As A GAMER In One Piece

Chapter 22: CH-22 - SPEED-BLITZ

Chapter 22: CH-22 - SPEED-BLITZ

Chapter WORDS -5049

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"AHHHH!!!" Aisa screams, holding onto Wyper for dear Life, i immediately Summon all of us into a Timeless I.D., different to the one i Sent Enel too.

"WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!!" Luffy screams in fright, and i realize something very important that very second when Luffy asked this question.

'I-I Didn't think of us falling to the ground.'

The Ark Maxim starts falling to the ground, dragging along us to its doom. I try to think of a plan, being the only calm one here, but any plan I have involves jumping out of the ship. I try to remember HOW the Ark Maxim even worked. it uses Electricity-

"RAI, HELP US!!!" Aisa screams, trying to hold onto Wyper so that she doesn't fly away from the ship, snapping me out of my thinking. i realize that i have no time to be thinking of how to stop the fall, since it is inevitable, but before i could think about a new plan, an arm stretches near me and circles me, grabbing me and then yanking me off the Ship-

"WHAT THE-" Thankfully, Gamer's Mind makes me calm enough to see that Luffy grabbed me and then jumped off the crashing ship. I reacted as fast as possible, sending two Mana ropes at Wyper and Aisa, who are still in the Ship. Wyper Jumps, Aisa hanging on his leg and he stretches his hand, grabbing onto both the Ropes, throwing one to Aisa which automatically Binds her, along with Wyper.

"AHHHHH!!!!" Aisa screams in horror, tears leak from her eyes since she is so scared of the current situation. i look up to Luffy, who stretches his arm towards the Giant Jack, circling it with his arm and grabbing onto it, then Yanking himself, along with us to crash right into the tree-

I made a mana barrier big enough to cover all four of us just a little before the impact, and while it doesn't stop us from crashing into the tree, it DOES reduce the impact. We still crash on the Giant Jack though. i stretch my other hand upwards, extending a Mana Rope with majority of My Mana and grabbing onto the Giant Jack similarly to Luffy.

Luffy, seeing this, loosens his hold from the Giant Jack and removes his hand from it. The weight of everyone falls on me, with Luffy handing me on one side while I have to use one of my hands to grab onto the Giant Jack while the other hand is tied with Mana Rope-ing Wyper and Aisa. I Glare at Luffy, annoyed at him leaving his duty to me, he is the strongest, he should be holding us up-

"BRING US DOWN-" I almost lost concentration and the Rope weakened, almost throwing us to our death. Thankfully, my concentration comes back and I am able to properly hold us in place.

"DON'T SCREAM NEAR MY EAR YOU DUMBASS!" I Scream back at him, and he hides his face, apologizing. I grit my teeth, holding through my entire strength, to make sure that we don't fall to our death.

since i haven't turned off my Observation Haki which is STILL interacting with my Map, i am able to sense Zephyr coming towards us, rapidly,-

I-No, we Need time. I do not put much thought into WHY Zephyr is in a different place than he previously was when I sensed him for the first time. Knowing a way to gain more time, I grit my teeth. With my legs slammed against the beanstalk, i-

Jump, dissolving my Mana rope with was tied to the giant Jack and we all fall-

I created an I.D. while falling, and with the timeless I.D. up, I send a thick Mana Rope towards the Giant Jack, tying it with ourselves while we jerk and crash into the Beanstalk-

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Aisa screams in anger, her fear of dying changing into Rage towards Me so she could distract herself from the feeling of almost dying not once, but twice.

"Zephyr is on his way. We need time." Luffy looks surprised, but then Nods seriously. Even though I haven't told anyone that Zephyr is On Sky island before now, I know we atleast have TIME enough to formulate a plan to get the hell out of here.

I slowly extend the Rope, slowly going downwards as Gravity works its magic on us. We slowly Descend while Holding onto each other while I Grip onto the Mana Rope which is attached to giant Jack and getting elongated.

We reach the God's Shrine and continue downwards, and after a couple of minutes, we reach below, where I dissipate My Mana Rope and we fall to the ground, at least a floor distance.

After landing, I finally have time to check my Windows which popped up after Saving Enel in My I.D.




Capture Enel in the Instant Dungeon and leave him there for however Long the user decides to let him be there.



I grin, making Luffy, Aisa and Wyper look at me in confusion.

"Why are you grinning?" Wyper just can't understand what goes on in my mind. On one hand, I am some kind of genius mastermind, on the other, some crazy guy who had a crazy idea like sealing someone for eternity or something.

"Well, because From this point on, Upper Yard has no rulers, you guys finally Got your Homeland Back." While I can't say why, I tell them a random excuse, peeking at my second Window.




