As A GAMER In One Piece

Chapter 18: CH-18 - SKY ISLAND

Chapter 18: CH-18 - SKY ISLAND

Chapter WORDS -5434

"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POV

'____' are used for thoughts




something falls on the sea, and more things start falling into the sea.

"Huh? it's raining?" Nami looks confused, while I look surprised. all of us look upwards-

'Finally. here we go-'



the Going Merry shakes, and all of us try to hold on while the waters calm down. the members themselves try to calm their hearts after seeing a FUCKING Ship drop down on them.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Nami holds her chest while huffing, trying to relax and hold onto the Ship's railings. (AN:- someone in the comments told me to lessen the cursings, so i will try to do that.)

"IT IS GOD'S JUDGMENT! WE HAVE SINNED IN FRONT OF GOD!" Usopp raises his hand to the sky and clasps them, bowing down and starts praying, a prayer that I do not know, at all.

"GOD IS REAL?" Chopper screams in fear, getting swept by Usopp's energy and believing him. I Sigh, looking at the sinking wreck of the ship that fell on us.

"HOW THE HELL DID A SHIP FALL ON US?" Sanji screams, but then turns to look at me as if i have the answer, similarly all of the crew (except Robin) look at me for answer, and i act like i am thinking for a few seconds to properly formulate an answer.

"it might have fallen from the sky." Robin has a skull in her hand, looking at it curiously, and both Chopper and Usopp get creeped out by this. I give her a weird look, even though she is holding it like it is her coffee or something.

"how the hell can a ship fall from the sky- WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LOG POSE?" Nami points to her long pose, which is pointing upwards, and Robin opens her mouth to answer, but I beat her to it, a small revenge since she interrupted me before.

"It is pointing at the highest magnetic field, which is the island up above us." All of us look above, with Luffy, Usopp, Chopper and Bentham excited at the prospect of an island, but Nami and Sanji are doubtful about this 'sky' island.

"that cannot be possible, the log pose must be-"

"and why can't it be possible?" I raise my eyebrow at her, and she responds in a little bit of anger at being treated like an idiot.

"The clouds cannot sustain any weight of an island, plus all clouds eventually turn into rain-" Nami looks victorious, like she slammed my argument with cold hard facts. but, One piece is a world where facts are shit on.

"Well, tell that to Gol D Roger's who visited Sky island years ago before his death." Everyone looks at me in shock, even Robin has her eyes widened. Luffy jumps at me, his face full of excitement and wonder.

"ROGER WENT TO SKY ISLAND? WHERE? HOW-" Luffy shakes me over and over, trying to get answers from me, but I can't talk since I am currently dizzy from the force he is using on me.

"isn't it Gold Roger?" Robin asks me, and thankfully, Sanji yanks Luffy from me, but Luffy is like a wild pet, growling and trying to free himself and jump at me again, with Chopper also coming to hold him.

"The World Government didn't want the 'D' to be known by all, so they tweaked the name a little." I shrug, but while Robin understands it, Nami doesn't.

"Why? What is with this 'D'? Luffy also has it, so is he Roger's relative or something?" Sanji, Usopp, Bentham, And even Zoro look at Luffy in surprise. First, Luffy has a brother that is part of the Whitebeard Pirates, Portgas 'D' Ace. He is the son of Monkey 'D' Dragon, The Grandson of Monkey 'D' Garp, and now, he has some kind of relation with Roger himself?

"Well, No. While they bear the same initials, they are not 'family'. I mean, kinda. since Ace is Roger's son and he is Luffy's broth-"

"ACE IS ROGER'S BIOLOGICAL SON?" All of the crew (except Luffy and Me) scream in shock, while Luffy turns his head in confusion on why they are reacting like this. since even he took it better than these people.

"Yeah, he got the Portgaz name from his mother's side, since her name was Portgaz 'D' Rogue. but coming to the matter at hand, Roger went to the Sky Island during his adventures and if i am correct, we are nearing Jaya, the supposed place where Roger used to go to The Sky Island." I look at Nami, who has a gobsmacked expression, which makes me chuckle. Luffy chuckles with me too since he is finding this funny.

He turns around to look at the sinking ship that fell from the sky, and having an idea, jumps out of Going Merry to the sinking ship to salvage it.

