gaze kept glancing at her, barely paying any attention to his father.

— "He must be hungry. Let me feed him," she whispered, raising her arms to take the child back from Haldor before it made him angry. Who knows what that drunken human would do...

Haldor grunted and handed the baby to her. "Yeah, it must be it..." he mumbled, scratching his beard in confusion. "Whatever."

Nivalis cradled the baby in trembling arms, sighing in relief when the boy smiled at her. She sat on the bed, loosening her blouse and pulling it down, revealing her breasts to the child.

"Well, I'm off to the tavern. I need to celebrate my firstborn son," Haldor announced casually. "Enjoy your time with the brat. When I return, we'll continue that conversation from earlier." He smiled cruelly before leaving the room.

Nivalis smiled sadly down at little Aster as he latched onto her breast, sucking with those tiny lips of his. Tears began streaming down her beautiful, even though quite tired, face. Soon, tears turned into sobs, her body shaking with them.

— "Don't worry, my sweet little Asty," she whispered to the baby, running her fingers through his soft, silver hair. "Soon, I promise, I'll keep you safe, no matter what... You and your big sister."

She began humming an old, elven lullaby, wiping tears that accidentally fell onto his soft face. "Just twenty more minutes, and we'll never see this place ever again..."

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