Shandians have been fighting for 400 years to reclaim their land. Help them achieve this mission to put the spirit of the Great Warrior Kalgara to rest.


Reclaim Upper Yard:- + 40,000,000 EXP, SKILL BOOK .




Both Wyper's and Aisa's Eyes widen, finally settling into the fact that the fight which lasted for 400 years is finally over. I am happy for them, as well as me finishing the quest. It seems that bringing our 'enemies' into my Dungeon also counts as defeat, since I can let them rot here for as long as needed until I get the win.

Makes sense, since my system seems to agree with this, as it did say that I have completed the quest.

"T-the Bell-" while Wyper is still in shock, his face having a big grin and looking at us in happiness, he still has the ability to question something. Though, Aisa is absolutely Balling her eyes out while Luffy is laughing Happily at the situation.

"Don't worry, I figured out where it is." I look over to the clouds, remembering where exactly the Giant bell is. I can easily give the excuse that chasing Enel high up in the sky allowed me to have a glimpse of the Bell or something.

A plan starts to form in my mind, a way for me to complete the Other quest AS well as escape too. I look over the Giant jack, deciding to implement my idea. I look over to Luffy, who knows I have cooked something, and I smirk.

"Go and tell the others to wait for some time, since Zephyr is coming towards us and I need some time to cook up an escape plan. Until then, I will get the bell and ring it outside." All of them look ready to accept-

"I wanna come with you." I look over to Aisa, annoyed. What is with this girl and jumping into danger? Even in canon she was super reckless, but now, even more so.

I look over to Wyper, who is making no attempts to stop Aisa. Seriously dude? I look over to Luffy, dreading what he is gonna say judging by his expression-

"I wanna-"

"Nope. I already have one headache to deal with. Plus, you need to go to the others and warn them. I will bring the 'other' others with me too. Now go." He looks extremely disappointed, but nods and starts walking sulkily. Wyper nods to me, and from his nod, I can feel that he wants me to take care of Aisa, I sigh, but I nod back, making him leave following Luffy.

"How are we gonna get the Golden Bell?" Her eyes almost have stars in it, she is Luffy V2 it seems, as I can already feel that she is gonna be in a lot of trouble. I scratch my chin, looking above and finally starting to think HOW we are gonna reach the bell.

"Don't know, let me think for a minute." I sit down on the ground and start thinking with my hand on my chin, Aisa sits next to me, staring at me. I ignore her and try to think of a way to reach the bell. I could climb all the way with Aisa to the top, but if I remember correctly, the Giant Jack had to be cut so that it could be used as a springboard for Nami to reach the other side of the cloud.

I could use the waver, as I have it, but it is not usable at this point, and I don't know much about how it works. While I can experiment, it is too time-consuming. I don't even know about the dials-

'the dials from the rewards.' somehow, I got all the dials that the Ordeals use, such as the impact dial, the Elson dial, flame dial, heat dial, Jet dial-

Wait, doesn't Jet Dial shoot literal Air out of it, if I remember, Enel used it for Propulsion for his Ark Maxim and Gedatsu used it to propel his attacks to increase damage-

Propel? I grin, having an awesome idea. If I could propel myself using air, I could be an Iron- man copy. I check the details of the Jet Dial, along with all the other dials I have in my inventory.

Aisa looks at me fiddling something in the air, and thinks I am crazy, but she stays silent. After a minute or two to understand all the dials in my inventory, I realize that I can use the Milky Dial to propel myself in a straight line like Gedatsu does. With my Jet Dial, I can change the trajectory and stabilize myself, similar to How Tony Stark did in his first movie.

I get up and take the necessary dials out of my inventory, shocking Aisa. I tie it below my foot, removing my shoes and storing it in my inventory. After that, I tie each Jet Dial in my palm, holding onto it. Aisa is confused, but tries to climb into me before I stop her and tell her to let me take this to a test-drive, making her more confused.

I stand in the iconic Iron Man flying pose, and with a 'click' of the dials, Clouds start forming from my feet rapidly, shooting me up in the sky.

"Woah!" My body starts to shake a little bit, but my Passive Skill comes in clutch, stabilizing me after a few seconds. I look over below, seeing Aisa looking smaller and smaller until she becomes a dot on the ground. I realize that I am going too farther than I wanted to initially, so i raise my hand above my head and-

'click' on the dial, sending a burst of air so powerful that not only stops my momentum, due to me simultaneously deactivating the Milky Dial, pushing me straight to the ground. While I am able to stabilize myself during the fall, I send a thick Mana rope to wrap around the Giant Jack and summon Mana Shield to soften the impact a little bit.