"wh-what kind of family does Luffy have? He is the son of the world's worst criminal, the grandson of the heroes of the marines, the brother of the 2nd in command of the revolutionary, the brother of the 2nd division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, who happens to be Roger's son. Does this Make Luffy Roger's 'Son' too? oh man, what the hell!" Usopp holds his head in pain, trying to think too much into the situation. Thankfully, others have composed themselves to continue the main topic we were discussing.

"we-well, if you say Sky Island is real, then how WOULD we reach it?" She is hoping that she won't travel to the Sky ISland, but I just stare at her blankly for a few seconds before Looking at Luffy, while she turns to look at Luffy as well, before Sighing desperately.


"either you are too delusional or afraid to accept reality. you know as well as i do, the moment the ship fell on us, Luffy wants to find what it is. Sky island or not, he will go on what he sees as an adventure, and we will go there too." Nami sighs again, but this time in acceptance. Robin chuckles, but she starts to study the skull while putting the broken pieces in place while Usopp and Bentham go and help Luffy salvage the ship.

After piercing the skull, she realizes that it is over 200 years old, due to wounds from a medical procedure called catheterization. This just confirms all of my explanations, and Nami has no other option other than Sky Island being real.

Luffy returns back with a map, and this makes Nami sigh even more, making me realize that she is tired of it all, and if given the chance, she might run away, before returning back to us. The Map is a Skypia map, and when they inquire about it, I just shrug, since I can not Possibly give a reasonable explanation of me knowing an island's name. While I can tell them that Roger went to Sky island and make it seem that we are also going to the same island, I cannot reveal the name.

"how do we even get to the Sky island?" Zoro asks a sensible question, and as always, everyone turns to me for answers. and from what i remember, we need to ride through the knock up stream, which is not the only method to arrive in Skypiea, but the only method revealed in the series except Kaido, who can fly.

"Well, the only way I know is based on a theory. i ain't sure, but IF we successfully ride the Knock Up stream, then we could POSSIBLY reach the clouds which are hardened." Nami stares at me in anger.

"possibly? are you serious right now? and how the hell are clouds hardened? and what in the absolute fuck is an knockup stream." her anger is understandable, but i ain't a person to just stay silent when someone is angry. I have no filter in what I speak, except when I properly think and reply.

"Well, Knock up stream is a phenomenon where a pressured water stream shoots from the sea to the sky. and the clouds which are heardened are also a phenomenon called imperial cumulus or something like that where a mass of clouds is so dense that it is hardened. This hardening can also stand the weight of islands." Since the Skypiea arc was a canon event and the understanding of how Sky islands are interesting, I remembered those when it was explained in Skypiea.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? YOU WANT THIS SHIP TO WITHSTAND AGAINST A 'PRESSURIZED' WATER STREAM THAT SHOOTS TO THE SKY?" Nami grabs me coller and is able to beat me with the way she is looking at me, a look full of pure rage.

"hey, Don't talk bad about Mer-"



" Because you can't?" my voice comes from behind, and she turns when she realizes that i have escaped from her grasp when she hit Usopp. Thanks buddy.


"Catch me if you can, Witch!" I grin at her, disappearing from her sight and landing on the railings, grinning at her. due to the time stopping ability that my dungeon has, even if i spend a day inside my dungeon, it would appear that i had gone instantly and come out instantly. It looks like teleportation if I move inside my dungeon when disappearing and appearing.

"ARGHHHH!" She LITERALLY has flames erupting from her body and she teleports, her first right in front of my face, but my 'Danger Sense' already warned me of it, so i 'teleport' again, this time landing on Merry's head, before 'teleporting' again and again, much to Nami's anger and our crew's laughter (except Sanji, who tries to come in between us and gets punched to the face and knocked out.)

After some time, with Nami Calmed down, we decide to salvage the ship which is sunk in the sea, and after Usopp's suggestion to use the armors that I stole from the Kulukia Island, we decide on the members to go. It is finalized for me and Sanji. Luffy wants to go but is banned due to being a devil fruit user, and Zoro doesn't really care much.

Me and Usopp removed some parts of the suit earlier to use for our personal development, but the remaining parts are used to create a suit which is connected to the Merry allowing us to breathe. Me and Sanji jump into the water, and after swimming down for a few seconds-


SWIMMING - ACTIVE - (Lv1) (EXP - 0%)


swimming is the propulsion of the body through water by combined arm and leg motions and the natural flotation of the body. The higher the level, the easier it is to swim.

With this skill in the bag, it is easier to swim in the pressure of this water. Even though I have become stronger than anyone in my previous world, the pressure on the water is so high compared to my world. so, having this skill benefits me a lot.

'There.' I point towards Saanji, Who nods and swims ahead of me, with me catching up to him, and in turn gaining a level. we enter the sunken ship and-

it disappears.

Sanji looks at me, and I nod, pointing at my open palm, indicating that I have stored the Ship in my inventory. Why the hell would I go on an exploration journey when I could just explore it later in my dungeon. He nods back, and both of us swim back to the ship.

after reaching above the waters, we start pulling ourselves up the ladder, where i put both of our suits in the inventory when-

"Oh, who are you guys?" a human with ape-like features, who wears an orange-yellow jumpsuit, and also has headphones and goggles asks us from another ship, and after a few seconds of me not knowing who this monkey is, I remember. This dude is friends with MontBlanc Cricket and he has a brother who is also a monkey.

"They are the people who we sent to salvage the ship." Luffy speaks proudly, like he is the one who did all the work. seriously, Usopp's influence is getting to our captain, taking credit for things he didn't do personally-

"How Could You? I trusted you, and you betrayed me like this?" The monkey, Masira, his name it seems, shouts in anger, like he has been betrayed. all of us, even Luffy looks at him in confusion, before he speaks again.

" you even called me a monkey, you tricked me Monkey-"

"Wait, what is going on?" I speak up, before things get even more confusing. I remember that this dude met Luffy while Luffy, Sanji and Zoro were Salvaging the ship, but what has happened differently here?

"Oh right, Sorry. My Name is Masira and I am a salvager. This area is mine, so any ships that sink here are mine to salvage. you guys salvaged MY Shi-"

"There is no ship in the water." Masira, and all the other members look at me, but Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, Nami, Robin understand what I am trying to do, so they just stay silent.

"what?" he looks at me confused, and I point towards the sea where the ship "supposedly" fell from the sky. I shrug at him.

"yeah, if you wanna check, you can do it yourselves." HE looks at me for a few seconds, and I stare at him unblinkingly, knowing that this idiot monkey will fall for the trap. And just as I expected, he jumps into the water after issuing commands to his crew.

"What do you mean there is no ship?" I look over to Nami, who understands my intention and walks towards the Lounge to start up the Merry, while the other members get ready to leave the area. (except Chopper, Luffy and Bentham)

"I put it in the inventory, so we can check it later on when we reach Jaya." He looks at me in surprise, but then nods. He stretches his hand towards Merry's head and sits on the head, pointing towards the ocean with a grin.

"To the Sky Island." With that Command, the SHip starts moving, and we ignore the complaints of the Masira Pirates, passing by them and moving forward with the Eternal Pose that Robin had stolen and given to Nami.


the ship shakes, and as we turn to see what the hell happened-

A Giant Turtle appears from the water, looking Straight at us, ready to eat us-

"AGHHHH!!" Chopper, Usopp and Nami scream in fright, thinking they are about to die, while Luffy, Zoro and Sani get ready to beat up the giant sea turtle. Luffy stretches his hands behind , Zoro clutches his sword and Sanji reading his kick-

The entire sky is dark, making the scared trio panic even more. even Robin looks around in confusion, While the one to recognise something is Bentham-

"U-Up." He Whispers quietly, and all of us, me included look up to the sky, and see-

Gigantic creatures holding something which looks like a sphere, with Wings on their back. Everybody is terrified, but me? i am actually marveling the sight, since this is kinda awesome to look at-

"M-Move-" Luffy gives a command, leading everyone to snap out of it and grab the oars to move the GOing Merry as far as possible. but i speak up.

"It is just a shadow of a person which is covering the sunlight. it's not a 'Monster'. so calm down." Everybody snaps their heads towards me, and I look at Nami, Grinning while pointing at the Sky.

"You wanted Proof Nami? well, there is your proof, the people of Sky Island themselves gracing us with their presence." Nami turns her head to look back at the gigantic figures to see them raise their weapon and-

nothing happens. The sky remains dark, but as everyone understands what has transpired, their expression changes from terrified to excited, even Zoro and Robin are a little bit excited.