After a minute, I reach back down where Aisa looks at me with stars on it. Without even asking me, she jumps on me and sits on my shoulder, grabbing my hair for support and pulling on it, like I am a horse or something.

"C'mon, C'mon, LETS GOO!!" She screams in excitement, holding her hands high in the air, thinking of flying in the air. I sigh, bend down to remove the dial in my leg and start collecting Clouds in it.

"Wait, where are you going?" She grabs my hair and tries to 'direct' me back to where I was, but I grab her head and squeeze a little, making her leave my hair and clutch my hand in pain.

"The Milky Dial needs to collect clouds, it doesn't have an infinite supply of it." After collecting Clouds till the dial is full, i 'equip' it back into my leg. I have a much better plan on how to reach the clouds. During flying, I felt the resistance, and I kinda figured out a better way to 'fly'.

Dials are hella useful.

I get ready, with Aisa grabbing my hair and getting comfortable in my shoulder. I use a mana Rope to Tie her to me for safety and then I 'click' the Milky Dial, shooting to the sky, where I raise my hand above my head and summon a Mana Shield above me. I also let the Jet Dial absorb the wind that is hitting me.

"YAHOO!!" Aisa screams in both fear and excitement, and me not paying any mind to her while she tries to rip my hair from the scalps. Right after reaching a particular height I calculated, i 'click' the Milky Dial once again, stopping the releasing of clouds. Me and Aisa stay in the air for a second, where I summon a Mana Shield right in front of our faces and put down my hand-

Right near my thighs, opening my palm showing the Jet dials. I 'click' on it, sending a burst of air from it and pushing my entire body forward. The physical pain is immense, since the entire pressure is put on my arms, but due to both Physical Resistance and My Perk, I am able to grit my teeth while we soar higher into the air.

The air that I gathered during my first 'thrust' ends, so I immediately activate The Milky Dials, Shooting clouds from it and making me fly once more. I put my arms above my head while summoning another Mana Shield while collecting Air into the Jet Dial.

By using 25% of the Stored Clouds in the Milky Dial in one 'thrust', then using the generated Air to shoot ahead by using Jet Dial, and when it ends, switch to Milky Dial and use 25% for the 3rd 'thrust'.By alternating between the Jet Dial and Milky Dial, we pass through the God's Shrine and eventually reach the highest point of the Giant Jack, the giant Ass Leafs at the end of it.

I extend a Mana rope to grab onto the end of the beanstalk, landing on the leaf and stabilizing myself on it. I break a little bit of difficulty, since I am at the highest Altitude that the One piece World has shown.

I look over to Aisa, who is breathing quickly. Her earlier excitement vanished and she tried to get as much air as possible.

"Take deep breaths. The air is thinner here, save the amount of air you get." She looks at me, and after nodding, takes a deep breath, and then releases it. I do the same, but I can literally feel myself adapting to the higher altitudes. I can see my air turning cold, but even then, I can feel the effects getting reduced.

I turn to look back at her, and Aisa is not looking good. The altitude is getting to her, even though she is born in a much higher altitude than any Humans.

I look around, trying to find the cloud where the Bell is supposed to be, but I don't find anything, so I decide to escape the Dungeon for a little bit and look over. I start spamming Observe in anything I can see, and that's when I see it.

The Golden Bell of Shandora. I go back into the I.D, this time having a pretty good idea on where it is. to travel to the clouds it is residing in, I need to fly, but I don't have any clouds left in the Milky Dial, meaning I have to use the Jet dials. I sigh, knowing that it is gonna hurt like a bitch-

But, I am A Gamer, and if I fail a quest without giving it my all, then what is the point of having quests?

"Grab onto me as tightly as possible." I whisper to Aisa, and thankfully she hardens her arms around my head, listening to me even through the air pressure. I grip my Dials, ready to jump and 'fly'. Though, I decided to spend a couple of seconds looking all around me.

I am at the highest point that has been introduced in the series, except Enel, who had traveled to the moon in canon, I am at the highest point that anyone can reach, and I let it sink.

It is beautiful. The clouds around me, the island below me, the Sunlight shining on me, all of it. It is beautiful. This is the world I have been dropped into, one of the most beautiful, but dangerous and twisted worlds there is. I take a deep breath in, and with renewed vigor, I Jump with all of my Strength, reaching the peak of my jump in the air and-


Blasting off towards the clouds that reside the Golden Bell. My arms hurt immensely, but I grit through it, knowing that my quest is almost over, and after recovering the others, we can leave while Zephyr scratches his head in confusion.