"Those are the People Of Skypia?" I nod, while Luffy is close, the weapons that the shadows are carrying means that the Shadows are of the Shandorian people, which would make sense since they live the nearest to the ground, which is still 10,000 Meters from the Sky.

"SUGEI!!!!" Chopper, Luffy, Usopp and Bentham all look star-stuck while the darkness goes away, with light falling back on us, the crew is motivated to reach Skypiea, and so, we resume a journey, completely forgetting a Monkey left in the water.

"we are going to Jaya right?" Robin asks for confirmation,and while Nami nods, I go into thinking. In Jaya, Luffy and Zoro get 'Embarrassed' by A Pirate Named Bellamy, and that's where Luffy meets his future Enemy-


Even the name sounds wicked, and if Possible, I DO NOT, under any circumstances, DO NOT want Luffy to meet blackbeard. especially since i am here in this universe, and the domino effect might shit on us. just to be safe, we should not Land on Mock Town, the place where the Pirates are.

"By the way, we might be better off landing on the other side of Jaya, no need to go to Mock Town." Nami and Luffy look at me.

"What is Mock town?" i explain to Nami about it being a Pirate hub, where pirates relax and do pirate ship, and Luffy is excited and Wants to go, but i stop him with a single question-

"you don't wanna go to Skypia then?" This shuts Luffy up, since he would rather have an awesome adventure rather than prove himself to some nobodies that are in Mock Town.

"Why the other side of Jaya?" Robin looks at me, confused at my choice of landing, and in just a second, an answer comes to me that is not the truth (which is that, there is no need to meet Blackbeard).

"Well, from what I know, on the other side of Jaya, there lives a person named MontBlanc Cricket, the Descendant of MontBlanc Noland. That Person is somewhat Hospitable for us to stay and Upgrade Going Merry for our journey to the Sky." Sanji looks surprised since he knows the name very well.

"MontBlanc Noland, as in the Noland The liar?" Sanji asks and I nod.

"the very same. his descendant might be able to give us some peace to work on upgrading the Merry for our trip." Sanji is still surprised, and when Usopp asks who this liar is, Sanji explains the Story of Noland The Liar.

After an hour of searching Jaya, Chopper looks above, noticing the Seagulls flying around. but that's when the Group Of Seagulls falls to the deck, with Chopper inspecting them and determining that they have been shot.

"There is no way that is possible from this much distance. Even if there is a town nearby, the shots are just impossible. it must have been some random shots without any intent-"

"Usopp, it was a shot with Intent. the person who shot it had the intent to shoot the Seagulls." I look over to the sea, trying to look cool, while my mind races knowing that Van Augur, the one who shot the seagulls could be looking at us. But, I don't sense any danger, but that doesnt mean I have my guard-down.

"That's impossible-" There he goes again with his denial. Sometimes, I wonder why Usopp is always in delusion whenever something happens that he cannot understand properly?

"it is. your father can supposedly shoot off an antenna of an ant over 100s of feets away without harming it. Similarly, there are people out there that can Snipe from Miles on end without any issue." Usopp looks shocked, and scared. mostly he must be thinking about him fighting against them, which scares him. thankfully, Luffy drags Usopp away to tell him some stories about his father (He listened to our conversation).

This might break Usopp from his Delusion a lot earlier than in Canon, as he had his delusions broken when he was utterly useless against Kuzan.

After another hour passed, we finally arrived at Mock Town, Jaya. With my reasoning to them, they start going to the other side of Jaya, but Sanji wants to Stop so he could re-stock. I give him a bombastic side eye and ask him on whom he is willing to bet that the food isn't poisoned or in bad condition. Thankfully Sanji decides to re-supply later on, and we finally come upon the place I was talking about.

on the east side of Jaya, we come across a Carnival Place type home, but upon closer inspection, it is a fake. Zoro notices two people near the Carnival house looking at them. and i recognise one of them immediately from his head, which looks like a chestnut. The other person is similar to a monkey, but by reading both of their names on the top of their heads, it is easy to identify who they are.