We land in the cloud, and we escape the Dungeon, and in front of us, lies the history of Shandora. The golden Bell that used to call upon the spirits of the dead Shandians, to it being changed to Make Noland have a way to come back to meet his friend, to the Song that started a 400 year old war against the Skypians and Shandians.

Aisa slips through me, the shock of seeing the bell in front of us too much for her to hold on. Thankfully, the clouds are hard, so she lands on soft clouds. I walk towards the Bell.

I climb upon the stairs and reach just below the bell, noticing the handle to ring the bell. I grab onto it, breathing heavily, and using my entire might to push the small hammer to the sides, so that it could ring the bell. But unfortunately, my strength is too weak that-

'Put all my Points in STR' with all my levels, I put all of my Stat Points' into STR, reaching 100 in it and getting a skill that I don't look at for the time being.

"Arghhh!" I push the handle with all my might, even using One-Man Army to get 10% boost AND Martial Reinforcement. I grit my teeth, using every inch of my strength in it-


Everything stops, Aisa starts tearing up while looking at me pushing at the Handle. The entire world seems to stop. On the island, everyone looks above, to where the ringing is heard. In the Shandian village, the Chief drops his cane and hears the ringing that he is desperately wanting to listen to his entire life.

Not only him, but every Shandians shed tears for the sacrifices that have been made for this moment, the Golden Bell finally rings. On the other island, All of the Skypians look above, in the sky where they hear a song so powerful that it shakes their very core.

They don't know why, but they know what it is. The "Song of the island" and clasps their hands in a prayer. In a cloud a little further away from Skypiea, an Old man drops his container of water to look ahead, crying his eyes out.

The dream he had, the "Song of the island" finally rang, effectively ending the 400 year war happening between the residents of The Sky island. He cries in happiness.

Inside the dungeon, even though he cannot hear it, Wyper turns to look at the head of Giant jack, Luffy looking over too, having a feeling that something happened. Wyper almost gets emotional, but Luffy's chuckle snaps him out of his emotional state.

I exhale a lot of air, before being tackled by a bawling Aisa, who tries to choke me with the way she is grabbing my neck. She seems energized by the sound, and so am I. While she hugs me, I decide to look over to the small corner of the bell, where lies the Ponyglyph.

'i need to extract it.' i finally remove Aisa from me, and then I walk towards the Ponyglyph, starting to read it. It mentions the location Of Poseidon. And it is on Fishman Island. I also look at The message Put here by the pirate King Himself, Gol D Roger.

I spread out my Observation Haki, interacting with my Map to try and determine where my crew are, since it is time we leave the island-

'...' I start walking to the corner of the clouds, putting the entire Golden Bell along with the Ponyglyph into my inventory. Looking over the cloud, my GAMER'S MIND stops me from going into a full blown panic since the situation went from good to worse in an instant.

On one side of the island, I can sense 50 members rushing towards the Giant Jack. These must be the Divine soldiers, the NPCs who fought against the Shandians. But, the other side is where I have my gamer's mind stop me from another freak out. Since-

The Presence of Usopp, Nami, Bentham, the Saruyama Alliance and some of the Shandians are NOT good. And near them, mostly dragging them, is-

'there you are' I get goosebumps from the 'presence' somehow talking to me using Haki. Zephyr went to the Finding Squad and beat them up.

'you wanna come or what?' The tone I feel Zephyr is using makes it clear WHAT happened. Since I was not sensible to him (is that even a word?), he went after my Other crew mates that He CAN sense, using them as bait to lure all of us out.

I send a Mana Rope towards Aisa, grabbing her and appearing in the dungeon. While she looks Confused, I know we don't have many options. Either abandon them or-

I grab her and then Jump towards the island, ignoring her screaming while I focus on the Jet Dial and using Mana rope to hold onto the Giant Jack and Come down. After coming down in a couple of minutes, I start running at my full speed, Aisa trying to properly hold onto me but can only hold onto the Rope tied to her.

With Observation Haki still on, I track the others in the dungeon pretty easily, going towards them and reaching them in a couple of minutes. I look over to the dead bodies of Shura, Ohm and Gedatsu, but I ignore them and look towards the Group.

"There you are, did you-" i Interrupt Luffy, knowing that there is a more serious matter at hand, so serious that I didn't even look towards the quest completion window.

"Zephyr is here on this island, and He is holding the others hostage to lure us out." Everything stops, before Sanji Grabs onto my collar in rage and shakes me, asking me questions after questions.


"WHAT HAPPENED?" Luffy jumps on the anger train too, Robin and Zoro have their Eyes widened, one in fear, and other genuinely concerned on what is going to happen. Chopper tears up, imagining the worst.

I decided to tell them everything, from the first time we interacted with Haki, till the latest one. I explain my assumptions, assuring Sanji and Luffy that no one is dead.

"WE NEED TO SAVE NAMI-" I slap him in the head, making him look at me in shock. I never used my hand against anyone in the crew, so me hitting someone is surprising.

"Stop thinking with your Dick and wait a second." Thankfully, this atleast holds Sanji in place, Luffy though, he runs straight into a tree and breaks it.

"What's the plan?" Robin asks, understanding that I might have some kind of plan. Even Luffy stops his little rampage and looks back at me.

"As I said, this is a timeless dungeon, where Time DOESN'T go. We have Infinite time to create a proper plan to figure out our next course of action. Zephyr gave us two options:- One is to Abandon our crewmates and-"




"I KNOW, FOR ONCE STOP SHOUTING!" I raise my voice, shutting them up. I already have to think of a plan to 'Fight' Zephyr, Sanji, Chopper and Luffy screaming is not helping.

"I know it is not an option we are gonna take, so the next option is to reveal ourselves and-" Zoro interrupts me before I could continue.

"We fight him-" me and Robin look at him like he is crazy, but Luffy and Sanji second this option.

"Fight him? Do you know who he is?" Robin asks Zoro, who shrugs. He doesn't care much-

THAT guy is at least strong enough to Make Mihawk sweat, do you think that You can achieve THAT level of Feat Zoro?"- I look straight into Zoro's eyes, and he twitches, knowing what I am implying.

'shut the fuck up or else you will be embarassed like that again'

"Luffy, do you think you can BEAT Zephyr-"

"Hell yeah, I will kick his ass-"

"-who is as strong as your Grandpa?" I raise my eyebrow at him, literally daring him to argue that. Luffy strutters, and Sanji looks Shocked with the reaction these two are giving.

"Don't worry, he has a plan. Don't you?" Robin consoles them, before turning to me, causing everyone to look at me. I look at Robin, confused by her confidence in me. Due to me knowing everything about her past, she doesn't have to live in fear and constant vigilance, allowing her to be part of the crew more.

Similarly to how Robin becomes after Ennis Lobby. Somehow, somehow, Robin has full trust in me that I would be able to salvage this situation, and honestly.

I can- mostly.

"Well duh, what do you think of me?" I look at her with a smirk and raised eyebrows, causing everyone to sigh in relief and smile.

"Before that-" I turn around to look at the two Shandians who are awkwardly standing there, listening to our conversation.

"I will take you guys back to the village-"

"No!" Aisa denies, making me look at her surprised.

"What No? You are-"

"NO! WE ARE NOT GOING!" Aisa screams, getting up and putting her hands on her hips. I look at her, annoyed. This girl is seriously annoying sometimes.

"This is not Your fight-"

"Just like how The Gods Army was not your fight, but you still got involved right?" Wyper raises his eyebrows, making me, for the first time in this life, not be able to say anything back.

While I could say that I got involved due to Luffy and the quests, I keep silent.

"Sure then." Luffy speaks up, making us look at him. Aisa cheers, while Wyper puts his Bazooka on his shoulder, ready to fight.

I sigh, knowing there is no point in arguing back. Plus, we have Wyper, who is strong in his own right, the strongest other than Luffy and Zoro, a little superior to Sanji.

"Well, if you guys wanna join, then you have to Listen and FOLLOW my Plan." This is especially to Luffy, Zoro and Aisa, who turn around, not trying to look at me. I sigh again, but have a smile.


hours of Brainstorming lead to many plans, and for that many plans, came many contingencies.

All we have to do is follow the plan, and we will be safe. All of us come outside the dungeon, Aisa getting away from us, but keeping an 'eye' on us using Observation Haki.

"You guys understood the plan?" I ask once for confirmation, and all of them nod. So we decide to wait, and wait we do. For 2 minutes before we hear footsteps.

From the trees, we see a giant dude, 11.5 in height. With a homogenous mechanical right arm which seems to be connected to something. These are wires connected from his Mechanical Arm to various figures that are hanging on his huge frame-




"REMEMBER THE PLAN!" I scream up, making them Stop. Luffy looks back and stares at me, while I unflinchingly stare back at him. His hand starts bleeding with the amount of anger he is in right now.

" A plan huh?" Zephyr slowly drops all of his 'passengers' to the ground softly. He then looks at Us, most particularly me.

"You know, I didn't expect you having Observation Haki-"

I 'teleport', Speed-blitz him by showing a Fully charged Spirit Energy Bolt-






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