MontBlanc Cricket is a muscular, middle aged man with blond hair and He has a large chestnut on his head. He wears dark-purple tracksuit-pants with a white stripe running along each leg, and a rope around his waist. He is seen smoking with a cigarette in his mouth. On his left arm, Cricket has a tattoo of a chestnut with the word "Maroon" written across it.

The Monkey, Shoujou, is a large man who looks like an orangutan with long green hair. He wears a black button up shirt that is too small for his body showing off his hairy torso, his hair is so long that its entire length is almost as long as Shoujou's entire body height.

"What do you Pirates want?" Shoujou speaks up, with his Microphone ready in his hand. I also notice that there is another Ship, which includes people most likely Shinjou's crewmates. Luffy speaks up.

"We are here to meet MontBlanc Cricket and upgrade our Ship to reach Sky Island." Luffy being Luffy, tells the truth. The Chestnut Haired Dude finally speaks up, but his expression is one of Surprise and Suspicion.

"What do you need me for?" Luffy looks at the Man in awe, before Jumping to the Island and rushing towards Cricket. Cricket is at first surprised, but Seeing Luffy stare at Him while grinning. this unnerves Cricket which would make sense, as people Not Knowing Luffy would be kinda creeped out.

"If you don't mind, we would like to camp here and ask you some questions. Is that okay?" I speak up, taking the role of speaking for the entire crew. Cricket looks at me for a couple of seconds, before nodding uncertainty. Shoujo is suspicious of us, but Cricket lets us stay here for a while.

Luffy, Usopp, Chopper and Bentham all start talking to Cricket, and Cricket gets swept up by the enthusiasm of the child quads and he talks about his mission to get the gold as a challenge from a man to another man. he explains his difficulties and-

The monkey that we left at the sea comes in the middle of the story, and thankfully, he is cordial enough for him and Luffy to become friends, eventually the third Monkey also becomes friends with them. The story continues on, with Cricket explaining his hardships while I start thinking about something.

Should I tell Cricket the truth? or an abridged version of it? since he deserves to know and see the Golden Bell with his own eyes rather than hearing it. He is not a character, he is a living, breathing, person who has his own thoughts and feelings. while he might be Fiction, that does not mean he doesn't exist.

I get up, making everyone look at me, but I 'ignore' them and walk towards the edge of the island, where the island was divided by the Knock Up Stream centuries ago. I look at the water, acting if I am thinking something important, while formulating my answers. After a few seconds of 'deep thinking', I look up to the sky, then look down to the ocean, and then back at the Sky, and turn around to look at Cricket.

Cricket is confused about what is going on, but my crew members (Sanji, Robin, Nami) recognise the look on my face and understand that I may have figured something out.

"Cricket, WHAT IF, instead of the Part Of Jaya that supposedly 'in' the sea, what if it was sent Upwards to the Sky by the knock up stream?" I point towards the Sky, making everyone look upwards, as if coming to a realization, Cricket gets up and rushes towards the house, coming out with Noland's Log book. He opens the book and starts reading the details in it, especially the Skyfish, which makes everyone realize-

"HOLY SHIT! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?!!" Cricket grabs his...chestnut? and shakes his head repeatedly, like he just found out the answer to the biggest mystery in the world, which in hindsight, is true.

"so, if the part of Jaya that is missing is sent to the Shy then-" Nami's eyes turn into Beri's, her realization being completely different to others. Luffy starts laughing, while Chopper, Usopp, Bentham and Sanji grin in delight. Robin and Zoro Smile at the revelation.

"The Golden Bell that is said in the Log Book is there in the sky." Cricket Looks at the sky for a few seconds before Looking towards Luffy, His eyes in determination which Luffy catches and grins.

"Strawhat, you wanted to go to Sky Island right? I Will help you, in one Condition." All of us know what the condition is, and Luffy's grin widens, but he lets Cricket speak his conviction out loud.

"I want to Come with You To The Sky Island." Cricket says with such determination, something that he has never spoken in life before. Luffy accepts, and starts laughing before looking over to me and giving me a thumbs up, which I respond with a thumbs up of my own.

""BOSS, WE WILL COME WITH YOU TOO!"" both the Monkey and their crew spew out their conviction to stay with Cricket wherever he goes, and after looking at them Proudly, he gives his command as the leader of the Saruyama Alliance.

"People, our goal right now is to Upgrade the StrawHat Pirate's Ship along with Ours to go through the Journey of reaching Sky Island." All of them cheer happily, and immediately begin the work. Cricket then turns to us to tell us something important, which is finding a South Bird to navigate the Knock Up stream.

so, the crew divides into two, where Me and Usopp stay with the Saruyama Alliance and help with the upgrade, while the rest of the crew find some southern birds for the Alliance and them. After the crew left, I opened my inventory and removed many ships that I found and stored inside the Rainbow mist. I initially planned for them to be used as Upgradation Material For Merry, but the fact that I am using this now instead of later is good.

I Loot the Ship we salvaged from the sea earlier today, and inside that is where I find the Waver, that will eventually become Nami's. While I thought about dismantling it, I decided to leave it behind since I will get some better ones in Skypiea later on.

With so much material available to upgrade the Ship, the Saruyama Alliance did a permanent upgrade to Marry with the Help of Usopp and Me. Thankfully, the Alliance has some Shipwrights, who are able to fix some damages done to the Merry in its sailings, like Its mast being Damaged, the part which Fat-ass Wapol ate, etc etc.

Honestly, this is really good timing, since after Skypia, a filler arc happens, and after that, Water 7 (Don't remember Foxy and shit) where we MIGHT have the opportunity to Fix Merry. Make Franky buy some Adam Wood, add that to Merry, and we jolly.

A few hours later, the crew comes with three South Birds, all pointing towards the South Direction while Wailing and crying. the upgrades for the three ships ( Going Merry and the other two ships of the Monkeys) are finished, we all have a homogenous party, where we drink, and tell stories.

Cricket shows us his gold collection, with him then gifting it to me for giving him some kind of hope, while i take it, Nami Jumps at me, trying to snatch it, but i put it in inventory and run for my life, with Nami Chasing me and promising me hell.

The Next day begins, and we decide to leave the island, since according to Cricket, today is the day when the Knock Up stream appears. The Ships of the Alliance are tied with our ship, so that we could sail together on this journey. we reach the sea and wait for an hour, before the sky gets dark and that's when Cricket instructs us to go towards the whirlpool that is forming.

Nami and Usopp try to plead with Luffy to take them back, but I Simply say that IT's easier to give up on life than to convince Luffy to change his mindset. This breaks their hearts, causing them to cry in despair. the wind is dangerous, almost making me lose my balance, and i hold onto the railings while Sanji and Chopper guide us to the center of the whirlpool when-

the Currents vanish and everything becomes peaceful.

"don't let your guard down, the main event is gonna start." Cricket speaks through a microphone so that all of us could hear him properly-


I scratch my neck, feeling weird for some odd reason. but that's when my system prompts a message that sends chills down my spine.


I turn around to the direction where I feel the most danger, and along with me, Sanji, Zoro and Luffy (who dropped his smile) all turn to face the open sea, all of us sensing the same thing.


I open my inventory and get binoculars and check the direction that I am sensing the Danger from. through the zoomed lens, i am able to see-

"The Marines are here." I speak up, seeing Many ships with the flag of the Marines causing the scared trio to become, well, scared, while Me, Luffy, Bentham, Zoro and Sanji get ready for a fight. I continue looking through the Inocolours, not feeling right. if it just was Marines, then it would not be a problem, but why am i-

my breath gets stuck in my throat, and my Gamer's Mind Comes in clutch, making me understand just how fucked up things become. the person who i am looking at right now is-

"Who is it?" Zoro, after realizing that Things have gone bad by my Reaction, asks me the question everybody wants to ask. Before i could reply, the figure jumps in the air-

and comes straight towards us.

i put my binoculars in the air and put up my 'Domain' sign, but Luffy notices and screams at me-

"RAI,NO!" I look at Luffy Conflicted, but deciding to heed the words of my Captain, I speak up, revealing who our enemy is.

"It is "Black Arm" Zephyr!" everybody except Luffy Flinches, knowing who the person coming towards us is. the figure looks visible now, and Luffy, somehow realizing the stakes, Bites his thumb and breathes in-

"Gear-2-" but it is too late as Zephyr is already at attacking Range. my Brain Goes overtime, i hear the sound of expansion, but my eyes focus on Zephyr throwing a punch-





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